Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 569: Dabai's anxiety

Everything was in order, and everyone walked into the passage.

Ji Ning has already followed Tang Feng once, and is obliged to lead the way. In fact, there is no need for people to carry it. This passage goes straight and there is no turning point. Just keep walking forward, and the road is also not. There was no surprise, but the speed of this group of people was naturally not as fast as Tang Feng and Ji Ning before, and it took a full twice as long to reach the break.

At this time, due to the steepness of the passage, Meng Qiongyun and his son had already started to trot out of control. Rong Guocheng and Xiangchuan stopped him before they stopped, and everyone looked down together, tusk. Amazed.

Dabai stood at the fracture, bared his teeth, and screamed "Woo" below. His body was trembling slightly, and the hair on his body was erected, a bit frowning.

Tang Feng came to it, stretched out his hand, and smoothly said, "Don't worry, that thing is not underneath."

Da Bai was still alert, staring down.

Dogs are animals that have a keen sense of smell and are extremely territorial. Even spirit beasts retain this instinct. They can smell the residual flood in the air and feel that the other party is far stronger than it. Naturally, he became a little anxious.

It walked back and forth at the break, with a wrong eye. This anxiety was obviously transmitted to Xiao Hui on the side.

Although Xiao Hui did not react as strongly as Da Bai’s reaction, he still trembled slightly. At the beginning of Ji’s back mountain, it was suppressed by a python for a long time, and its own race would become food for snakes. For these creatures, There was a little fear in his bones.

Everyone cast their gazes below the fracture, but Meng Qiongyun looked at the opposite side nervously. This disconnected place was more than 20 meters in length. What he was worried about was not the danger below, but them. When is how to pass.

Wang Shan saw the anxiety on Meng Qiongyun’s face and said, "Mr. Meng Qiong, don’t worry. You look at the rocky ground below. We can go down from this side, walk from below to the opposite side, and then climb up. Up."

Meng Qiongyun just woke up like a dream, "Ah", and looked down. After seeing the ground, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"The smell of this place is really unpleasant, and it's no wonder Dabai is uncomfortable." The little girl also stroked Dabai's body to help her stabilize her emotions.

Da Bai yelled lowly at her, seeming to agree with her, but this didn't calm it down, it still looked very irritable.

Zhou Wan was slightly nervous, and said to Tang Feng: "Master, do we all go down?"

Tang Feng smiled and said: "No, I can take you directly over. There is nothing good to see below. Children should not go to see. If other people want to see, they can take a look. We are here. That’s where the opposite meets."

Chang Sun Ying nodded and said: "Okay." Then she jumped down first.

Zi Xuan immediately followed.

The other people did not have their skills, so they climbed down the stone wall, and Meng Qiongyun and his son also went down with them.

In a blink of an eye, on this passage, only Tang Feng's family of three were left, plus Zhou Wan, Shangguan, and Ji Ning.

Lin Mengjia looked at her superior and said, "If you want to see it, go down together. There is Tang Feng here, so you don't have to worry about it."

"It's just some dry bones, and there is nothing to look at," Shangguan shook his head, his face was very indifferent, not half curious, "The dragon is not underneath, there must be no clues, so you don't need to look at it."

Tang Feng glanced at her and said with a smile: "A girl at your age who has as little curiosity as you is really rare. Back then, Jia Jia was as old as you, but she was gossiping."

Lin Mengjia was listening to Tang Feng's speech to Shangguan with a smile, but suddenly heard the topic turn to her, her smile was stagnant, and she beat Tang Feng's body for a while, and said strangely: "Nonsense, I When is the gossip!"

Not only did she gossip back then, but now she is also gossiping tightly.

This sentence flashed in Shangguan's mind for a moment, but naturally he would not speak out. He just watched the couple show affection without expression.

The little girl and Zhou Wan both covered their mouths, glanced at each other, and smiled secretly.

Tang Feng grabbed Lin Mengjia's hand and said with a smile: "I will send you there first, and then I will pick up Yaoyao and Wan'er."

"Wait for me to go first." Shangguan preemptively said, and then, already exerting force under his feet, he leaped towards the opposite side and landed firmly on the opposite ground.

Seventh-fold martial arts the day after tomorrow, this short distance is naturally not difficult.

Tang Feng knew the thoughts of Shangguan, if he sent Lin Mengjia over, and then turned back to pick up the little girl and Zhou Wan, she would be the only one left over there. Shangguan was naturally uneasy, so he would go over and stay there.

Tang Feng nodded softly at Shangguan's heart.

Since he saw the Shangguan, he has already noticed that this lonely girl is wholehearted about Lin Mengjia, and can even sacrifice himself to protect Lin Mengjia.

Tang Feng can imagine that in the six years since he left, if there is no Shangguan, I am afraid that Lin Mengjia does not know how many times he has died. It is for this reason that he will give instructions to Shangguan, and it can be regarded as a thanks to her. .

Tang Feng hugged Lin Mengjia sideways. Although the husband and wife were close to each other, they were hugged by the princess in front of the children. Lin Mengjia was still a little embarrassed, but could not push Tang Feng away. She blushed and buried her head. In his arms.

This distance of more than 20 meters is even more trivial to Tang Feng. Even if he is holding Lin Mengjia, he jumped over easily. He put Lin Mengjia on the ground and blocked the two children over there with his body. His eyes lightly kissed her face.

Lin Mengjia's face was even redder, and she didn't dare to make any moves, so she could only whisper: "Hate!"

Seeing these two people, he spread dog food unscrupulously and completely regarded himself as transparent. Shangguan was simply speechless. He could only look at the stone wall and pretend not to see anything.

Tang Feng returned there, holding the little girl in one hand and Zhou Wan in the other, and said to Ji Ning, "Go over."

Ji Ning nodded and jumped over.

Tang Feng looked at Da Bai and Xiao Hui, who were still vigilant, and said, "The dragon is really not there. If you don't believe it, go down and see for yourself. If you don't want to, just go with me."

After all, Tang Feng held the two children, jumped to Lin Mengjia's side, and put them down.

At the same time, Da Bai and Xiao Hui jumped towards the fracture. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Collection\" below to record this (Chapter 569 Dabai's Anxiety) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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