Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 661: Mystic Fantasyland

This hand is white and delicate, with red coodan painted on the nails, and emerald green bracelets on the wrists, making the arms slim and white. The hand is gently pressed on the back of Tang Feng's hand, so soft that he can hardly feel it. weight.

Then, he heard a delicate voice, resounding in Tang Feng's ear, angrily, and said, "Don't move."

At the same time, the scene in front of Tang Feng changed instantly.

The bronze cauldron with rust and mottled in front of it was completely renewed. From the mouths of the surrounding furnaces, white smoke emerged from the mouth. The smoke was extremely strong and filled the entire space. But in a flash, it became thin again. The empty space around the peak has become full.

On the stone wall facing Tang Feng, there appeared a cabinet with medicinal materials in a medicine shop. It occupies the entire wall. There are hundreds of drawers on it. The names of medicinal materials are written in Daowen on the other side. , It is a flower stand, the flower pots are neatly arranged, and the plants inside are all elixir.

On the side bookcases, there are many bamboo slips. Some are bundled and placed neatly, some are opened, and they cannot be placed on the bookcases. They are scattered on the ground nearby. On the bamboo slips, there are dense handwritings written on them, and some are still Draw the picture, from a distance, it looks like a herb.

Next to the book case, there is a table case covered with silk cloth, a writing brush, and a small case scale.

Everything here looks like a huge drugstore.

In addition to things, there are many people around.

Some opened the drawers in front of the medicine cabinet to look for medicinal materials, some picked up the bamboo slips on the ground and read them carefully, and some put medicinal materials on the scales and weighed them.

Right in front of Tang Feng, a child who looked more than ten years old was using a fan to fan the fire.

Tang Feng turned sideways slightly and saw the master holding his hand.

It was a woman in a white gown, with high clouds on the temples, with picturesque eyebrows, her long eyebrows flying diagonally into the temples, the autumn water cut her eyes, full and moving, and she looked like she had come out of a painting of beautiful women. , There is no place on the body that is not extremely beautiful, and every expression and movement carries a fascinating beauty.

Even at this moment, she looked at Tang Feng with a look of anger, which seemed a bit moving.

"Where do you come from, stranger, who allows you to move?"

Her voice turned softly, with anger, the gaze looking at Tang Feng was extremely unpleasant, but even so, her expression was still extremely beautiful.

Faced with such a beauty who can almost be said to be astonishing, Tang Feng just looked at her faintly, narrowed his eyes lightly, and said contemptuously: "It turns out that it is such a trick. What kind of fairyland is it? ."

After that, he moved his hand to shake the woman's hand off, and then waved his hand again. The scene in front of him, together with the woman, completely disappeared, and returned to the empty space before.

Da Bai showed some doubts and called to Tang Feng.

Tang Feng smiled indifferently, and said, "Illusion, what the ancestor of the eldest grandson originally saw was the Illusion here. This can explain everything."

Da Bai was still puzzled, his round black eyes stared at Tang Feng.

Tang Feng explained: "This is the place where the Medicine Sect is located, but at least three thousand years, or even more than two thousand years earlier, everyone has already ascended. Together with the three families, they took them away. The only thing left here is the cauldron, and the formation is set up here. If this formation is touched, there will be an illusion, which allows people to experience the situation when the sect was in its heyday. , He entered this illusion, but he was able to endure it, forcibly living in the illusion for hundreds of years."

Da Bai didn't have much interest in this. It was only when Tang Fengshi's expression changed that he showed shock. Seeing that he had nothing to do at this moment, he thought of the pill in the cauldron and immediately faced him. Tang Feng shook his tail with excitement.

Tang Feng smiled and said: "This cauldron is protected by the remaining spiritual energy, making the pill immortal. It is for the pharmacist who came here by chance, not for you."

Dabai yelled twice immediately, showing a look of dissatisfaction.

Tang Feng was still smiling and opened the cauldron. In it, there were three pills of medicine. Although thousands of years had passed, they still smelled like a scent.

He stretched out his hand, took out one, looked at it, and said: "The main effect of this pill is to prolong life. At the time, it was commonly known as the elixir of life. From this point of view, my original thoughts may be somewhat biased. At that time, the rulers of the Huaxia Realm were not deceived by this sect, but for coveting this medicine and allowing their behavior."

While talking, Tang Feng's face showed a slightly mocking sneer.

Dabai swallowed and looked at the pill in his hand eagerly.

It naturally didn't care about the deal between the ruler and this sect at that time, only thinking that it could eat the pill into its stomach.

Tang Feng threw the pill in his hand towards Dabai, it immediately jumped up to catch it, swallowed it in one mouthful, wagging its tail contentedly, and looked towards Tang Feng.

Tang Feng laughed dumbly and said, "Don't be too greedy. After all, it's Chang Sun Ying's credit that we can get in here. I have to keep one for her. You can bring them all in in the past."

Although Da Bai was unwilling to eat, he could eat a pill. Although it was not as effective as Tang Feng's, it was better than nothing, and he was no longer greedy, and ran towards the path.

Tang Feng returned his gaze to the bronze cauldron again.

During this period of time, he was thinking that if he wants to refine a more advanced medicine, he needs to have a good cauldron. Although this is in front of him, although it is unimaginable, the above spirit is still there. Just repair it, and you can use it for yourself. Before there is a better cauldron, this one will be used first.

Mindful of this, Tang Feng did not hesitate to include it in the space of Xumizi.

After that, he looked at the space again.

According to the ancient concept, the sky round place, Tang Feng felt that this space, as well as the prison city, was designed with this, and there were astrological diagrams on the top of the dome, which further proved Tang Feng's ideas.

Thinking of the star map of the prison city, Tang Feng couldn't help but move his lips slightly.

The pictures are all inlaid with gems, and every gem is invaluable, and the combined value of these gems is less than one-tenth of the picture itself.

The vast sea of ​​stars was originally where Tang Feng wanted to return, and this complete star map was even more meaningful to him.

But how can we take away this complete star map? The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"collection\" below to record this (Chapter 661 Mystic Fantasy Land) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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