Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 82: Absorb Reiki

Tang Feng looked at the little girl with a little nervousness.

At this time, he wanted to teach the little girl the first-level way to absorb aura, but he was not sure whether he could explain it clearly to a five-year-old child and let her learn that this is too profound for this age. s things.

The little girl inhales and exhales as Tang Feng said, then looks at Tang Feng ignorantly, and asks inwardly: "Uncle, why take a deep breath? Should I do exercise?"

Tang Feng smiled softly, and still said softly, "Uncle wants to teach you to make a very interesting game. Look at the glowing fog. Uncle teaches you to eat them all in your stomach, okay?"

This new game immediately attracted the little girl. She watched the aura intently for a long time before saying: "How can I eat the mist? You can't put it in your mouth and swallow it."

Tang Feng said patiently: "You can eat them as long as you do what your uncle said. Come on, take a deep breath now and take this breath all the way to here." While talking, Tang Feng I clicked the position of the little girl's dantian.

The little girl is obviously a little puzzled about this request. She opened her mouth and inhaled several times without exhaling. She just took a medicated bath, which stimulated her body's potential. Naturally, her vital capacity has increased, and her small **** swelled. It was bulging, there was all air in it, and he wanted to continue to breathe in, Tang Feng quickly stopped her.

"Okay, Yaoyao, don't breathe in. Now exhale all the breath. You must walk down to move on to the next step. Try again."

With his great patience, Tang Feng finally taught the little girl what is called "qi sinking dantian" after half an hour, and then decomposed the exercises into very small steps, bit by bit. If you can understand, explain it to her. After two or three hours of tossing, the little girl finally learned the aura absorption technique.

According to this technique, the aura will linger around the little girl’s body, from her seven orifices into the body, and into the meridians, but the little girl has listened to Tang Feng’s words of eating the mist into her stomach, and just thinks about eating the aura, so, almost Ninety percent of the aura entered her body from her mouth, and only a few strands walked away from the other six orifices.

The little girl chewed a few times pretentiously, and frowned and said to Tang Feng: "Uncle, although this mist will shine, it's not delicious at all, and it has no taste at all."

Tang Feng couldn't help but smile.

Seeing that the little girl can draw aura into his body freely, he doesn't feel too happy in his heart.

This most difficult first step has already come out, and Shicai explained it over and over again, always worrying that the little girl could not understand the techniques that were too complicated for her, but unexpectedly she was so smart. Even as an adult, she might have to learn something for a few days, but she actually learned it in just a few hours.

Is this the power of blood? When Tang Feng first cultivated, he was gifted with extraordinary talents. From a little white who knew nothing to Star Sovereign Ziwei, it was only a thousand years. For other cultivators, it was a thousand years to reach the Golden Core stage. Very satisfying, enough to show off.

The little girl seemed to have completely copied the miracle he had cultivated back then. If it were not for the lack of spiritual energy on the earth, Tang Feng almost felt that the little girl might surpass him and become the supreme being who reached the realm of transcendence in a shorter time.

Seeing that the little girl had absorbed all the auras of Thousand-Year Ganoderma and Bone Refining Herb, Tang Feng closed his mouth happily, and was even more excited than absorbing the aura. These auras are really a drop in the ocean for him to restore the soul, but for him For people like the little girl who has just entered the gate of cultivating immortals, it is of great benefit.

Tang Feng taught the little girl to guide the aura in the body again, but it was too difficult for a child. The little girl practiced twice but couldn't do anything. The aura did not listen to her instructions, but just hung in her. In the body.

"Fine, it's not in a hurry," Tang Feng saw that the little girl was sweating on her forehead, so he stopped letting her do it, and said to himself: "It's only one day. It's enough to be able to do this. The aura here is really limited, it's really difficult to operate, and it won’t be too late to try again if you accumulate more in the future.

The little girl didn't work so hard just to learn from Tang Feng, but thought it was very fun. She treated this absorption of spiritual energy as a game, and was stopped by Tang Feng, and she still felt that she still had something to say.

Tang Feng saw that it was a bit dark now, and looked at the time, it was almost seven o'clock, and Lin Mengjia should be back when he wanted to come. If she took the little girl outside for too long, she would be suspicious, so he turned to the little girl. Said: "Yaoyao, you change your clothes back, and your uncle will take you home. Grandpa Zhang must have made dinner for you, waiting for you to go back to eat."

When it comes to eating, the little girl immediately feels that her belly is screaming.

Cultivation was originally a matter of physical exertion. She hadn't reached the realm of bigu. She had been focusing on learning the art of absorption before, and she didn't feel hungry. Now that Tang Feng reminded her, she immediately felt hungry.

The little girl changed her clothes and said happily: "I will have a lot of food tonight, and a lot of dishes. If I have rice, I want to eat noodles, dumplings, buns, and steamed buns! "

Tang Feng listened with a smile, and when the little girl changed her clothes, he took her back to the front yard.

As the two of them walked, Tang Feng smiled at the little girl: "Yaoyao, remember that your uncle told you, can no one tell this matter? You can't tell Aunt Shangguan, you can't tell Grandpa Zhang, and you can't. Tell mom."

"This is our secret!" The little girl uttered this sentence with Tang Feng. Her immature voice and Tang Feng's voice overlapped, causing Tang Feng to squint his eyes again with a smile.

The little girl laughed happily. When her laughter stopped, she suddenly said to Tang Feng in a small voice, "Can you be my father?"

At this moment, Tang Feng, who was walking forward, froze all over and paused slightly. Although the voice was so low that it was barely audible, he still heard clearly in his ears.

Before Tang Feng could react, the little girl raised her voice slightly, and repeated what she said just now: "Can you be my father? I want you to be my father."

Her voice was not high, but with firmness, she stood in front of Tang Feng and looked up at him with an extremely serious expression, unlike a five-year-old child at all. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 082 Absorbing Reiki) and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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