Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 796: Zhao Yue's sincerity

It took so long for Zhao Yue to find her, and Tang Feng felt that he had slightly underestimated her patience.

When Tang Feng opened the door, Zhao Yue, with a puffed face, didn't say hello, but squeezed in the door from Tang Feng's side, and threw a bag of things in his hand on the coffee table. Sitting on the sofa, without looking at Tang Feng, he looked sulking.

Tang Feng was angry and funny, closed the door, and sat opposite her without speaking, just looking at her calmly.

He could see that Zhao Yue was angry at the moment, very angry.

She was waiting for him to speak, asking her what's wrong.

Tang Feng just didn't speak.

She did not speak, nor did he speak.

After two minutes, Zhao Yue finally couldn't bear the atmosphere first, and said annoyed towards Tang Feng: "You did it on purpose, right?"

These words were boring, even Tang Feng didn't know what she was talking about. He raised his eyebrows slightly and said faintly: "What?"

"That girl! That surviving girl!" Zhao Yue patted her hands on the coffee table, "boom", and a few thin lines appeared on the marble countertop immediately.

Tang Feng glanced lightly and said, "Let me remind you, Officer Zhao, this may be your salary for one year."

Zhao Yue immediately withdrew her hand, the angry expression on her face did not diminish due to this, on the contrary, she became more angry and anxious, clenched fists with both hands, her voice increased a little, and said, "You give that girl to I, let me ask her about her situation!"

"Presumably she has already woken up, what do you want to ask, if yes, you should ask the same." Tang Feng's tone was light, and he was not affected by Zhao Yue's anger at all.

Zhao Yue blushed with a thick neck, stared at Tang Feng, and said, "She doesn't even know what happened!"

Tang Feng smiled indifferently and said, "That's her business, what does it have to do with me?"

Although he didn't know it at the time, but seeing Zhao Yue's anger and anger at the moment, Zixuan must have erased the girl's memory before handing her to Zhao Yue.

Zhao Yue gritted her teeth and stared at Tang Feng.

Tang Feng looked indifferently under her angry gaze, and said, "Officer Zhao, if there is nothing else, please come back. I have done what I promised. After that, it will be your own business."

Zhao Yue took a deep breath, his face was extremely ugly, and he wanted to refute, but he couldn't find a reason. After all, they had negotiated before.

She stood up so angry that she wanted to walk outside.

Tang Feng looked at Zhao Yue's appearance, with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

Zhao Yue, who was originally angrily, suddenly looked aggrieved, pointed to Tang Feng, and said, "I thought you had helped me a lot, but I also thought how to thank you and buy this tea for you! Knowing that you are so hateful, you won't waste so much money!"

Tang Feng learned that the paper bag that Zhao Yue threw on the coffee table contained tea.

He didn't change his expression, but relying on his true thoughts, he leaned towards the tea, only to find that the tea inside was the Biluochun he had drunk in the Chunlai Teahouse.

At that time, the boss claimed that tea was not sold. Although Zhao Yue was a policeman, with her temperament, she would definitely not be forced to buy or sell with her own identity. If she could buy it, she probably begged for a long time.

There are not many tea bags, Tang Feng can clearly know the weight, eight taels.

But this tea is extremely expensive.

Zhao Yue's purchase of these teas obviously exceeded her daily expenses and she must be very distressed.

Tang Feng couldn't help but sighed slightly.

If Zhao Yue had been following him all the time, he would be able to drive her out without mercy.

But now she is showing weakness.

These teas are not only her sincerity, but also her heart.

Presumably this is the most grateful way this arrogant policewoman can think of.

She knew that Tang Feng didn't lack anything, and she also knew that Tang Feng had money to spend. With Tang Feng's strength, what she wanted was what she could get.

Perhaps only Biluochun from Chunlai Teahouse was not available at that time.

In fact, this tea is optional for Tang Feng.

Although he loves tea, this tea is also very good, he likes it very much, but in his home, there are all kinds of good tea, he does not have to do this Biluochun, even if he has to drink it, go there Drinking in a teahouse is not a bad idea.

But at this time, Tang Feng had to admit that the tea sent by Zhao Yue made him unable to drive her out as usual.

Zhao Yue wanted to leave, but was extremely unwilling, moved two steps towards the door, walked back, and sat back on the sofa angrily, staring at Tang Feng.

Tang Feng suddenly felt a little funny. He leaned back on the sofa, smiled faintly, and said, "It's a demon fox."

"Huh?" Zhao Yue was startled.

She didn't expect Tang Summit to tell her this easily. She was still thinking about how to entangle Tang Feng to force Tang Feng to speak. When she heard him say these words, she didn't react for a while.

Tang Feng's tone was still indifferent, and he continued: "The demon fox attacked the young women, feeding on their youthful vitality. Although it is a demon, it is extremely low-level. Except for attacking these people, it did not cause any other losses. It was last night. , We have eliminated it, and this will not happen again in the future."

Although he told Zhao Yue about Wanshenghu, Tang Feng didn't tell the truth completely.

According to Zhao Yue's temperament, if he knew that Tang Feng had caught Wanshenghu, he would definitely be entangled to see what it was like. Tang Feng lightly said that the demon fox had been killed, which would put an end to Zhao Yue's idea.

Zhao Yue looked surprised and listened attentively. After hearing Tang Feng's words at the end, he couldn't help licking his lips, showing a very disappointed expression, and said, "Kill it?"

Seeing her like this, Tang Feng knew that the lie she had just said was extremely correct. Otherwise, she would definitely not give up if she didn't see the ten thousand foxes.

Tang Feng nodded and said, "These things cannot be made public. I think Officer Zhao knows exactly how to do it."

Needless to say by Tang Feng, Zhao Yue naturally understands this.

As a police officer, she knows better what things can be known to the public and what things must be concealed, otherwise it will affect the stability of the society.

Zhao Yue looked at Tang Feng thoughtfully, and said, "However, if you want to close the case, you need to catch the suspect and cannot hand over the murderer. There is no way to end this case easily."

Tang Feng raised her eyebrows lightly, and wanted to say that this was her own business and had nothing to do with him, but his eyes fell on the tea bag on the coffee table, just saying this sentence forbearance abruptly. Went back. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on \"Collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 796 Zhao Yue's sincerity) reading record, Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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