Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 772: Kong Family Affairs

While speaking, Lin Mengjia got up and took her hand, and walked towards the restaurant at the back affectionately. When she reached the door, she turned her head to Tang Feng and smiled again, showing that he was making fun of him for Kong Qinghua. cold.

Seeing her like this, Tang Feng couldn't help but laugh.

Although it was because of Lin Mengjia’s face, he let Kong Qinghua live here, but according to his temperament, he would naturally not give a good face to people who didn’t like it. Fortunately, he would go out tomorrow. Otherwise, if Kong Qinghua said more What makes him unhappy, maybe he really has to mock a few words.

Tang Feng didn't have a good face towards Kong Qinghua, but Lin Mu had a very good attitude towards her. At the dinner table, she kept talking to her and asked her to eat more. Don't be polite.

Kong Qinghua is Lin Mengjia's friend who grew up together since childhood, and the deep friendship between the two of them can be traced back to when they were wearing diapers.

She is the daughter of the Confucian family. Both the Confucian family and the Lin family are of the same big family. They have a pivotal position. There is a tangled interest relationship between the two families. There is also a business relationship between the two families. Kong Qinghua's parents, especially her mother, have a good relationship.

But the friendship between Lin's mother and Kong Qinghua's mother did not last for many years. When Kong Qinghua was two years old, her parents divorced. Before she was ten years old, her mother fell ill and died.

Tang Feng had heard Lin Mengjia talk about Kong Qinghua’s affairs when he was in college. Her father had a long-term lover outside. When her mother got married, she had never broken contact with that lover. Even the daughter of her love life was older than Kong Qinghua.

Later, her mother's family went bankrupt, and his father immediately couldn't wait to divorce her and marry his lover in the door. Only when her mother fell ill and died.

Because of the death of his mother, Kong Qinghua’s relationship with his father has always been very cold. During school, he always lived at school. He did not want to go home after the holidays. He often lived in Lin's family. Lin's mother pityed her for losing her young age Mother loves her very much. In her family, Quandang is also her own daughter, and treats her like Lin Mengjia.

It wasn't until Kong Qinghua graduated from high school to go abroad, and it took many years to go abroad. After that, when Lin Mengjia broke away from the Lin family, he never saw Kong Qinghua again.

Kong Qinghua smiled and said to Lin Mu: "Auntie's complexion has really improved recently. Not only is her complexion ruddy, but she also looks younger. I see that you are as beautiful as you were in the past. Up."

All women like others to say that they are young and beautiful. Even Lin Mu is no exception. She was happy when she saw Kong Qinghua. Hearing her talk like this, she smiled from ear to ear and looked younger. After a few minutes, he said: "Qinghua's mouth is the sweetest. Since childhood, it will make people happy."

"What I said is true, don't believe me, you can ask my aunt," Kong Qinghua looked at Lin Mengjia's aunt again, and smiled: "Aunty, am I right?"

"Yes, yes, I also think my sister is getting younger and more beautiful." Lin Mengjia's aunt also nodded her head with a smile on her face.

Lin Mengjia was happy when she saw her mother, and she looked at Tang Feng with a smile. Tang Feng's lips also brought a faint smile.

During this period of Lin Mengjia’s cultivation, coupled with his carefully formulated conditioning medicine, she really looks very good. She is beautiful, otherwise, she would not be able to give birth to a beautiful and moving daughter like Lin Mengjia. It's just these years. Due to the pain and suffering, she was tortured to be a little haggard. In addition, she was separated from Lin Mengjia, and she was too old to worry about her in her heart.

Now her condition is alleviated, and she can live with Lin Mengjia’s little girl. There is no need to worry about them. Not only is the body gradually relieved, but the face is gradually restored. Now, it looks like a woman in her early forties. There is no trace of time.

Kong Qinghua turned around and looked at Tang Feng again, and said, "Presumably this is the merit of this genius doctor, right? Not only the aunt, but I think Jiajia's appearance has become more refined recently. See you at the airport just now. When I arrived, I was really taken aback. I thought this little fairy had eaten Tang Seng meat and was rejuvenating!"

Her tone was humorous and her expression was a bit exaggerated, which made everyone present laugh, and Tang Feng also chuckled lightly.

Lin Mengjia's aunt smiled and said: "The Kong family girl, I haven't seen you for so many years, you still look like this, with sharp teeth and sharp mouth. I don't know which man will be able to accept you in the future!"

Kong Qinghua pretended to be sad and sighed and said: "Auntie, you don't know anything, I am pure and unwilling now, and I have no illusions about the love of these men and women."

"Qinghua, why do you think so?" The smile on Mother Lin's face disappeared, revealing a slightly worried expression.

Kong Qinghua is the same age as Lin Mengjia and is almost 30 years old. Although the children in their big families look infinitely beautiful, they will also have some helplessness. For example, they will be married by the family for profit. tool.

When they were probably in their twenties, they would marry. Naturally, they were all married together.

Some lucky people may happen to meet like-minded people, but most of them are the conflicts between the husband and wife. They act in love in front of others, and each has a lover secretly, but they want to maintain the marriage all the time. , Can not divorce for profit.

If it weren’t for Lin Mengjia who had met Tang Feng and fell in love with him when he was in college, and later, for his sake, would rather die than escape from Yanjing under the arrangement of her father, and work alone in Pingyang alone, at this moment, it’s probably the same. The same fate.

Kong Qinghua, who has been extremely aggressive since she was a child, has been abroad for many years, and has never liked being restrained. He has always resisted the marriage arranged by the family. Her father felt a little guilty for her because of her mother. Force her.

Although Kong Qinghua has no contact with the Lin family in recent years, Mother Lin still misses her very much, hoping that she can find a good home, and now hearing her say this, she is faintly worried for her.

Kong Qinghua said with a relaxed look: "I just feel that it is too difficult to meet a suitable person in this world. Auntie, you also know what kind of things are in the circle I am in. Man."Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad, the latest chapter address: .htmlLongevity return to be a dad full text reading address: Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 772 Kong Family Affairs) reading history , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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