Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 707: Physical form

Seeing the mage take the elevator to leave, the atmosphere in this huge room suddenly seemed to relax.

Rong Guocheng sat back on the sofa and let out a sigh of relief. Fang said, "Miss Zixuan, what is he now? Is he already a human being?"

Zi Xuan shook her head and said: "Naturally not, he is just a soul, but what exactly did Tang Feng use to shape him into a body almost indistinguishable from a physical body, I don't know."

Xie Huo rang the bell and made people come up to change the tea to the heat. He was also puzzled: "Then he can't float in the air or walk through a wall now? I saw him just now, he was taking the elevator. Go on."

Zi Xuan didn't seem to have thought of this question before, and when Xie Huo asked it, her face was confused, she folded her shoulders with her hands and leaned on the sofa, frowning slightly, as if she couldn't figure out the problem.

Shangguan said: "Perhaps, he used these methods to prevent him from escaping. After all, there is a physical body, and it is more difficult to hide yourself than an illusory soul."

Zi Xuan immediately shook her head and said, "Tang Feng didn't need to use this method to guard him. He made a mark on him, as long as he wanted to find him, even if he fled to the end of the world, he couldn't escape his grasp. I feel that he gave him a body to make it easier to deal with Bassoon."

"Why do you say that?" Ji Ning was puzzled.

"Although I don't know much about this Siamese spell, no matter what the spell is, it needs a body to be able to use it. Perhaps Tang Feng allows him to cast it."

Seeing the waiter brought hot tea, some fruits and delicate refreshments, Zi Xuan's attention was immediately attracted, stretched out her hand, picked up a snack, and ate with relish.

Seeing that she liked it, Xie Hu hurriedly asked the waiter to serve a few more dishes, and extremely enthusiastically invited Shangguan to taste it, but she shook her head lightly and refused.

While drinking tea, Shangguan said: "It is now nine o'clock, and he will be back in less than three hours. There will naturally be a statement about everything, and we don't have to guess too much. "

"What method would he use?" Rong Guocheng was still a little curious.

Zi Xuan shook her head and said, "No matter what method he uses, he can handle it with this body now. In fact, I want to see how Ba Song will look when he sees his master, but it's a pity. I can’t see it with my own eyes."

Xie Huo said with some doubts: "After talking for a long time, I still don't know what the mage's name is."

Everyone realized the problem and looked at Zi Xuan.

Zi Xuan was holding a piece of snack in her hand and wanted to send it to her mouth. Hearing Xie Huo’s words, she listened for a while and thought for a while before she said: "It seems to be called Lapa. This is probably the pronunciation, between me and him. It doesn’t need language, it just doesn’t care about it."

Just as a few people were talking, Xie Huo's phone rang.

He connected, and when he heard a few words over there, his complexion changed, and he said faintly: "Okay, you just say it according to what you know."

After hanging up the phone, Xie Huo took a deep breath and said, "Much is dead."

"How did you die?"

"When did this happen?"

Several people spoke at about the same time.

Xie Huo shook his head, frowned slightly, and said, "I don’t know the specifics. The police found the body, which proved to be Mucha’s. They just went to the hall to investigate. Because I asked about this, the manager of the hall, So he called. He didn't know much about the situation, but I could ask Lao Zhao to ask questions."

"Old Zhao?" Zi Xuan had never seen Zhao Lu before, and she was a little puzzled when she heard the name.

"It's a friend of mine from the police." Xie Huo quickly explained, "This case should have not been to him before, otherwise it will involve people in my hall. He will tell me."

"Do you need to tell Mr. Tang about this matter?" Rong Guocheng frowned slightly.

Just now, Tang Feng guessed that Mucha was related to Ba Song. He suspected that after Sun Dapao's death, he stayed in Xijing and left, and found his body in a blink of an eye. This seemed to further confirm Tang Feng's guess.

Zi Xuan waved her hand and said: "There is no need for this. It seems that Mucha is just a chess piece in Ba Song's hand. After it is useless, he discards it. Before, I thought that Ba Song could be found through him. Now the old guy passed by. You can directly find the Lord. Mucha’s life and death and the cause of his death are not important anymore, it’s just a pity—"

When talking about this, Zi Xuan prolonged her tone, with a look of regret on her face, shook her head and smacked her lips, as if there was something that made her feel extremely sorry.

Xie Huo hurriedly asked, "Miss Zixuan, what is a pity?"

Zi Xuan sighed, her expression quite solemn.

Xie Huo and Rong Guocheng looked at each other, and their expressions immediately became tense. Even Ji Ning and Shangguan couldn't help looking at Zi Xuan.

Zi Xuan said quietly, "I haven't had a Siamese massage yet."

A few people have a black line.

When Tang Feng returned to the room, the little girl and Zhou Wan were playing with Da Bai and Xiao Hui in the hall, while Lin Mengjia was sitting on the sofa, smiling at them.

Seeing Tang Feng entering the door, the little girl and Zhou Wan stood up together.



Da Bai collapsed to the ground lazily, allowing the two children to touch his belly. At this moment, he also stood up, wagging his tail towards Tang Feng, and Xiao Hui stood upright and screamed at him twice.

With a smile on his face, Tang Feng nodded at them and motioned for them to continue playing, then walked to the sofa and sat down next to Lin Mengjia.

Lin Mengjia smiled at him and said, "How's things going?"

"It will be clear soon." Tang Feng looked at her with a smile, "It's just that you need to accompany them to sleep tonight. I will go out in the middle of the night."

Although Lin Mengjia was puzzled, she just blinked and didn't ask more.

She knew in her heart that what Tang Feng did naturally had its own reasons.

Lin Mengjia smiled slightly and said, "Be careful, don't be the same as last time."

Tang Feng nodded and said, "This is just an interrogation. There are many of them, and there is no need for me to do it."

"So, you have found that mage?" Lin Mengjia was a little surprised, but she didn't expect things to go so fast. Just when she left with her two children, she didn't know the state of the soul. It took less than two hours. , It turned out to be interrogated.

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