Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 834: Dark forces

Zi Xuan let out a sigh of relief.

After all, two fists are hard to beat four hands. With so many masters on the other side, letting her face so many martial arts by herself, she still feels a little jealous in her heart.

Seeing that the matter had been resolved, Rong Guocheng wanted to get up and say goodbye.

Tang Feng looked at him and said: "You came here just right, and I happen to want to find you to help investigate a few people."

Rong Guocheng said hurriedly, "Yes, sir, who is it?"

Looking at the superior, Tang Feng said lightly: "Those who followed you, tell Guocheng their names and identities."

"Following?" Rong Guocheng was a little surprised, "Someone is following Miss Shangguan?"

Shangguan shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it's not coming towards me."

She knew in her heart that the real target these people were following, most likely, was Lin Mengjia.

She is just an ordinary little Wu Xiu, the sect is not in Pingyang, what reason do others have to follow her?

Lin Mengjia is different.

The reason why she came to Lin Mengjia’s side was that there were always various dangers around her, but no matter what the cause of those dangers, the people who appeared next to her were either martial arts or training A well-known killer, there has never been an ordinary person.

There was also a question in Shangguan's heart: Now Lin Mengjia and the little girl have mastered martial arts skills. In front of ordinary people, they are completely invincible. What threats can those people cause to them?

Rong Guocheng still looked nervous, and said, "What is their purpose? Can they cause any danger?"

Shangguan shook his head, sighed, and said, "There are no consequences, but this matter is quite strange."

While speaking, she took the phone and sent a few photos to Rong Guocheng.

Rong Guocheng accepted it and looked at the photos. It was obvious that they were taken secretly on the street or in a shopping mall. The people on it were male and female, and they all looked very ordinary, and they all looked like they were thrown in. The type that the crowd can't find.

He was a little confused.

Xue Rui, who was standing next to him, glanced across his phone, and also showed a rather puzzled look.

From the conversations of several people, he could know that Tang Feng’s wife was being followed. He expected that those who could follow Tang Feng’s wives must have a background, but those people in the photo, You can tell at a glance, they are all ordinary people.

Not only the appearance and clothing, but their eyes and demeanor, can prove this.

Shangguan explained to Rong Guocheng: "I have been with Miss Lin for the past two days. I always meet people who are secretly watching. I secretly took photos of them. I have sent these photos to Police Officer Zhao. Ask her. Help check."

The expression on Rong Guocheng's face seemed even more puzzled, and said, "Don't the police have the files of these people?"

Shangguan shook his head and said, "No, Officer Zhao quickly found the identities and files of these people. They are all ordinary citizens, they have no criminal record, and they are innocent."

"Then—" Rong Guocheng looked at the photo and scratched his hair, "I already know this, what else do I need to check?"

"Check those things that the police can't find," Tang Feng said faintly, "They can only find the ones that can be seen, but in the background, what secret contact these people have is the police file. can not be seen."

"Yes, sir." Rong Guocheng nodded and put his mobile phone away. "Mr. suspects there is an organization behind them?"

Tang Feng let out an "um".

After all, it was a big boss who had been in the underground world, and it was the key to think of it all at once.

Rong Guocheng seemed to have thought of something, and said to Shangguan: "Miss Shangguan, are these people who followed his wife these days?"

Shangguan nodded and said, "It's just two days yesterday and today."

Rong Guocheng looked at Xue Rui and hesitated: "You three families, in Pingyang, are there any dark forces?"

"As far as I know, there is no such thing," Xue Rui understood Rong Guocheng's meaning, and shook his head to deny. "Also, it would not be these ordinary people who sent someone from the family."

As he spoke, he looked towards Tang Feng and said: "Even if these Patriarchs do not understand Mr. Tang's strength, but they have to use the power of the three families to deal with Mr. Tang, there must be some care in their hearts. , Certainly will not act rashly."

Tang Feng nodded.

These three families would be extremely cautious when they wanted to join forces against him for whatever reason. The person sent to investigate must be a martial artist, and his realm would not be too low.

Zixuan sat back on the sofa, looked at Rong Guocheng thoughtfully, and said: "If it is convenient for you, check two more people. They are a couple. The man is called Lu Xue. He lives in Dong'an City, Yu Province. Working in a logistics company, the girl is Fang Qi, a waiter in a local hotel."

Rong Guocheng wrote it down and said, "I have friends in Yu province, so I can ask them to check it out."

Although Tang Feng had never heard of these two names, he knew that this was the couple who followed Ji Ning and Zi Xuan when he was in Dong'an City.

Shangguan suddenly said "Huh".

"What?" Zi Xuan looked at her curiously.

Shangguan also looked at Zi Xuan, and slowly said, "Which hotel waiter?"

Zi Xuan spread her hands and said, "Who knows, there are so many hotels—you mean—" Her eyes suddenly widened, and then she looked at Tang Feng.

Tang Feng raised his eyebrows slightly, and he also thought of the situation.

"If this is the case, they were eyeing us when we checked into the hotel." Zi Xuan said while looking at Tang Feng.

Tang Feng nodded.

Zi Xuan continued: "I went out with Ji Ning, and they started following us."

Xue Rui didn't know what happened, but after listening to them, he could guess one or two, and couldn't help but said: "This dark force exists not only in Pingyang, but also in Yu Province. Its scope is a little bigger."

Shangguan pursed his mouth, his face showed a very serious expression, and his voice slowly said: "I have a feeling that not only these two places, but perhaps the entire China, the network of this dark force is spreading."

Although her conjectures are a bit shocking, it is not impossible to think about it.

It may not be just a coincidence that stalkers appeared in Pingyang, where Tang Feng and the others were located, and Yu Province, where they had been. Perhaps, they would be the same if they went elsewhere.

Xue Rui frowned slightly and said, "If there really is such a dark force in China, it is really a terrible thing."

Rong Guocheng couldn't help but licked his lips and nodded. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 834 Dark Forces) reading record and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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