Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 757: Give medicine

Rong Guocheng nodded slightly and said, "Mr. Tang, I know, I will tell Lao Xie and let him help Miss Xue look up this matter."

Although he didn't know much about the ancient family, he could think of the situation after listening to Tang Feng's brief introduction.

In the past, Rong Guocheng always felt that Xie Huo and Xue Panpan were together, and they could be regarded as a high level of each other. After all, the Xue family is also quite famous in the northwest. The daughter of such a big family is still an independent daughter, which represents how powerful it is. power.

Now Rong Guocheng understands that Xue Panpan also needs to rely on the power of Xie Huo to gain a firm foothold in the family.

Tang Feng said sincerely to Rong Guo: "Where are they?"

Rong Guocheng knew that Tang Feng was asking those six people, and said hurriedly: "I see that they are also a little tired these days, so I gave them a vacation and asked them to go home to rest for a few days and deal with their own affairs. Do whatever you want, and you don’t have to come to the company these days."

While speaking, Rong Guocheng's face was slightly embarrassed, and the smile on the corner of his mouth also seemed unnatural.

Tang Feng nodded, understanding what Rong Guocheng meant.

When they set off that day, Rong Guocheng once said that they had no family members, but they were all grown-ups, and they were grown men. They didn't have a family or a wife, and that didn't mean they couldn't find a woman.

These six people are all mixed with Rong Guocheng. They have a little status and a little money. They usually go to certain occasions when they want to find a woman. For them, the money they make comes and goes quickly.

People in this industry are always in danger. They are not sure when they will be in danger and when they may not see the sun the next day. Therefore, once they have money, they want to spend it in their hands. , Can buy a moment of happiness, I am happy.

These six people have been following Tang Feng during this period, living a life like a monk. They are tired of their hearts. Rong Guocheng knows that he naturally wants to give them the opportunity to go out and find a woman, and some of them also have a fixed affinity. When he came back, he wanted to report peace to the other party.

Tang Feng took out seven pills, placed them on the coffee table, and said to Rong Guocheng, "This is a Guben Pill and six Xiaoyi Bendan. This Guben Pill is for you, and the other six. They were given to six of them. Since they are not there, you have passed them on for me. Although they are not martial arts, after taking this medicine, both physical strength and strength will be greatly increased, and their life span will also be extended. If it weren't for a real Wu Xiu, in front of ordinary people, it would be no different from Wu Xiu."

Although Rong Guocheng doesn’t know much about pill, he can tell at a glance that this Gubendan is different from Xiaoyi Bendan. Although it is about the same size, its color and aroma are not Xiaoyi. Bendan can compare.

He has taken Xiaoyi Bendan and knows that the effect of the medicine is quite amazing. Now when he sees a more advanced medicine, he only feels that his heart is "pounding pounding" accelerating, beating violently, completely unable to stop. Suppressing his inner excitement, he hurriedly said to Tang Feng: "Yes, thank you sir."

As he spoke, he carefully collected those pills, his eyes flashed, and his body was still trembling slightly.

Tang Seng said with a solemn expression: "They were not practitioners before, and they didn't know much about many of these rules. You still need to educate them strictly for this kind of thing. Don't break the rules of practitioners. ."

"Yes, sir." Rong Guocheng hurriedly responded, "I will leave everything to them about their practice. Don’t worry, sir. I will definitely teach them everything I know. I will never let them. They relied on such identities to deceive people outside, not only in martial arts, but also in being a human being, and there is no difference in the slightest."

Tang Feng didn't doubt this at all.

After all, these people and Rong Guocheng are life-and-death brothers. If Rong Guocheng could teach them this martial arts method before, I'm afraid he would have done it long ago. Now Rong Guocheng is definitely better than Tang Feng for them. More caring.

Tang Feng nodded, and said: "Zhao Yan knows quite a bit of wisdom. You can take special care of him. If you really can become a martial artist, I will give him more guidance."


When Tang Feng came this time, he originally wanted to help those people take this pill, so that they would suffer a little less sin, but since they were not there, he also saved his energy. As for the pill they would take when the time comes. It has nothing to do with him as to how much the medicine will suffer.

But Tang Feng had a bottom in his heart. When they took an earthen pill, he had already helped them open up all the meridians and taught them some ways to operate. Even if they took this pill, it would be a bit painful, but It was not as strong as the first time, and it was also relieved to have Rong Guocheng staring at Tang Feng on the side.

After all, Tang Feng was still very confident in his pill. He hadn't heard that any practitioner would be killed by taking Xiaoyi Benpill.

Just after leaving the security company, Tang Feng's cell phone rang.

He glanced, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

It was from Zhao Yue.

Tang Feng picked up the sound, and Zhao Yue's eager voice came over: "Are you at home now? I'll look for you in the past."

"No, I'm outside."

Tang Feng told Zhao Yue where he was.

Zhao Yue said: "There is a Chunlai teahouse near you. Wait for me there, and I will be there soon."

Tang Feng remembered that he saw the teahouse when he drove over, so he responded and drove over. When he arrived, he chose a private room in the teahouse and did it in it. He ordered a pot of green tea, drank it, and waited.

The storefront of this Chunlai Teahouse is not large, with only two private rooms and small area. The decoration is quite elegant, but it looks very cramped.

Tang Feng thought that there would be no good tea in this kind of small shop, but unexpectedly, the taste of this pot of green tea was acceptable.

Tea is a good tea, but the water is a little bit worse. If you suffer from home water, the taste must be better.

Tang Feng poured himself and drank his tea slowly, and didn't mind waiting for a while.

After sitting in the teahouse for less than ten minutes, Zhao Yue arrived. It seems that she was not very far from here just now.

As soon as he entered the private room, Zhao Yue's face was somewhat apologetic, and he explained: "Another case occurred and the bureau was in a hurry. My colleagues and I appeared on the scene and got out of the car in a hurry. I forgot to bring it. My phone, I didn’t receive your previous call."Longevity Return: Becoming a Dad, the latest chapter address: https://www the full text of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: https://www. Return, Become a Dad txt download address: https://www.readwn. com/down/103189.htmlLongevity returns to be a dad mobile phone reading: read/103189/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this (the first Chapter 757 Donated Medicine) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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