Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 867: Formation

Feixue is naturally not here.

Since it took the medicine last night, it has experienced the pain of cutting bones and cleansing the marrow, and consumed a lot of energy. At the moment, it is still in the little girl’s room, drowsy, and the little girl has always been Accompany it.

Seeing the appearance of Aunt Lin Mengjia, a faint smile appeared on Mother Lin's face.

The woman drank tea quickly, concealing her emotions.

Mother Lin put down the cup in her hand and focused her attention on Tang Feng again. With a puzzled expression on her face, she slowly said, "How is this charming technique done?"

Tang Feng's expression became dignified, but soon he would return to his previous calmness. He put the cup down and said with a smile: "According to what she said before, it is to set up a magic circle, which is probably this method. In the formation, what means can be used to increase my own charm. I have not used such spells before, so I am not very clear."

Mother Lin nodded gently. Although Tang Feng didn't explain it clearly, she didn't ask too much.

When she asked such a sentence, she was just curious, even if Tang Feng explained the process in detail, she didn't understand it.

Lin Mengjia’s aunt had an obvious disappointment on her face. She sighed and said: "Back then, the Xu family’s incident was spreading. At that time, the media was not as developed as it is today, but it is far away. We in Beijing, in the newspapers and magazines, can know clearly, as if we were in Xiangjiang in person, and we were familiar with it. At that time, there were a lot of rumors about Huang Jiashu dropping Xu Zehao's head. I originally thought that we can get it now. Knowing the truth, but unexpectedly, you don't even know about it. I'm afraid she alone knows the real situation."

Seeing the unsatisfied and disappointed look of the woman’s gossip, Tang Feng smiled and said, "Auntie, although I don’t know the process, what is certain is that Xu Zehao’s feelings for Huang Jiashu are not out of For the original intention, Xu Qingling's illness was also related to this magic circle. Now Xu Qingling has guessed the general course. Huang Jiashu may not be able to hide it. Presumably after returning today, she will regret her actions back then. "

The woman's eyes lit up and said, "In other words, soon, this Xu family will have big news again?"

Mother Lin frowned, shook her head, and said: "This couple has been in love for more than 20 years. They are now regarded as model couples in Xiangjiang. Although there are so many former loving couples in the rich family, they are always in the media. They are harmonious and happy, but in fact, there are not a few of them. They are the most admired couple among them. I really hope that they can live like this for a lifetime, so as to add warmth to this smoky circle."

Lin Mengjia's aunt smiled slightly and said: "Sister, your mind is always so delicate and kind, but it seems that I want to see other people's jokes."

She talked like this, and in her tone, there was no self-blame, but a joke.

In fact, she didn't have any vicious thoughts. She hoped that Xu Zehao and Huang Jiashu would turn against each other. She just had a mentality to watch the excitement.

Seeing Mother Lin's stunned look, Tang Feng was very fortunate that he had just changed his mind in an instant and didn't tell her the true situation of this charm technique, otherwise, at this moment, I don't know how she would feel.

Naturally, Tang Feng would not fail to know the details of this technique.

In his mind, it was like an extremely huge library with hundreds of millions of classics recorded in it. What he wanted to know could only be answered by a little search in his mind.

He knew quite a lot about Charm. He hadn't talked about it. It was because it was too dark, and he felt that Lin Mu could not bear it.

Mother Lin still had a glimmer of hope for the feelings between Xu Zehao and Huang Jiashu, but if she knew what means Huang Jiashu used to get this feeling that shouldn't belong to her, she would be extremely shocked.

As Lin Mengjia’s aunt said, Huang Jiashu was originally an ordinary-looking woman, no matter how charming she was, she couldn’t attract Xu Zehao who only looked at the face.

It's not that the inner beauty can't attract people, but Xu Zehao, originally a very superficial person, only has beautiful women in his eyes, and he has no interest in understanding the other's inner side.

Huang Jiashu wants Xu Zehao to care about himself, that is, to become the beauty in his eyes.

The way she uses is to make her body full of charm, strong enough to make all men who see her can't help being attracted.

There are many ways to achieve this goal. Tang Feng heard Huang Jiashu mentioned that there was a magic circle in the basement of his home, and he had guessed her way.

What Huang Jiashu uses is the method of transfer, to transfer the charm of other women to her. She can reach the current state, not only to confuse Xu Zehao, but also to make other men see her and be overwhelmed. This shows that , The woman she transferred her charm was extremely charming.

What is the most attractive woman, the most charming woman?

Tang Feng saw it, and just a few days ago, saw it.

A woman with a pure yin body.

This kind of woman is a natural disaster, and she is born to be overwhelmed by the country, and can make the man who sees her fall over.

In Huang Jiashu's house, or in the magic circle in the basement of Xu's house, a woman with a pure yin body was sealed.

This is Huang Jiashu's secret.

Naturally, Tang Feng guessed that the woman was not complete. Otherwise, if a corpse was placed in the basement for more than 20 years, it would have been discovered early.

This pure yin body woman's corpse is treated in a special way. The most commonly used is to extract corpse oil. It only takes a few milliliters to make Huang Jiashu a great charm.

The body oil of the pure yin body is sprinkled in the center of the magic circle. However, the magic circle alone cannot be completely sealed. It needs to be calmed by pure yang energy to keep it for a long time and exert its effect.

Therefore, only ninety-nine and eighty-one men with the body of a pure-yang adult boy who also extract corpse oil and spread it evenly around the circle can be considered to be able to form the circle.

Tang Feng expected that at the beginning, Huang Jiashu used other means to confuse Xu Zehao, and only when he moved into Xu's house did he really set up this formation here.

This formation must be extremely concealed, and other people cannot know it.

Even if someone knew it, as she said, she explained that this is a circle that protects her family. With Xu Zehao's deep belief in her, it is naturally impossible for others to question her. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 867 Array) and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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