Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 821: Was tracked again?

Everyone went back to the room.

Lin Mengjia still had some thoughts, she ran to the little girl's bedroom and stayed with her for a long time. In the end, the little girl was impatient and wanted to sleep, so she reluctantly came out of her room and went back to the bedroom.

When Lin Mengjia came back, Tang Feng smiled and said to her: "Well, do you really envy you and want one too?"

Lin Mengjia nodded immediately, her eyes gleaming, and she went to Tang Feng's side, staring at him with anticipation, as if waiting, Tang Feng would immediately be able to transform her into a fox demon again.

Tang Feng lightly flicked her forehead, and smiled: "The spirit beast recognizes the lord. This is something that can be met but cannot be sought. It can only be achieved by fate. This development today is also something I haven't done before. Thought-of."

Lin Mengjia pursed her mouth with a very reluctant look. She sat next to Tang Feng, rubbed her forehead with her hand, and said unhappy: "When will I meet a spirit beast that belongs to me?"

Tang Feng looked at her with a smile, and said, "When I have time later, I will take you to various places to see. After all, you can meet many spirit beasts."

"Really there are many?"

Tang Feng nodded and said: "On Earth, it is true that the spirit beasts and monsters are not suitable for survival because of the lack of spiritual energy and the poor resources. Many of them are extinct, but within this vast star universe, those who possess the strange There are countless planets of rare beasts."

Lin Mengjia looked excited now, and said with a bit of longing in her eyes: "Can it be as beautiful as this flying snow?"

Women, after all, like beautiful things.

Before Lin Mengjia saw Da Bai and Xiao Hui, although they were both extremely intelligent spirit beasts, they had never wanted to have one, but when they saw this elegant white fox, they immediately yearned for them.

"Wansheng fox, it's just the most low-level monster beast, it's really nothing," Tang Feng said with a smile, "When you see others, you won't think it is so outstanding."

Lin Mengjia was excited and yearning, but immediately, she looked a little anxious, and said, "Then, Yaoyao can only have a low-level monster?"

Tang Feng couldn't help but smiled helplessly.

This little woman can't do her heart every day. She was still envious of the little girl who got the extremely cute monster, and now she started to worry about the low-level Wansheng Fox.

He touched her long hair and said: "The low-level and high-level lies in the practice. Because I haven't come into contact with it before, I don't know much about Wanshenghu, but I saw it today. It's not as low as I imagined. With a little adjustment, perhaps, there can be quite good progress."

Lin Mengjia nodded.

As a mother, she cared about the little girl far more than she cared about herself.

Tang Feng said again: "Besides, this spirit beast or monster can only recognize one owner, but the owner can have many spirit beasts at the same time. Although the ten thousand life fox is low-level, it is almost extinct. This kind of worth, sometimes, It is more eye-catching than some higher spirit beasts."

Lin Mengjia was more relieved, with a smile on her lips, she sat on the bed, stretched her waist, and said, "Today is really an eventful day. I thought that what happened to Qinghua and I was strange enough. Thinking of being at home, there are even more unexpected things."

Tang Feng casually said, "What have you encountered?"

He originally thought that Lin Mengjia and the others were just shopping casually, at most they encountered a thief, or a salesperson who looked down on ordinary people, but this would not happen to them.

But Lin Mengjia frowned and said, "I think the Shangguan was too nervous about this, saying that someone was following us."

"Someone followed? When I came back, why didn't I hear you talk about it?" Tang Feng's face immediately became serious.

Lin Mengjia shook her head and said: "We all think it is just the illusion of the Shangguan. If someone is really following, Da Bai will definitely react, but it is not the slightest danger."

Tang Feng wanted to shout loudly and came over to ask.

Lin Mengjia stretched out her hand to hold him, and said, "Even the Shangguan, in the end, we didn't realize who was following us."

Tang Feng showed a puzzled look, and said, "I noticed that someone was following, but I couldn't find the person to follow?"

"Yes, it is probably because Shangguan has been relatively relaxed these days. After following me alone, I was too nervous mentally to be suspicious." Lin Mengjia smiled indifferently, "I'll go wash, wait. Let’s rest too. Tomorrow I have to take Qinghua to the company for a tour."

Seeing Lin Mengjia entering the bathroom, Tang Feng's expression was not very relaxed, instead he picked up the phone and called Shangguan.

Tang Feng knew that she was not asleep. When they released flying snow in the garden just now, he still saw the figure in her window.

Shangguan quickly picked it up, his voice was sober, and said, "Mr. Tang, what's the matter?"

"Do you think you are being followed? What's the matter?" Tang Feng asked straightforwardly.

Shangguan said: "When I was in the mall, I had a strange feeling. Someone was staring at us secretly, but they couldn't find it. Those who stared at us, I took Miss Lin and others to leave, and then I went to the restaurant. I have this feeling, but I still haven't found out who is following it."

"You go to these places with Dabai?"

Obviously, pets are not allowed in shopping malls and restaurants. If Da Bai is present, you will probably be able to quickly find the person following you.

Shangguan said, "I always carry it, but it is not abnormal."

Tang Feng didn't want to know how Lin Mengjia and others brought Dabai to these places, but he was surprised that the upper body felt abnormal, but Dabai didn't perceive it, which was not quite reasonable.

If you have to find a reason, then as Lin Mengjia said, the Shangguan was a little too nervous.

However, Tang Feng didn't think that such an excellent martial artist as Shangguan, who was also very professional in being a bodyguard, would make such low-level mistakes.

The Shangguan couldn't hear Tang Feng's speech, and said, "Sir, is there any problem?"

"I don't know the specific situation, but I think you are not mistaken." Tang Feng said solemnly, "Let Zi Xuan follow you tomorrow, maybe I can find any clues."

"Okay, sir."

Shangguan's voice seemed calm, but it was filled with faint joy.

Regarding the matter today, she herself didn't have much confidence in her heart, and she even felt that something was really wrong, but she did not believe Tang Feng who had seen it with her own eyes.

For her, this is the greatest recognition. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 821 is being tracked again?) Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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