Lin Mengjia, Xiaoyatou and Zhou Wan have been learning Taoism these days.

Taoism is the foundation of everything in the world. It can be said that this is a key. As long as you master the Taoism and fully develop your brain, then the memory and the coordination ability of the body controlled by the brain can be used. The extreme state, and then learning anything, the speed is extremely fast.

Ever since Zi Xuan arrived at Tang Feng's villa, she has always tried her best to teach them. The little girl and Zhou Wan are also serious about learning. Lin Mengjia lost some time in the middle, and Tang Feng also helped her make it back.

Not only Zi Xuan taught, Tang Feng also used various methods to cooperate during the period to improve their learning speed, which enabled them to advance by leaps and bounds.

The potential of the human body is extremely powerful. The human brain is the control center of the entire body. Normally, only a small part is used. If it is fully exploited, huge energy will burst out.

Daowen can play the role of such development. Now Lin Mengjia's three people's brain development is more than three times that of ordinary people. Naturally, their comprehension ability is extremely strong, and their physique has already improved and they are learning. Those martial arts are also nothing to say.

Shangguan originally thought that the initial teaching would be boring and long, but unexpectedly, it was just two hours, and the three of them had already mastered all the things that ordinary people could learn in a month.

She was shocked in her heart, and a color like this appeared on her face. Tang Feng and Zi Xuan looked at them with smiles.

When the sky turned white, Chang Sun Ying's door opened.

She went out and saw many people in the rest area. She didn't appear to be surprised. After all, as an acquired five-fold martial artist, she had very strong five senses, and she had heard voices here long ago.

However, Chang Sun Ying did not care. She was not a gossip. She never asked more about what others did. In addition, she came here just for the secrets in Kunlun Mountain, and it was not about Tang Feng's personal affairs. concern.

Sun Ying usually wakes up very early. After freshening up, she went out for a walk. She went out, saw everyone, said hello, and wanted to go out, but inadvertently, she caught a glimpse of Shangguan pointing Lin Mengjia's three martial arts.

Although the martial arts of each sect and family are different, the most elementary forms are the same. When Chang Sun Ying saw this situation, she was naturally a little strange in her heart and walked over.

Several people saw the arrival of the elder Sun Ying, but they did not behave strangely. What they did was not a secret, and they didn't care about being seen.

They greeted Chang Sun Ying, and Chang Sun Ying responded politely.

After these few contacts, Tang Feng's hostility towards Chang Sun Ying was slightly reduced.

Long Sun Ying behaved decently and spoke politely. If it wasn't for the inexplicable connection between herself and her, coupled with the embarrassing first meeting, Tang Feng would not have rejected her like this.

Long Sun Ying watched for a few minutes, but there was no expression on her face.

These elementary skills are extremely simple to her. She is just a little bit strange, why the Shangguan would suddenly teach Lin Mengjia and the two little girls to learn martial arts.

In her opinion, both practice and martial arts have been learned since childhood, and the little girl is nothing more than that. At this time, the time to learn is the best. Zhou Wan is already a little older, and it can only be said to be barely possible. As for Lin Mengjia, she is already an adult, and if she learns these things again, she won't be able to accomplish anything in her lifetime.

"How come it suddenly occurred that Madam, Qianjin, and Miss Zhou should learn martial arts?"

After all, Chang Sun Ying was puzzled and couldn't help but asked softly.

But as soon as the words were spoken, she regretted a little.

Tang Feng was very cold towards her, and agreed to come with her, just because she was a member of the grandson family, it would be helpful for this trip. For the group of people in this caravan, she was just an outsider. , You shouldn't be curious about Tang Feng's personal affairs.

However, Tang Feng was in a good mood at this time. Seeing Lin Mengjia and the others progressing so fast, he was naturally exasperated. Even in the face of Chang Sun Ying, he was not as cold as before. He said: "Let them learn some martial arts, what will happen in the future? Fortunately, there is a means of self-protection."

Long Sun Ying didn't expect Tang Shengeng to answer herself, she was a little surprised, looked at Tang Feng, and saw that he was smiling, looking at Lin Mengjia.

She also put her eyes on Lin Mengjia's body.

She arrived here in just a quarter of an hour, but saw that the Shangguan had taught them a whole set of boxing techniques. Although this boxing technique was a basic boxing technique, it was a slightly difficult one.

Chang Sun Ying couldn't help showing a look of surprise, and said, "Is the speed of Shangguan Jiao too fast? This style of boxing is usually only started after a solid foundation, and the movements must be broken down and practiced. At least half a year, just passing by, can they remember?"

Zi Xuan said with a smile: "Yaoyao, Wan'er, do you remember?"

"Remember." The two little girls replied together.

After half a night of contact, they not only did not feel exhausted, except for a thin layer of sweat on their foreheads, there was no other sign at all, but they seemed more energetic, and both of them were full of vigor.

"Then practice it again." Zi Xuan still smiled.

The two little girls responded again and immediately began to practice together.

The two punches and kicks, and each movement is in place, which is generally the same as the previous Shangguan demonstration. Their movements are neat and uniform, which is pleasing to the eye.

Shangguan stood and watched, nodding unceasingly.

These standard movements are really something that you can only practice for at least half a year.

Chang Sun Ying's eyes widened.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't believe it in any way. Someone would punch it exactly once after seeing it just once, and there were no omissions in it, it was all just right.

However, she still shook her head slowly and said, "After all, they don't have the basis of martial arts. After learning this, it is just a fancy. What is the difference from those martial arts performances?"

Tang Feng smiled without saying a word.

Zi Xuan also smiled in the same way, and did not speak.

Long Sun Ying naturally didn't know. Tang Feng was in a good mood at the moment, so she didn't say a few words to frustrate her. If it were put before, she said Lin Mengjia and the others were just ostentatious, he would have ridiculed him a long time ago.

Looking at the smiles on Tang Feng and Zi Xuan's faces, Chang Sun Ying naturally couldn't figure it out, but she couldn't say more, she just turned and left silently. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 526 Savvy) reading record and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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