Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 682: Wait for work

Several people present changed their expressions when they heard Tang Feng's words.

Rong Guocheng couldn't help but blurt out, "Mr. Tang, what do you mean by this? This mage, Sun Dapao had gone to see him at the beginning, and got the rune ghost from him, and rune ghost himself also told him. His name is Ba Song, and he also said where he is. It is all real. How do you say that this mage does not exist?"

Tang Feng poured a cup of new tea and blew it gently. The surface of the water was rippled, and the fragrance of tea lingered beside him with the white water vapor.

After a while, Tang Feng slowly smiled and said, "Do you think you are going to find that mage, and Sun Dapao to find that mage, who is more anxious?"

"This—" Xie Huo was speechless for a while.

Tang Feng still said unwillingly: "You naturally spent a lot of effort and used a lot of contacts, but for Sun Dapao, he was in fear every day, and he was alive anytime, anywhere. Danger, this life-threatening matter, does he want to find that mage's state of mind is thousands of times more urgent than you? He can't find it, how can you find it?"

Xie Huo closed his mouth tightly without answering.

In his heart, he must admit what Tang Feng said. Naturally, Sun Dapao was in that situation and wanted to do his best to find the mage, and he, even though he was instructed by Tang Feng, also tried every means to find it. , But after all, it must be inferior to Sun Dapao's mood.

But if he nodded in front of Tang Feng and acknowledged this, wouldn't it mean that he didn't try his best?

Rong Guocheng pondered and said, "However, Fu Gui has even said his name, so it's not that it is fabricated?"

With a curved corner of Tang Feng's mouth, he said, "The mage Sun Dapao saw is the same as Fu Gui said. Who can prove that they are the same?"

Rong Guocheng raised his eyebrows and understood what Tang Feng meant, and immediately said, "Sir, what Sun Dapao has experienced is a game?"

Tang Feng said indifferently: "Do you remember what Sun Dapao said that day? He heard that a famous mage in Siam is efficacious and can be smooth sailing."

Rong Guocheng patted his hand on the coffee table and said, "Yes! As long as you find the person who sent Sun Dapao to Siam, everything will be solved!"

Xie Huo was not so optimistic. He shook his head and said hesitantly: "But listening to what Sun Dapao said, it has been more than ten years since he went to Siam for the first time. I am afraid it is not easy to check. Arrived."

"It's a pity that Sun Dapao is dead, otherwise, asking him about this matter will make it clear." Zhao Lu shook his head with regret.

As a policeman, what he values ​​more is naturally a confession, but facing the dead, there is no way to make him speak.

Ji Ning looked at Tang Feng and said, "Sir, does he have a clue? What clues did he leave before he died?"

With his realm, even outside the room, he could feel the cold and cold breath left by Sun Dapao before his death, but he couldn't discern the meaning. When Tang Feng came out of the room, the coldness was already No, he naturally took care of it.

"He didn't have too many clues besides horror. He was so scared that he had no chance to think too much."

Tang Feng shook his head gently.

He entered the emotions left by Sun Dapao and felt everything he had experienced before his death, but it was nothing more than these. He saw the power of backlash and the results of backlash, but these only allowed him to prove that he was right. The cause of Sun Dapao's death is correct.

"It's a pity that it was originally the fate of a one-sided overlord, but he was messed up by himself, and eventually died tragically. It really was a good hand and a poor game."

Rong Guocheng shook his head gently, with a little regret in his mouth.

When he heard that Sun Dapao had this kind of fate, he still felt a little envy and jealousy in his heart. Now when he thinks about his body on the scene of the crime, he feels a little embarrassed.

He was also a character like a hero, and this kind of fate is undesirable, but now that he knows the fate of Sun Dapao, he can't help but think about what he should do if he has the name of such an overlord?

"The poor person must have something to hate. When his luck was not there, he wanted to force it. Only if he had greed in his heart, he would be fooled."

Tang Feng didn't feel any pity for Sun Dapao's results.

The overlord of one party is just making troubles in this place, naturally, he will not make the Ziwei Xingjun look in his eyes. In his opinion, Sun Dapao is completely self-conscious, there is no pity at all, and, looking at his usual Acting style, if it truly achieves the fate of the overlord, it will be a disaster.

Now these results are a bit miserable for Sun Dapao himself, but for the people on this side, it is a blessing.

In general, these people who have fallen asleep have never thought that they have been on the verge of a faint catastrophe for more than ten years.

Xie Huo's expression was a bit solemn.

Now he is regarded as one of the top people in Shaanxi Province, and he is also famous in the northwestern region. In front of Sun Da Pao, he is a proper high-ranking person. Normally he would not be considered by him. If Sun Da Pao has not experienced such things , His destiny will help him to rise to the top. At that time, I am afraid that Xie Huo would have to nod and bow towards him.

Thinking that without knowing it, one of his most powerful opponents fell down, not because of who was defeated, but because of his own death, Xie Huo couldn't tell whether he was fortunate or sympathetic in his heart.

Zhao Lu tentatively said: "Why, let me ask Sun Dapao’s social relations over the years to see if there are any clues. After all, going to Siam to ask for magic cards is not something that you can go. He will not just listen to someone say a few words and can travel all the way to Siam. The other party should be someone he can trust."

"I don't think it has to be so troublesome," Ji Ning looked at Tang Feng, "No matter how the mage is now disguised, the one back then won't be fake. When Miss Zi Xuan comes back, I will ask the soul. Know and know."

This method is really good, wait for work with ease.

There is no better way to deal with the soul than Zi Xuan.

Rong Guocheng and Xie Huo also looked at Tang Feng with some inquiries.

Tang Feng drank tea and said: "I don't know when she will come out of Kunlun and get news from you, but we are not in a hurry to go back to Pingyang. When they came last time, Yaoyao and others said that they hadn't had enough. We can take advantage of these few days and move around."

Thanks Tiger immediately said: "Okay, Mr. Tang, let me arrange this matter!" Changsheng The latest chapter address of "Returning to Be a Dad": Return Reading the full text of Dad's address: returns to be a milk Dad txt download address: returns to be a dad Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 682 Waiting for work), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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