Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 814: Tiger Wolf Heart

There are not many people who come to Tang Feng for medical treatment every day, but most of them are turned away. Few people can really see Tang Feng.

With Tang Feng's current prestige, it is impossible for ordinary people to become his patients.

The patient who can be introduced by the two Patriarchs Zhang and Zheng is certainly not an ordinary person, but Lin Mengjia has become accustomed to this, and she doesn't find it strange. She just glanced at Tang Feng curiously, wondering why he suddenly said this.

Tang Feng continued to gather Lin Mengjia's long hair, sniffed the fragrance of her hair, smiled slightly, and said, "It's from Yanjing."

The tone of his speech should be slowed down as much as possible, lest it will stimulate Lin Mengjia.

But that's the case, Lin Mengjia's pupils still dilated in an instant.

Even now, she has a full sense of security by Tang Feng's side, but when she hears anything related to the Lin family, she will react subconsciously. This is the deep-rooted influence of the Lin family on her soul. .

Yan Jing, these two words have already made Lin Mengjia shake her body.

Tang Feng stretched out his hand and hugged Lin Mengjia from behind, with a bit of pity and comfort in his eyes. He realized that Lin Mengjia would have this reaction from the beginning. He has slowed down his tone as much as possible, but it still caused her. shock.

He knew that Lin Mengjia's state would take longer and more love to gradually reestablish her absolute spiritual security.

He will give her this sense of security and use all his abilities.

Tang Feng can heal all physical injuries, but this trauma in Lin Mengjia's mind takes a long time to recover.

This is not a pure medical technique, it can be treated.

Lin Mengjia took a deep breath and said, "Who is it?"

She didn’t know who the other party was, but what was certain was that it was definitely not from the Lin family. Otherwise, Tang Feng would have been more cautious when talking about her. Perhaps, he would not tell her at all, that is, direct the other party. Refused.

Lin Mengjia absolutely believes that Tang Feng can do anything for her.

However, this person must have a certain relationship with the Lin family.

"Kong Liangji."

When Lin Mengjia heard this name, she didn't react for a while. After all, in front of her, no one would call this name directly. It was a respectful name. After two seconds in her mind, she was surprised and said: "Kong Family Father?"

Tang Feng smiled and nodded.

Lin Mengjia understood it instantly, and said, "No wonder you asked Uncle Zhang to call me and let us play outside for a while. It turned out to be to prevent Qinghua from meeting him, but you were very careful."

Looking at the sudden smile on Lin Mengjia's face, Tang Feng said, "Now, try not to let them meet."

"Yes, although Qinghua's resentment towards the Kong family is all on his father, but to other people, there is not much closeness. After all, what her father did at the beginning is nothing in the Kong family. I said a word for her, and she has been abroad for many years, even if she was a little emotional before, as time goes by, it fades."

Lin Mengjia sighed slowly.

Tang Feng listened to her and nodded gently.

Lin Mengjia said, thinking of other things, and asked Tang Feng: "When I was still in school, I had heard that Elder Kong was not in good health. He needed someone to accompany him when he went out. Come here, I must not be alone, right?"

"He came with him, his eldest son, and," Tang Feng paused with a mysterious smile before continuing: "Kong Qinghua's stepmother and sister."

"Huh?" Lin Mengjia was startled.

Obviously these three people would get together, which was beyond her expectation.


"I have long heard that Father Kong's children were born to three wives one after another. The relationship is not harmonious. Except for necessary occasions, they try to avoid meeting every day. How come they come together?"

"Although they came together, as you said, it is not harmonious. I guess it was not that they came together, but that the mother and daughter heard that Kong Boyao brought Kong Liangji over, so they hurried there, thinking Let's explore the reality."

Tang Feng thought of the situation at the time and smiled faintly.

Such a big family, rich and invincible, may be very envied by many ordinary people, but only those who are really in it can understand the undercurrent surging inside, looking bright and beautiful, in fact, even the most basic family affection has been affected. Intrigue replaced.

Lin Mengjia still frowned, shook her head slowly, and said, "Master Kong hasn't left Yanjing for more than ten years. If I can come here this time, I must be in pretty bad condition, right? Is this why Wu Qiu and Kong Qingrong went to see Qinghua that day? Want her to go back to see the old man?"

Hearing what Lin Mengjia said, the smile on Tang Feng's face had gradually disappeared, and said, "Not so."

Lin Mengjia looked at Tang Feng in the mirror with doubts, and didn't understand why his expression became so cold.

Tang Feng continued: "Kong Qinghua’s father is not as simple as you think. This person is very sinister and has the heart of a tiger and wolf. You keep Kong Qinghua living here now. You will follow where she goes. Don’t let her be alone. action."

Seeing Tang Feng's seriousness, Lin Mengjia's expression became tense, and she hurriedly said, "What's the matter?"

Tang Feng pondered for a moment before he said: "This matter should start with Kong Liangji's condition."

Then, he told Lin Mengjia about Kong Liangji's affairs and Ju Pei's method of surgical replacement of organs.

As Lin Mengjia listened, her eyes widened in shock, and she said unbelievably, "This, how is this possible? In modern medicine, there is no such thing as a hundred percent of such a major operation at the age of Master Kong. Guarantee, this is a fate."

Tang Feng shook his head and said, "The key to this thing is not here. I saw the doctor, he has some ability. He can think of this way, he must have full certainty, not just a quick talk."

"Ju Pei, I know this person." Lin Mengjia took a deep breath, and his gaze showed some deep meaning.

As the daughter of the Yanjing family, even if she left that circle a long time ago, she knows many things well, such as this family of famous doctors.

Tang Feng nodded and said, "I can see that he is quite famous, otherwise, he would not be so conceited."

Tang Feng didn't think that Ju Pei's posture was just arrogant and arrogant. He must really have the ability to do so. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 814 Tiger and Wolf Heart) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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