Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 381: The snow melted

Tang Feng took Xiao Hui and walked back along the path.

Watching Tang Feng's figure gradually disappear into the darkness, Lin Mengjia's face showed a faintly worried look.

The little girl was very sensible and took her hand and comforted: "Mom, Dad is so capable, there will be nothing wrong, you can rest assured!"

Lin Mengjia smiled lightly, resting her hand on the little girl's head and stroking it lightly.

Zhou Wan also agreed: "The Jiaolong must not be Master's opponent. He will be back soon, Master, you don't have to worry about it."

Lin Mengjia nodded and smiled. Even if she still had some worries in her heart, under the relief of the two children, they had disappeared without a trace.

Among them, the most nervous one was Meng Qiongyun. He stretched out his hand and took a shovel, wanting to step forward to help.

Rong Guocheng hurriedly stopped him and said, "Mr. Meng, don't bother you to do it here, just rest."

Meng Qiongyun said eagerly: "Although I am not as fast as your movements and not as strong as yours, after Mr. Tang has cured me, my physical strength is better than that when I was young and strong. I can finally help some. busy."

Lin Mengjia heard the conversation between the two and turned around, and she also persuaded Meng Qiongyun: "Professor Meng, among all the people, you are the oldest. How can we young people let you do it? Are you a little tired for the long section of the road? Let’s take a break first."

Rong Guocheng continued: "What the lady said is that we have so many people, can we still let an elderly person like you do physical work?"

Meng Qiongyun waved his hand, still anxiously said: "I was thinking, let's dig up this hole and get out from here."

"Mr. Meng, you are too impatient," Rong Guocheng smiled. "Mr. Tang has not yet returned, and we are not in a hurry. We will definitely be able to dig before he returns."

"It's too late then!" Meng Qiongyun sighed heavily, frowned, and said: "When Mr. Shicai Tang confronted the Jiao, I was not on the spot, and I didn't know what was going on, but the ground moved. I have experienced the feeling of the mountain shaking! Think about it, if Mr. Tang tries to take his life again, will the Jiao fight desperately? At that time, the mountain might be shaking. Look! If it really collapses and Mr. Tang is not around, what should we do?"

Listening to Meng Qiongyun's theory, there is some truth, Rong Guocheng nodded involuntarily.

Meng Zhong's face was even more nervous.

All the people present are all highly skilled. Even Meng Qiongyun has taken medicinal baths and taken pills, but he is an ordinary person. If a collapse does occur, then his risk of death is the greatest.

"Mr. Meng, don't worry, we can dig it quickly!" Xiang Chuanyu said with some comfort.

"It's better for me to come."

Zi Xuan spoke and walked towards the snowdrift.

Xiang Chuan and the others have dug for a while, about one meter deep, behind them, a snowdrift has been piled up, and a layer of broken snow is scattered on the ground.

Zi Xuan stepped on the snow and walked over, and the others quickly gave her a place, and then watched her every move in unison.

Zi Xuan took out the soul orb from her arms and hovered it above her palm. Her lips moved slightly, and after chanting a few spells, the soul orb flew towards the snow wall.

Everyone thought that the soul orb would hit the snow wall, making noises or vibrations, but unexpectedly, the soul orb was silently submerged in the snow wall, like a shadow without a physical body. It was easy to blend into it, leaving no trace.

Although these people had seen the power of this soul orb a long time ago, their eyes widened in surprise at this time.

Xiang Chuan couldn't help even reaching out and touching the surface of the snow wall. The place he touched was cold and uneven. It was the traces left by Shi Cai and the others. The soul beads seemed to disappear completely.

Chang Sun Ying looked at Lin Mengjia with curious eyes, and asked with her eyes what exactly this means.

Lin Mengjia shook her head slightly, with a look of surprise in her eyes, indicating that she was not clear.

Although the little girl and Zhou Wan were surprised, they were also a little bit excited. They looked impatient, wanting to see how Zi Xuan would use to open the sealed hole.

Others even dare not blink their eyes, for fear of missing the wonderful picture.

However, after a full minute, nothing happened.

Meng Zhong couldn't help rubbing his sore eyes, and said with a bewildered look: "Miss Zixuan, what are you doing?"

Zi Xuan did not answer, but smiled.

Rong Guocheng was also curious in his heart, but he didn't dare to ask more. He could only look at Lin Mengjia. Among the many people present, Lin Mengjia and Zi Xuan had always treated her respectfully. If she asked, she would definitely be Answered.

Lin Mengjia was naturally also puzzled. When she was about to ask, the little girl suddenly said "Huh".

"Yaoyao, what's the matter?" Lin Mengjia couldn't care about the doubts in her heart, and quickly asked the little girl first.

The little girl turned her ears to listen for a moment, and Fang said, "I seem to hear the sound of water."

The word "liu" made the body of the people present all stiff, and they all thought of the underground river and the dense bones in that river.

But immediately, they also heard the sound of water, which was completely different from the underground river. It was close at hand, and the sound gradually became clear. It sounded that the amount of flowing water was not too large, but the flow rate was very rapid.

Just as everyone was listening carefully, Dabai, who was standing in front of the snow wall, suddenly jumped up and stepped back a few steps behind him. He couldn't help but make a sound of "Woo" in her mouth.

Its movements naturally attracted the attention of everyone, and when they looked at Da Bai, they were all taken aback.

Right under Da Bai's feet, there was already a lot of water, and it was because Da Bai's claws were soaked in the water that he hurried back.

This accumulation of water is still increasing, and it is obvious that it is flowing from the side of the snow wall.

"The snow melted?" Lin Mengjia couldn't help but blurt out when she saw this.

Everyone understood at this moment.

The sound of running water they heard was the sound of snow turning into water. Only a small part of it flowed into the channel. Most of them flowed toward the outside of the cave before making this sound.

With an incredible expression on his face, Rong Guocheng stammered towards Zi Xuan: "Miss Zi Xuan, you, have you melted all this snow?" The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: return to be a dad full text reading address: of Longevity as a dad txt download address: of Longevity to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 381 The snow melts), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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