Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 733: Tang Feng's way

what? Call the police? Tang Feng wants to call the police?

Hearing Tang Feng's words, Ji Ning almost dropped his chin in shock.

Ji Ning could think of a hundred ways for Tang Feng to solve this problem, but there was no such possibility of calling the police alone.

Everyone knows about Tang Feng's own abilities. The power of those big families who cheat him is extraordinary, the least of which is the Dabai and Xiaohui in the garden. They look cute on the surface, and they can be turned into evil as long as they get the order. Beast, no matter which method is used to drive these annoying reporters away, is it more convenient and quicker than going to the police?

Ji Ningshang was in a dazed expression. Tang Feng was already facing the phone and said in a calm tone: "I am a law-abiding citizen and I have encountered difficulties. Isn't it normal to ask the police for help?"

Ji Ning had no way to describe his feelings in words, and he couldn't believe it at all. These words were actually spoken by Tang Feng.

He looked at the noisy reporters outside the yard. There were even people who wanted to cross the fence and enter. If it weren’t for running over in vain and screaming at them, it made them feel a little jealous, even if someone had already jumped. Into the garden.

When Ji Ning regained his gaze, Tang Feng had already hung up his phone, turned his head and walked towards the living room.

Ji Ning hesitated and said, "Sir, don't you care about it here?"

"When the police come, they will naturally take care of it." Tang Feng didn't look back, but just responded indifferently, "You are going to take over Sun Ying, you don't need to take care of it here."

Ji Ning glanced towards the door again, showing a wry smile.

However, fortunately, there is a back door in this yard, which does not prevent him from leaving.

Tang Feng returned to the room, sipping tea in a leisurely manner, turning a deaf ear to the noise outside.

After a short while, three police cars roared in, and a few uniformed policemen came down from above, looking serious, checking the documents of the reporters, and ordered them to leave immediately, so as not to disturb the law and order here.

Although the reporters were not convinced in their hearts, in the face of the police, after all, they did not dare to resist too obviously. They could only pack up their things in an anguish. After about ten minutes, they had already left one after another.

Several policemen talked a few words outside the courtyard, and they all got on two of the cars. Soon, the cars started and drove out of the villa area. Outside the courtyard of Tang Feng's house, only one police car was left. A woman standing by the car, Zhao Yue.

Zhao Yue put his hands in his pockets and stood outside the courtyard, looking into the villa.

Zhang Peng thanked her across the door.

Zhao Yue retracted his gaze, frowned slightly, and said, "I helped Tang Feng, shouldn't he personally thank me?"

In the last time the police raided and searched the villa, Zhang Peng had already met Zhao Yue, and knew that she had helped her owner at the time, but nevertheless, after hearing her words like this, she didn’t get Tang. Feng's order, he still dare not let Zhao Yue in.

Zhao Yue looked into the villa again, with a faint smile on her face, and said, "Tang Feng is not such an unreasonable person. If you ask me, you don't want to open the door to let me in. Could it be that I Why don't you even drink your saliva after a trip?"

Zhang Peng looked embarrassed. Just when he was a little at a loss, the old housekeeper had already walked over, opened the gate of the yard, and said to Zhao Yue: "Officer Zhao, Mr. Tang invites you in."

Zhao Yue thanked the old housekeeper and walked towards the villa with a smile on his face.

Although she has been to this place several times, it was all for official business. She has never had a chance to take a good look at the surrounding environment. This time she has a leisurely mood, walking and looking in the garden.

Rao is that Zhao Yue’s realm is still low, but she can also perceive the unusually abundant aura in this entire courtyard. She feels that after she stepped into this courtyard, there is something completely different from when she was outside. It seems that the whole person feels energetic and refreshed.

What is this situation?

When Zhao Yue was a little suspicious in her heart, after entering the living room, she saw Tang Feng making tea with an air of composure, and she couldn't help but curl her lips and said: "We are busy outside helping you to settle the reporters, you are very leisurely. , Drink tea and snacks here."

Tang Feng didn't look at her, only said, "Isn't that because I trust you?"

Zhao Yue sat on the sofa opposite Tang Feng. Without using Tang Feng, he picked up an empty cup and poured himself a cup of tea. He said: "Next time you have such things, remember to solve it by yourself. , We are not just for you alone."

While speaking, she had already picked up the cup. The tea was very hot and could not be eaten. She was holding the cup and smelling the fragrance of tea, her eyes narrowed slightly, and her face was extremely intoxicated, even if she didn't know how to taste it. Tea can also be felt. This fragrance is more sweet than any tea she has ever drunk.

"If you don't mind, that time, I really want to solve these problems by myself." Tang Feng's face was expressionless, and his tone was extremely flat, "In my own way, this is with your permission."

Zhao Yue seemed to be scalded by water, and her body became stiff.

She said that she was a little unhappy because she saw Tang Feng's laid-back look. She had deliberately said that she wanted to give Tang Feng a bit of prestige, but she didn't expect to hear his answer.

What is Tang Feng's way?

Zhao Yue looked towards Tang Feng subconsciously, and saw that his face was as usual, calm and relaxed, without any expression, even the expression in his eyes was faint.

Zhao Yue remembered the miserable appearance of the kidnappers who kidnapped the little girl when she first saw Tang Feng, and the state of her coming to this villa some time ago and seeing Zhang Jinshuo and his bodyguards made her shudder.

In such a summer day, Zhao Yue felt a chill, cold sweat, and even her body trembled slightly. She quickly gripped the cup in her hand tighter, as if she wanted to draw strength and warmth from it.

She is also knowledgeable and has been to many crime scenes, but these two events left a deep impression on her.

As Wu Xiu, she can clearly feel the powerful power of the person who does it. It is completely beyond normal, and it is also unimaginable.

After a long while, Zhao Yue relieved from this emotion. He didn't look at Tang Feng, but lowered his eyes, looked at the water vapor in the cup, and said softly: "No, you should choose to call the police."

Others call the police to seek the help and protection of the police, while Tang Feng calls the police and the police protect them, but it is those who offended him. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: return to be a dad full text reading address: of Longevity and Become a Dad txt download address: of Longevity to be a daddy mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 733 Way of Tang Feng) reading history, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Daddy", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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