Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 832: Injured person

Xue Rui sat back again, his expression still a little disturbed.

Zi Xuan leaned forward, on the coffee table, picked up the teapot, poured a cup of tea, and handed it to him, saying: "Drink tea, speak slowly."

With a pretty smile on her face, and the voice of her speech, she brought the teacup to Xue Rui. It was obvious that Xue Rui's gaze was fixed on her face for a moment.

He knew Zi Xuan's name. Rong Guocheng had already introduced him to Shicai when he entered the door, and there had been talks between the two of them before.

However, at that time, Zi Xuan had always behaved nothing strange. Although the voice of her speech was delicate, her expression was very normal, and Xue Rui didn't think much about it.

But at this moment, the look of Zi Xuan's eye waves really made Xue Rui quite distracted, and he couldn't help but feel a little lost.

Seeing him in a daze, Zi Xuan still smiled and said, "Why, don't you like tea?"

Xue Rui just woke up like a dream, hurriedly took it, and said, "Thank you, Miss Zixuan."

Xue Rui took the cup in his hand, and did not drink, but just held it, looking at Zi Xuan with a look of restlessness.

Rong Guocheng was beside him and coughed softly.

It was also the first time he and Xue Rui met. Seeing his appearance and demeanor, he knew that he would be extremely popular among women, and it was inevitable that there would be girls stalking.

If you change to someone else and flirt with Xue Rui, Rong Guocheng will naturally not care, but the other party is Zi Xuan.

For Zi Xuan, Rong Guocheng has always been extremely jealous.

He saw that she was always smiling, harmless to humans and animals, but he knew her abilities in his heart.

He didn't think that Zi Xuan's performance towards Xue Rui was like him.

When Rong Guocheng reminded him, Xue Rui put the teacup on the coffee table, smiled at Zi Xuan, and then said to Tang Feng: "Although I am from the Xue family, I only have a side effect. The core issues are not accessible. Therefore, I just know a little bit about this matter, and I hope Mr. Tang will not be offended."

Tang Feng nodded.

He knows the rules of these big families very well.

It is the blood that maintains these families.

For some families, blood and inheritance are extremely important. Only a direct line is orthodox. Although those collateral lines are also from family members, there is a big gap in status and status from the direct line.

As a sideline, Xue Rui didn't know the important matters of the family, which was extremely normal.

Xue Rui continued: "It seems that a few days ago, a senior of the Xue family came back from the field and was seriously injured. He secretly met the head of the family. It is not known what he said between them. On the next day, the Gu family and Wang The two heads of the family came to Xue's house at the same time."

After hearing Xue Rui talk about the seriously injured senior, a look of surprise flashed across Zi Xuan's face, she subconsciously sat upright and glanced at Tang Feng.

Tang Feng also glanced at her.

The moment the two eyes met, Tang Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, as if inquiring, Zi Xuan just frowned, without much expression.

Xue Rui didn't care about the expressions of the two of them, but just continued: "Although the personal relationship between these patrons is pretty good, and occasionally meet, but these two patrons come to the door at the same time, and their expressions are extremely serious, obviously not just for After chatting, this is an extremely serious event. When the three Patriarchs met, the injured senior was also there."

Zi Xuan was absolutely certain that the injured person in Xue Rui's mouth was one of the Wu Xiu who attacked them in Kunlun, and the one who was bitten off by Da Bai's arm.

However, she has erased the memories of these people. Even if they leave Kunlun, it is absolutely impossible to reveal everything about them. After seeing the Patriarch of the Xue family, what did this person tell him?

Tang Feng's eyes also showed a hint of doubt.

He believed in Zi Xuan's ability, and also believed that she would not make such a big mistake in her work.

Rong Guocheng also understands these things. When he heard Xue Rui talking like this, he frowned and looked at him and said, "What's so strange about your senior?"

Xue Rui was taken aback, obviously not knowing the meaning of Rong Guocheng's words, and repeated dazedly: "Similar?"

Rong Guocheng nodded and said, "That is, what is different from before? For example, this personality and behavior, and the style of speaking and doing things."

Xue Rui shook his head and said in embarrassment: "After all, I am not a direct lineage of Zhengtong. My family is not in Xijing, and I have not had much contact with these family elders. I was not familiar with him before, so is there any difference between him? I don't know."

Shangguan glanced out of the courtyard subconsciously.

The car Xue Rui just drove over was the license plate of Shaanxi Province, but it was not Xijing. What he said was true.

Xue Rui continued: "It is precisely because of the incident that the two patrons came together to alarm the whole family. Everyone did not know what was happening, so they became vigilant. We collaterals got the news and rushed to the Xijing ancestral house. I thought that the two families were here to provoke and protect the family, but in the end they got the news that the three families would join forces to deal with Mr. Tang."

Knowing that Xue Rui could not get any more useful news, Tang Feng nodded to him and said, "If you have to work, Guocheng, Xue Rui have come all the way, and you will entertain me and stay here. He stayed in Pingyang for a few days."

Rong Guocheng was about to nod his head to agree, but Xue Rui said hurriedly: "Thank you, Mr., for your kindness, but I'm afraid I can't stay here for a long time. Sister Panpan is still waiting for me to return."

"I want to come to Miss Xue's current situation, is it a bit embarrassing?" Zi Xuan looked at Xue Rui, her face was no longer the original smile at him, but very serious.

Xue Rui took a deep breath, and after a while, he nodded gently and said, "Yes."

Zi Xuan looked at Tang Feng, smiled slightly, and said, "Since Miss Xue has fallen into this situation because of you, should you do something?"

The muscles on Tang Feng's face twitched slightly.

He could imagine that the three families made a decision together, but Xue Panpan, a daughter of the Xue family, stood up to oppose it. What kind of situation would this be?

Before, Rong Guocheng said that even her communications might be monitored. I am afraid that she has been put under house arrest.

Tang Feng looked at Zi Xuan expressionlessly, and said faintly: "I have this intention. Unfortunately, there are some things today that I lack the ability to do so and cannot go there in person. Why don't you go to Xijing and help her." The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: return to be a dad full text reading address: of Longevity and Become a Dad txt download address: Returns to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 832 Injured Person) reading record, next time you open the bookshelf Can be seen! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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