Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 687: Sprinkle dog food

Everyone wanted to enter this palace, but they hit a nail.

They got out of the car and went outside the palace gate to enter, but they were told that the palace was temporarily closed because of the crew filming here.

Many tourists who came here all left with a look of regret.

Seeing this, the little girl couldn't help showing a gloomy look, and Zhou Wan immediately became extremely unhappy.

Although they haven't entered yet, when they see the palace walls and the buildings inside, they know that it is what they want to see. Now they can only look outside but cannot enter. Of course they are reluctant.

Upon seeing this, a driver immediately called Xie Huo's men and told them the situation.

Not long after, the side door of the palace opened, and a staff member in uniform walked out from the inside, trot to the front of the crowd, with an apologetic smile on his face, and said, "Excuse me, which one is Mr. Tang?"

Tang Feng said lightly: "I am."

"Mr. Tang, I am the security manager here. I am very sorry that you have been waiting for a long time. Please come with me. We have someone to take care of you here."

With a smile on his face, the manager made a gesture to invite a few people in.

Smiles immediately appeared on the faces of the little girl and Zhou Wan.

Knowing that Xie Huo must have made arrangements, Tang Feng took the little girl's hand and followed the manager into the palace.

The filming location of the film crew today was in the bedroom. Although there was no filming in other places, they had set up the sets. They were afraid of being damaged by tourists, so that everyone was shut out.

In the huge palace, there are only a few people from Tang Feng. Animals are not allowed to enter, but because of their special status, both Da Bai and Xiao Hui can follow in.

The little girl and Zhou Wan's interest in this palace really surpassed the previous ruins.

The two of them ran around here very happily, taking photos in front of their favorite scenery, taking photos with the service staff in gorgeous palace costumes, watching them dance, and also under the stage, learning to jump, with their faces Happy smile.

Da Bai and Xiao Hui also followed them, running very excitedly. When they were dancing, Da Bai shook his head and Xiao Hui danced with his hands and swayed to the rhythm.

Seeing them like this, even the girls dancing on the stage couldn't help laughing.

Lin Mengjia looked at the little girl and Zhou Wan with a smile, and couldn't help but whispered: "No matter how much they have learned, no matter how clever their minds are, they are still children after all. They still like such a fun place in their hearts, and they also have the mind to play. "

Tang Feng looked at her with a smile and said, "So, what they want is to do. I will never interfere, nor will I force them to do what I want them to do."

Lin Mengjia stretched out her hand, took Tang Feng's arm, and leaned her head on his shoulder, with a happy smile on the corners of her lips, and whispered, "I know, I always know."

Shangguan stood about ten meters behind the two of them, watching them unscrupulously spreading dog food in the street with the most speechless.

The two tour guides had very admirable expressions in their eyes. One of them said: "Mr. Tang and Mrs. Tang have a very good relationship. They have been married for many years? We have received many couples who travel here, and they are the most loving one. Even the newlyweds on their honeymoon can't match them."

Another said: "Looking at their children are so old, but the two of them still look like students, it is really enviable, and I don't know how to maintain them on weekdays."

"When I saw that Miss Zhou, she kept calling Mr. Tang'Master'. Now she is called like that, but it is very rare. I don't know what Mr. Tang does."

"In Xijing, there are many traditional craftsmen, those who are inheritors of cultural heritage. They are all inherited from apprentices. However, they are all elderly people who are in their twenties. It is really rare to see Mr. Tang in his twenties. It's."

They are standing next to Shangguan, you and I are chatting non-stop, naturally you want to chat with her.

But Shangguan just shut his mouth and didn't seem to hear it.

Relying on her character that she can talk to the heavens when she chats with people she knows well, how can she talk to such strangers?

So, it was the two tour guides who kept talking awkwardly, and Shangguan stood by with a cold expression on his side.

When Ji Ning sent Black Peony away, he also came in to find a few people. He happened to see this situation and walked over.

In the past two days, he rarely spent time alone with Shangguan. In order to avoid embarrassment, he always pulled Xiaoyatou and Zhou Wan.

When the tour guide saw Ji Ning coming over, he immediately looked at him, with an unconcealable smile on the corners of his eyes and eyebrows, which was different from the slightly flattering smile before. At this time, their smile came from the heart.

After all, Ji Ning looks handsome and cold, and is most attractive to a girl of this age. When the two of them saw Ji Ning in the morning, they were attracted to him. Seeing him coming by at this moment, naturally they were happy in their hearts.

Ji Ning didn’t care that the two tour guides had warm eyes, but walked straight to Shangguan’s side and stood beside her. He wanted to say a few words to her, but he opened his mouth and felt that no matter what. What he said seemed to be a little inappropriate. After all, the atmosphere between the two at the moment was a bit subtle, and he couldn't think of any topic for a while.

When the Shangguan saw Ji Ning coming over, he ignored him. Although he didn't respond much, he was waiting for him to speak first, but for a long while, there was still no sound around him.

However, the two of them seemed to be accustomed to this way of getting along, and they both stood quietly like two statues.

One of the tour guides finally couldn't bear this kind of atmosphere, and said to Ji Ning: "Mr. Ji, the beauty that I saw at the palace ruins just now looks really beautiful."

Ji Ning let out an "um".

He always didn't care about women's looks, and he didn't bother to talk too much with others, so he just responded casually.

Upon hearing this, Shangguan glanced at him, expressionless.

The tour guide mentioned Black Peony, but found a topic for Ji Ning. When he saw Shangguan looking at himself, he immediately said to her: "She is the wife of the friend I mentioned."

With outsiders present, Ji Ning was inconvenient to say too much. It was just vague. Shangguan understood him. He had known Ji Ning for such a long time. He talked about friends only once in Kunlun.

"Is he sick?" Shangguan asked lightly.

Ji Ning had never expected that Shangguan would be interested in this topic. Seeing her answer, he nodded immediately and said: "I have a strange disease. I haven't found the cause for more than two years. I guess that only Mr. Tang can cure it. "

The corner of Shangguan's mouth moved slightly, and he said faintly: "It's not necessarily, maybe the Changsun's family can cure it." Changsheng The latest chapter address of Returning to Be a Dad: Return Reading the full text of Dad's address: returns to be a milk Dad txt download address: returns to be a dad Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 687 Sprinkling Dog Food), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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