Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 749: contradiction

Before speaking, the two people had already reached the gate.

The driver who sent Chu Chu home drove back again, picked up a few boxes of medicinal materials in the trunk of the car, and handed them to the family guarding at the door. He opened the door for Zhang Qingyu and respectfully asked him to get in the car. .

When Lin Mengjia returned to the living room, she saw Tang Feng standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, smiling at her.

Obviously, when she sent Zhang Qingyu out, he was here looking at the back of the two.

Lin Mengjia also looked at him with a smile, and said, "What are you laughing at?"

"You really are a Mother's Heart." Tang Feng smiled and shook his head slowly.

Lin Mengjia knew that he was talking about Chu Chu, so she said: "Chu Chu doesn't have any wicked eyes, just a childlike innocence and childishness. Could it be that you are looking at her being severely punished by Zhang Lao?"

Tang Feng showed a very narrow smile and said, "She is so unaware that the sky is high and the earth is thick, so she naturally wants to teach her a lesson."

Lin Mengjia took Tang Feng's hand, smiled and walked towards the bedroom upstairs, and said: "I have heard Zi Xuan say that you had planned it, and deliberately let Yaoyao go out without your company. , To lure those people out, and let Zi Xuan catch him again? Your mantis catching the cicada and the oriole is behind you, it's very useful."

Tang Feng smiled and said: "This is also helpless. If it were not for the purpose of fishing these people out, how could I be willing to put Yaoyao in danger? Knowing that the policy is for her, I can't stay by my side, I Staying at home, I feel a little worried."

What he said was not for Lin Mengjia, but that was what he said in his heart at the time.

He did know that the little girl would be fine, and he knew that Zi Xuan could handle everything handily. He could use the little girl as a bait, which was really not what he wanted.

"Anyway, this matter is also your plan. Chu Chu was actually used by you. It is good for you. There is no guilt in your heart, and you want the wicked to sue first and say that it is not Chu Chu."

Lin Mengjia cast a blank look at Tang Feng with infinite amorous feelings.

Tang Feng looked at Lin Mengjia for a while, and Fang smiled and said, "What kind of Ecstasy did that girl give you? Ask you to speak for her like this?"

The two talked and laughed and went back to the bedroom.

Lin Mengjia hasn't taken a bath for a long time, and Tang Feng took advantage of her free time and prepared it for her today.

She changed her clothes and went into the bathtub with a look of enjoyment on her face.

After the initial pain of the bath, Lin Mengjia has begun to feel that the bath is getting more and more comfortable. Every inch of skin that the medicated bath touches seems to have opened pores, expelling all the filth in it, and disappearing with fatigue. .

Lin Mengjia closed her eyes slightly comfortably, letting the steaming water surround her, she could feel comfort on her face, and she couldn't help but hum a song gently.

Seeing Lin Mengjia's comfortable look, Tang Feng was standing next to the bathtub with a smile. Looking at her delicate face, he only felt that Lin Mengjia at this time had forgotten all his worries, as if his whole body and mind were extremely relaxed.

After a while, Lin Mengjia opened her eyes and looked at Tang Feng next to her. The two of them looked at each other, and smiled on their lips at the same time.

Lin Mengjia took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly, only feeling more relaxed and happy.

She remembered what she had said to Tang Feng before entering the bedroom, and she curiously said: "When Zi Xuan told me about this, because of the tight time, I didn’t have time to ask more, and wanted to tell Yaoyao. Who are they who did it? Have you ever found out?"

Tang Feng’s face was originally with a smile, looking at Lin Mengjia, and hearing her asking like this, the smile gradually disappeared. After a few seconds of silence, he said: "Late night that day, entering the garden, It's the same group of people, but their memories have been blocked with very clever means, and even Zi Xuan can't easily find relevant clues."

Lin Mengjia had a relaxed face, but it gradually became more serious.

The three people on that day, although there is no direct evidence that they were sent by the Lin family, all the signs have vaguely explained all this.

She knew that her father had always regarded the little girl as a thorn in his eyes, and that he had always wanted to use all kinds of things as if to take the little girl away from her in order to coerce her into agreeing to his ridiculous business marriage request.

During these years in Pingyang, Lin Mengjia was always in fear, and only after Tang Feng came back did she recover.

But this good day seems to have not passed for a few days. The Lin Family has started these small tricks again—no, it is not small tricks, but the people who have been sent have become more advanced.

Realizing that Lin Mengjia's mood fell instantly, Tang Feng said, "Jiajia, don't worry, no matter what happens, I won't let Yaoyao and you suffer any harm!"

Lin Mengjia nodded.

Of course she believed Tang Feng's words, and she had no doubt that he could do it.

But what she cares about at this moment is not that.

Rather, it is the Lin family and her father who are now diametrically opposed to her and Tang Feng. This is a situation she does not want to face, and there is also a kind of faint worry. When her father's methods become more vicious, he finally confronts him. When Tang Feng had a conflict, how should this matter end?

She has no doubt about Tang Feng's love for the little girl, and she also believes that no matter who wants to hurt the little girl, he will not let him go, even if the other party is her father.

But after all, it was her father.

No matter how indifferent and ruthless she is, she still has a natural kindness.

Tang Feng reached the bathtub with his hands on the edge, and turned his head towards Lin Mengjia, and gave her a light peck on her lips.

Lin Mengjia, who was thinking about her heart, didn't take precautions. When she noticed that Tang Feng had already gotten up, she couldn't help but let out a soft "Ah", looking at Tang Feng in a daze.

Seeing her dazed look, Tang Feng smiled: "Don't think about it, don't think about too many things, everything is me."

Lin Mengjia nodded silently.

Tang Feng said again: "I know what you are thinking, and I want you to promise that if I really have a head-on conflict with him, I will let him go three times, and if he does not repent and still walks his own way, then it will be the fourth time. I will never show mercy."

Lin Mengjia's body was a little stiff in the bathtub.

She didn't know whether her father could grasp the three opportunities, but she knew that this kind of promise was already Tang Feng's biggest concession because of her.

She is a daughter, but she is also a mother, and she can't let others bully her daughter arbitrarily.

After a long while, Lin Mengjia raised her head and said firmly towards Tang Feng: "Three times, enough, I have done my kindness and righteousness!" Longevity is back. The latest chapter address of Dad: full text of Longevity Return to Be a Dad Reading address: return to be a dad txt download address: https :// returns to be a dad mobile phone reading: https://m order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time ( Chapter 749 Contradictions) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Daddy", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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