Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 858: Common ground

Rong Guocheng hurriedly put down the spoon in his hand, wiped his mouth, and said: "I found that these people have one thing in common, that is, they all have relatives abroad, far or near, and they will have at least one relative. outside."

When Tang Feng heard the word "overseas", his eyes narrowed slightly, and he did not speak, but showed a thoughtful look.

Rong Guocheng continued: "However, this does not seem to explain much. Nowadays, the transportation is extremely developed. The Huaxia Kingdom has close ties with foreign countries. More and more people are working and studying in other countries to settle down. Among the ten people in China, Eight, there will probably be an obscure relative abroad."

Tang Feng was noncommittal.

Rong Guocheng is right. There are more and more people going abroad. No matter which country they are in, there are a huge number of Chinese people. They can take root and live in various places and can adapt to any kind of environment.

It is not surprising that there are relatives abroad.

Even if these people have such relatives, it is normal.

However, Tang Feng felt that it was a coincidence.

Too much coincidence is a problem.

This is Tang Feng's consistent creed.

He doesn't believe in coincidences, only deliberate arrangements.

Rong Guocheng said again: "Apart from this, I haven't found anything new yet."

He saw that Tang Feng had always been in a state of affairs, and the expression on his face was a little nervous. He didn't know if it was his own conclusion. Tang Feng was not satisfied.

"Overseas." Tang Feng repeated these two words faintly.

There have been too many things recently that have been related to overseas, and they all point to the same organization: Xuanmen.

Rong Guocheng heard the meaning in Tang Feng's voice, and said hurriedly: "Sir, do you think they have something to do with the foreigners who attacked us in Kunlun?"

The people outside the country that Rong Guocheng could think of were the two snipers in Kunlun.

Although they did not find them, judging from their weapons and identity, the chance of being a native of China is very small.

Tang Feng didn't answer, but said: "These people, at least 12 years ago, have been to Kunlun and have made plans, but why have they been standing still for so many years and suddenly starting to act now?"

Rong Guocheng said in surprise: "Mr. Is it certain that they are the same group of people that year? However, their identities are extremely legitimate, and they have complete files, neighborhood neighbors and people from work units. It can be proved that they have always lived in Pingyang, oh, and the couple in Yu Province have also been in Dong'an City. It seems unlikely that they have colluded with foreign forces and committed any illegal behavior."

"I also believe this-can you find the working place of the couple in Dong'an City?" Tang Feng turned around and asked another question.

Although Rong Guocheng didn't know the purpose of Tang Feng's question, he immediately told Tang Feng about the company of these two people.

Listening to Rong Guocheng reporting the name of the hotel where the woman was staying, Tang Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

This is exactly the hotel they stayed at when they were in Dong'an City.

However, what Tang Feng can be sure of is that he never saw the woman in the hotel.

The only explanation is that she found Tang Feng and others' information on the hotel check-in, and informed her husband that they followed Ji Ning and Zi Xuan when they were out.

Tang Feng had never guessed what their purpose was, but at this moment, he already had some faint guesses in his heart.

However, he did not say anything. Instead, he nodded to Rong Guocheng and said, "This is very useful for you to check. Next, you don't need to investigate these people again, but to check the information of their overseas relatives. ."

Rong Guocheng nodded and said, "Sir, although I have friends abroad, it is not my power after all. The speed of this investigation will definitely not be as fast as in Binh Duong. I hope that Mr. will forgive me."

Tang Feng nodded and said, "You do your best, and then give me the information about these people that you have already obtained, and I will ask the Zhang family to look it up together."

Rong Guocheng didn't know why Tang Summit suddenly said that he asked the Zhang family to investigate, but he didn't dare to ask more. He just nodded and said, "Yes, sir."

When Rong Guocheng left, Tang Feng called Zhang Qingyu again and told him what Rong Guocheng had found out.

Zhang Qingyu was silent for a moment, and murmured: "The Xuanmen organization has always been extremely mysterious. Their members are scattered all over the country. The number is extremely large, but no one sees it usually because they are all. As an ordinary person, living among ordinary people, and living the life of ordinary people."

Tang Feng said with an "um", and said, "Once the Profound Sect demands something from them, they will do things for the Profound Sect according to the convenience of their side, and their legal status is the biggest cover for them to do things."

Zhang Qingyu hesitated and said, "If this is the case, why would Xuanmen suddenly target the husband?"

This is what Zhang Qingyu cares most about.

He did not know that Meng Qiongyun brought an archaeological team into Kunlun back then, nor did he know that Tang Feng and others were attacked by foreign snipers in Kunlun.

As far as Zhang Qingyu was concerned, all he saw was that suddenly there were some people who had legitimate identities, but who seemed extremely weird, following people around Tang Feng.

And people with this level of identity are very similar to those from the Xuanmen.

Tang Feng didn’t answer Zhang Qingyu’s words, but said faintly: “I’ll give you a list later. You can check the status of these people for the time being. Whether it’s possible to be related to Xuanmen, you can only confirm this first. One point, all other inferences are supported by evidence."

Zhang Qingyu answered with full mouth and said: "Okay, I will immediately start an investigation after receiving the list."

After all, the Zhang family also has business overseas, and their strength there is far better than Rong Guocheng, and it is more convenient to investigate.

Zhang Qingyu continued: "Sir, tomorrow, Ruan Kangde will hold a large-scale charity party in Binh Duong. As the climax of his entire fundraising activity, he will definitely invite his wife to participate? I am the highest of the Zhang family enterprise. The adjudicator has also received the invitation letter. I don’t know what arrangements your husband has for this?"

Such an abnormal arrangement has made Ruan Kangde's purpose of coming here obvious.

Tang Feng didn't care at all, but said indifferently: "Just attend as usual, don't let him see anything unusual."

"Then, sir, will attend?"

Tang Feng didn't answer, a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his lips. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (common points in Chapter 858) and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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