Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 765: Curative demon

"Meng Yao? What is that?" Ji Ning looked inexplicably, scratching his own hair, completely unable to understand what Tang Feng was talking about.

The old housekeeper and Liu Ma stopped their work and almost got to the side of the sofa.

Tang Feng coughed softly.

The two of them suddenly realized that they walked away quickly, one hurried upstairs, and the other quickly walked out of the living room and walked into the courtyard.

Seeing the two of them like this, Tang Feng shook his head helplessly, and then said to Ji Ning: "Meng Yao is a very low-level monster. It feeds on dreams and is parasitic in people's minds, which will affect the host. , Make it sleep and dream constantly to meet its survival needs. The reason why this dream monster is said to be inferior is because once they are deposited on a host, they will not leave the transfer until the host. Its energy gradually weakens until death, before it can be transferred to another host."

"Is this really a parasite?" Ji Ning gaped.

According to Tang Feng’s description, this dream demon is indeed a parasite, but the common parasites are sucking human blood or other nutrients in the human body. The food that this parasite needs is some unique.

Tang Feng smiled slightly and continued: "Dream demon only affects the human brain and does not want to kill people. You must know that this host is the basis of their survival. They don't want or dislike changing hosts easily. Why is this so? The reason is clear. Therefore, after the dream demon is sent to a person, he will find ways to cure the illness on this person. If a person is parasitized by the dream demon, it appears that he will rapidly age and become weak, and it seems to be dying, but in reality , The body organs are extremely healthy, which is the reason why the hospital cannot find out the disease."

When Tang Feng first saw the old woman, he was sure that there was a dream demon on her body. After passing the inspection, she found that she was healthy, which further verified his speculation.

"What?" Ji Ning felt that this kind of thing was completely beyond the scope of his cognition.

A kind of monster parasitic on human body, now he is no stranger to blame, but this monster will actually heal people?

"It's like an animal raised by someone, such as a chicken. If you want to get eggs, you must ensure the health of the chicken. Otherwise, the chicken will die and there will be nothing."

Tang Feng spread his hands, with a faint smile on his face, and gave a very simple example.

But this example is extremely uncomfortable to Ji Ning.

He is also an individual, even if he is a martial artist, he is also a human like other ordinary people.

Humans tend to raise animals, but he heard it like that, in the eyes of Meng Yao, this person is like being raised.

Ji Ning licked his lips very unnaturally, and said with a dry smile: "Sir, you said this dream demon is inferior, but it has such wisdom, it seems to be very advanced."

"It's not wisdom, it's just their instinct." Tang Feng shook his head, "If they are really smart, they won't just be attached to the same person. You know, even if they can guarantee the health of human organs, but, If a person is always asleep and unable to absorb nutrients, he will gradually die over time."

Ji Ning touched his chin, and said with lingering fear: "If this low-level monster can instinctively use humans, what would the high-level monster look like?"

"Is it advanced? I will have a chance to let you see it soon." Tang Feng smiled slightly and poured himself a cup of tea.

"Is there really a high-level monster? Soon? Does Mr. know where this monster is?" Ji Ning's face showed a bit of surprise.

Tang Feng smiled without saying a word.

High-level demon, the most high-level one he has come into contact with is the one in Ji Ling's body.

However, with his current ability, it was not enough to get it out with a ten-percent certainty, so he never moved it.

Seeing that Tang Feng did not answer, Ji Ning did not continue to struggle with this question, but thought of something, frowned, and asked Tang Feng: "Sir, you said this dream demon can treat people's diseases. So if this person is artificially injected with a nutrient solution after a long sleep, will it be possible to save people's lives?"

Seeing Ji Ning’s curious look, Tang Feng smiled faintly, picked up the tea, took a sip, and said: "What's the point? A person who can never wake up, maintains a healthy body, but does not have a clear brain. , The only effect of doing this is probably to provide the dream demon with a meal that will never be finished."

The situation mentioned by Ji Ning is like a vegetative person, knowing that there is little possibility of waking up, but he still wants to use various methods to maintain life. Even people who are parasitized by dream monsters are not as good as those who are parasitized by dream monsters. Vegetatives, after all, even if the chance of waking up is extremely small, there are still vegetatives, and once they encounter a dream demon, once they enter a permanent sleep, there will never be a waking day.

That old woman is not too far away from this moment.

Ji Ning opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something more, but there was nothing to refute Tang Feng, so he could only lower his eyes, pondered for a moment, and then said, "Sir, can I kill the dream monster?"

"It's naturally easy to kill it, but it's a pity to kill such a useful thing." Tang Feng tweeted and shook his head, "Although the dream demon is very low-level, it is not a common monster. , It can be used to treat diseases."

Ji Ning coughed softly, concealing his embarrassment.

Indeed, if these monsters were simply killed, they would be a bit violent.

He can completely imagine that as long as the Dream Demon is allowed to enter the human brain under a controllable situation, it can almost cure all diseases, but how can it be made to only cure the disease and not make it. Are people drowsy?

As if seeing Ji Ning’s doubts, Tang Feng smiled slightly, and said, “Meng Yao enters the human brain and is dormant in it. Not to mention that the western medical instrument cannot find it, even I can’t figure it out. Perceive where it is."

Ji Ning's face showed a more bewildered look. He stood there, moved slightly, and moved a little closer to Tang Feng's direction, with a look of puzzlement, and muttered. : "What exactly is the prescription that the gentleman gave out? I thought before that it can really eliminate the dream monster."

Tang Feng smiled and said, "One prescription every seven days, a total of three are enough to make the dream demon show up. It is a simple matter to catch it." The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: the full text of Longevity Return: Becoming a Dad: of Longevity as a daddy txt download address: returns to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 765 The Demon Can Heal), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Daddy", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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