"There is no requirement, just a little more spacious."

Xie Hu immediately ordered his staff to ask the person in charge of the hotel to check the room's occupancy records and choose the largest one among the remaining vacant rooms.

Shangguan had already eaten well, and when Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia were about to leave, he also stood up silently and followed Lin Mengjia.

In normal times, she has always been responsible for protecting Lin Mengjia and the little girl, but now the little girl is surrounded by Da Bai and Xiao Hui, and Lin Mengjia has Tang Feng next to him. In fact, they don’t need her to follow. However, what she has in mind about Li Jia , I also had a little curiosity, and wanted to see what was going on.

Not long after, the hotel had already reported the room number to Xie Laohu, which happened to be on the same floor as the room where Ji Ning lived.

Xie Huo asked the waiter to invite Ji Ning, and the group of them also took the elevator downstairs.

When Tang Feng arrived, Ji Ning had already arrived.

Seeing Tang Feng entering the door, Ji Ning hurriedly stepped forward, pointed at the man sitting on a wheelchair in the room, and said to Tang Feng, "Mr. Tang, this is Li Jia."

Tang Feng looked at the man and couldn't help but frowned slightly.

The man's age should be the same as Ji Ning's age, but at this time, he was extremely haggard. His pale face was bloodless, except for the bluish-black eye circles, thin skin and bones, and protruding cheekbones. The eyes are huge, but they don't have the slightest expression.

Seeing Tang Feng entering the door, he immediately wanted to stand up. He wanted to see Tang Feng before, but he didn't have any strength. The Black Peony next to him quickly helped him up.

Upon seeing this, Ji Ning also stepped forward and held his arm.

Actually, I didn’t use Ji Ning to help. Although Li Jia stood up and looked at the height of about 1.75 meters, he was so thin that only a handful of bones remained, as if the wind would fall down. Peony can hold him very easily with one hand.

Li Jia looked at Tang Feng and seemed to want to talk to him, but before he could speak, there was a "hissing" noise in his throat, as if the vocal cords had been cut. He could not speak except for a big gasp. Come.

The more so, the more anxious he became, with extreme desire in his eyes, but the more anxious, the more speechless he was, but the more obvious his panting.

Seeing this, Tang Feng waved his hand and said, "Help him to the bed and let him lie down."

This room is a suite. The outside is the living room, and the inside is the bedroom. Black Peony and Ji Ning quickly followed Tang Feng's words and helped Li Jia onto the inner bed and let him lie flat on it.

Tang Feng followed them, standing at the inner door, looking inside.

Although Li Jia was lying flat, his eyes were still staring at Tang Feng. When he saw him standing at the door, he still wanted to speak to him, but his body was really too weak, just small. His movement made him breathless, and this time he was panting heavily, still speechless.

Lin Mengjia followed Tang Feng and saw Li Jia's appearance. She couldn't help taking a breath of air, and whispered behind him: "What's the matter with him?"

It's not that she has never seen the patient.

Sun Qing was also very ill at the beginning, almost dead, but it seems that it is not as scary as Li Jia feels.

He is almost a walking skeleton. If he were not still gasping violently, saying that he was a dead person, Lin Mengjia would probably believe it.

Tang Feng said faintly: "I have been cursed."

"Curse?" Lin Mengjia looked surprised.

Not long ago, I had just experienced the eldest grandson's family. Lin Mengjia's curse on their family is still vivid. Hearing Tang Feng talk about the middle curse, he immediately thought of the curse.

Ji Ning's face also had a look of uncertainty, and he couldn't help but said to Tang Feng: "Mr. Tang, is there a way to heal?"

Hei Mudan stood beside Li Jia with concern, helping him caress his chest smoothly. Hearing what Ji Ning said, he immediately looked at Tang Feng with a look of expectation in his eyes.

Tang Feng still frowned slightly, and said, "There are ways, but I need to know the cause and effect of this matter."

Hearing Tang Feng said this, Black Peony was obviously relieved.

He hurriedly said to Tang Feng: "Mr. Tang, he will have shortness of breath and even suffocation as soon as he speaks. I also know this. Let me listen to you. If you have anything you want to ask, just come and ask me. ."

Tang Feng nodded slightly, but still looked at Li Jia.

Hearing the conversation between the two of them, Li Jia’s white scary face showed a look of horror, his eyes widened and even more abrupt, and there was also fear in his eyes, and his mouth opened wide, no He stopped panting, the intensity was worse than before, as if he wanted to struggle to sit up, but he couldn't move at all.

Hei Mudan glanced at him, and her bright and moving face added a bit of sorrow. Those slightly sharp eyes were also covered with a faint mist. She sighed softly and said to Li Jia: "Mr. Tang If we say that we can save you, we should listen to him and tell him everything."

Then, Hei Mudan looked at Tang Feng again, and said sadly: "As long as you mention those things, he will be frightened like this. I really can't think of what he encountered in that unknown tomb. "

As he spoke, Black Peony looked sad again, and took a deep look at Li Jia.

"However, you knew that there was a problem before he left?" Tang Feng suddenly turned his gaze to Black Peony.

Hei Peony squeezed his hands together, his fingers were a little white, and said: "This is a long story, Mr. Tang, let's go outside and talk about it."

As Hei Mudan said, as long as this incident was mentioned, Li Jia's reaction was somewhat strong. If he told it in front of him, he would be scared to death without waiting for Tang Feng to cure his illness.

Tang Feng threw a pill to Ji Ning, and said, "Give him it first, so that he can calm down, and then let him rest for a while."

This is the kind of Huihuan Pill that he had given to Meng Zhong before. It can quickly recover physical strength and relieve fatigue. At this moment, Li Jia's appearance is obviously weak. Although Huihuan Pill cannot cure his disease, it can prevent him from So uncomfortable.

Under Hei Mudan's slightly nervous gaze, Ji Ning put Hui Huan Dan in Li Jia's mouth. Not long after, there was a trace of blood on his face, which was panting, but gradually calmed down.

What kind of panacea is this?

This thought appeared in the minds of Xie Huo and Hei Peony at the same time.

Seeing Li Jia's change, Hei Mudan was surprised and delighted, and muttered to Li Jia: "It seems that this time, you are really saved." The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: https://www.readwn.com/book/103189.htmlReading the full text of Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad: https://www.readwn.com/read/103189/The txt download address of Changsheng’s return as a dad: https://www.readwn.com/down/103189.htmlChangsheng Returning to be a dad to read on his mobile phone: https://m.readwn.com/read/103189/For the convenience of reading next time, You can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 690 Curse), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Daddy", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (www.readwn.com)

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