Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 763: Weak woman

Almost everyone came to find Tang Feng. The cars were parked outside the gate, and people wanted to walk in, even people like Zhang Qingyu.

However, these people who appeared outside the gate now were ordinary people driving, and they were all dressed in ordinary clothes. There was nothing special about them. Tang Feng would allow them to drive in.

Both the old housekeeper and Liu Ma showed surprised expressions, but he reacted first, immediately picked up the intercom and told Zhang Peng what Tang Feng had said.

Zhang Peng, who was standing at the gate, was obviously taken aback, but he didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly stepped forward to tell Li Guanghe that there was no need to help the old woman out of the car and let them drive in directly.

Li Guanghe's face immediately showed surprise and joy, thanks and excitement, repeatedly thanked Zhang Peng, and then greeted the other person to get in the car quickly.

Zhang Peng stood aside, still looking at the car slowly entering the gate with a somewhat suspicious expression. He didn't understand why his owner would be open to such an ordinary person and give With this kind of preferential treatment, those high-ranking family heads must get out of the car and walk obediently when they arrive at the door.

Although he was allowed to drive the car into the courtyard, Li Guanghe was not too presumptuous. His speed was very slow, almost at a speed similar to walking.

As soon as the car entered the door, Mother Lin, who was half-lying on the recliner in the pavilion, enjoying the coolness and drinking tea, got up slightly with a surprised expression on her face, and looked over there.

Lin Mengjia’s aunt was chatting with Lin’s mother. Seeing this, she was taken aback, and said: “It’s really amazing. Except for the car at home, no one has ever seen anyone drive in.”

If this is a luxury car, they would probably think that Tang Feng bought a new car, but the grade of this car is obviously not high, and the body is not new, making it clear that Tang Feng will not buy this kind of car.

Mother Lin's eyes moved with the car, her face still a little puzzled, and she slowly said, "This car looks ordinary, and the people in the car seem to be ordinary too. I am afraid that it is the patient who is unusual. Up."

"Patient? Sister-in-law meant that the disease was extraordinary, which made my uncle interested?"

Lin Mengjia's aunt still had a bit of confusion on her face.

She had heard that some doctors like to encounter some tricky and weird diseases, once they are cured, they can become famous, but Tang Feng is obviously not in this situation.

Although Lin Mengjia’s aunt did not spend too much time here with Lin’s mother and didn’t know much about Tang Feng, she could see that Tang Feng was not the kind of person who pursued fame and fortune. Otherwise, she would face With so many reporters interviewing, it is impossible for him to miss such a good opportunity to be famous, and he will not let the police drive all the reporters away.

Mother Lin slowly stood up and walked two steps forward. She stood by the pavilion and stopped talking. Instead, she looked at the direction of the car with a peaceful expression, wanting to take a closer look. Who is it, get out of the car.

Not only was Mother Lin and Lin Mengjia’s aunt wondering, but Ji Ning, who was meditating quietly in the garden, also opened his eyes and looked over there. There was an expression of surprise on his face that could not be concealed. Then he got up and turned towards Come here.

Even Da Bai and Xiao Hui stopped what they were holding and looked at the car together.

Li Guanghe's car did not stop directly outside the living room door, but kept a distance.

He knew Tang Feng's identity, and he also knew that he was treating his mother as an exception. How could he not even understand the rules and drive the car directly to someone's door?

Li Guanghe got out of the car again, and together with the other middle-aged man, it took some effort to help the old woman out of the car.

The old woman's body is very weak, and her feet are floating. The whole person is able to stand reluctantly with the support of two people. Every step she takes forward, she is weak and swaying. If there is no one Holding on, I'm afraid it immediately fell to the ground.

However, although the whole body weight of the old woman was on Li Guanghe and the man, they did not have any strenuous expressions. Except for the slightly uncomfortable posture, everything else seemed extremely relaxed. It can be seen that this old woman is not. Too heavy.

When Ji Ning arrived at the door of the living room, Li Guanghe came with the elderly woman. Seeing her trembling, Ji Ning stretched out his hand, seeming to want to help her, but when he saw the two men on her left and right, he couldn't start. He put his hand down again, still showing some doubts, and looked towards Tang Feng.

Before Tang Feng allowed Li Guanghe to treat his mother, Ji Ning was by the side and heard him talk about the condition. Now I saw it with my own eyes. I didn’t expect this old woman’s condition to be so bad. I wondered. Is it something sick.

"Mr. Tang, this is Jia Ci." Li Guanghe supported his mother, and said respectfully towards Tang Feng.

The man who followed him to help the old woman looked at Tang Feng with a look of curiosity, and looked at him carefully. After all, in front of him is the legendary Pingyang genius doctor, and many people are eager to see him. I can't ask for it on his side.

This person looks very similar to Li Guanghe. He is slightly older than Li Guanghe, and he is probably his elder brother.

The mother of the two was the old woman. Her eyes were kept slightly closed from getting out of the car to entering the living room. She seemed to stay asleep all the time. She was not awake even when she walked. come.

The old housekeeper in the living room and Liu Ma, who was cleaning, were secretly surprised when they saw the woman's condition. The two slowed down their gazes and didn't dare to say much.

Tang Feng nodded faintly, stood up, and said, "Follow me."

He walked in front, arrived at the door of the room where people were usually treated, opened the door, pointed inside, and said, "Put her on the bed."

The Li Guanghe brothers quickly helped the old woman into the room and placed it on the bed.

Tang Feng entered the room, and Ji Ning followed with a curious look on his face, helping Tang Feng close the door.

Li Guanghe looked anxious and said to Tang Feng: "Mr. Tang, do you think my mother's condition is serious? Can it be cured?"

In addition, the man hurriedly said: "Mr. Tang, since my mother fell ill, we took her to a lot of hospitals, and we did a lot of checkups, but we couldn’t find out anything. The movies taken in the hospital were all Put it in the car, I'll get it right now and show it to you."

"No need," Tang Feng shook his head faintly, "I don't need the aid of those instruments for treatment." Changsheng The latest chapter address of Returning to Be a Dad: Return Reading the full text of Dad's address: returns to be a milk Dad txt download address: returns to be a dad Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this (Chapter 763 Weak Woman), and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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