Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 870: About the dinner

Seeing Kong Liangji's arrival, the few people present left the living room in a tacit understanding.

Tang Feng watched Mother Lin and Aunt Lin Mengjia walk towards the depths of the garden, still discussing whether Huang Jiashu's behavior was right or wrong. It seemed that their dispute would probably take a long time.

Tang Feng couldn't help but shook his head helplessly.

He didn't quite understand how women thought in their hearts, and what was the point of arguing about things that could no longer be changed?

However, he was also not commenting on their behavior.

After all, Mother Lin has always stayed at home to recuperate. She usually doesn't go out, and the woman has always been with her. The two of them are probably really boring.

Kong Liangji came this time, only himself, Chu Chu accompanied him, Zhang Qingyu did not follow.

As soon as Chu Chu entered the door, she jumped to Tang Feng's side, sat down on the sofa, and looked around and said, "Where is Uncle Xu and Aunt Huang?"

Tang Feng said faintly: "Let's go."

"Gone? Where did you go? How long have you gone? It's strange. I clearly agreed with Lingling. When she went back, she wanted to go out to celebrate together. She was cured, so she surreptitiously left. Tell me."

While muttering in Chu Chu's mouth, he took out his mobile phone, obviously wanting to call Xu Qingling.

Tang Feng said blankly: "There are some things in her home that need to be dealt with. I advise you not to disturb her for the time being. When it is convenient for her, she will naturally contact you."

He could think that at this moment, the three of the Xu family didn't want to be disturbed by anyone, especially Xu Qingling.

Although Xu Qingling had always lived in the Zhang family before, at this time, the three of them would definitely find a convenient place to talk.

Seeing Huang Jiashu's determination when she left, she probably told Xu Qingling the truth.

Yes, it's just Xu Qingling.

Tang Feng could guess that even at this time, she might not let Xu Zehao know the truth.

As her daughter, Xu Qingling, will eventually help her keep this secret, or will she tell her father?

Although Chu Chu didn't know what was going on, seeing what Tang Feng said, he put the phone down, looked at Tang Feng with a puzzled expression, and said, "Uncle, what is so important is more important than celebration. ?"

"How would I know about their family's affairs?" Tang Feng was still indifferent, speaking, already looking at Kong Liangji.

Kong Liangji sat on the sofa opposite Tang Feng, looking at Tang Feng with an extremely incomprehensible gaze.

Seeing Tang Feng looking at him, he quickly retracted it, with a smile on his face, and said, "Mr. Tang, there are some things on Shouting's side, but I didn't come over today."

Tang Feng didn't ask him about Zhang Qingyu, but Zhang Qingyu was accompanied by him two days ago. He was suddenly absent today. He expected Tang Summit to ask questions, so he took the initiative to talk about it.

Tang Feng let out an "um".

When Chu Chu heard the mention of his grandfather, he said, "I don't know where the big people come from, what kind of dinner will be held, but it is so powerful, it seems that someone from the province has come to talk to Grandpa."

The "big man" in her mouth, of course, refers to Ruan Kangde.

The philanthropist who is of considerable status internationally comes to Binh Duong to hold a charity dinner. It will definitely get the attention of local high-level officials. Not only Binh Duong City, but even the entire Jin Province will spend a lot of time for this dinner.

The Zhang family is the richest man in Binh Duong, with such a prominent position, and there are such important events in Binh Duong. It is normal for a high-level person from the province to personally find Zhang Qingyu to discuss with him about the dinner party.

Tang Feng ignored Chu Chu, but still looked at Kong Liangji, wanting to see how he behaved in this matter.

Kong Liangji saw that Tang Feng was still looking at him, and he said, "This thing is also strange. How did Earl Kant think of holding such a big charity dinner in Pingyang? When he first arrived a few days ago, I I thought he would stay longer in Yanjing or Haishi."

There was obvious doubt in his expression.

With his current status and status, if he mentioned this in front of others, he would definitely not show his true feelings so clearly, and would not easily let others guess what he was thinking.

However, in front of Tang Feng, he did not hide it.

He also knew that any thoughts in his heart could not be concealed from Tang Feng.

Seeing him like this, Tang Feng understood that Zhang Qingyu hadn't told him about Ruan Kangde, so he said lightly: "You and him are familiar?"

Kong Liangji shook his head and said, "I'm not very familiar with it. He had never been to China before this. I was in his country for business talks many years ago. In some public occasions, I have had some fate. Chatted a few words."

"Earl Kant? I seem to have heard it somewhere." Chu Chu whispered.

Tang Feng signaled Kong Liangji to continue.

Kong Liangji continued: "He is humorous and has a good personality. He seems to be able to become friends easily. We exchanged famous posts at the time, but later I focused my business on the country and rarely went there. There is little contact between us."

"Surely he invited you to this dinner." Tang Feng seemed to be chatting and asked casually.

Kong Liangji nodded and said, "Mr. Honestly speaking, I did receive the invitation, but I was not in good health at that time. I didn't expect to have the opportunity to participate. At that time, I wanted Shu Chou to come on my behalf."

The corner of Tang Feng's mouth showed a wistful smile.

Even if Kong Liangji did not directly mention how much he valued Kong Shuchou, but from the point that he would let him attend important occasions instead of him, it can be seen that in his heart, among his sons, he is still the most concerned about him. of.

Chu Chu turned his eyes, looked at Tang Feng, and said with a smile: "Uncle, will you also go to this dinner party?"

Tang Feng did not answer.

There was a slightly happy expression in Chu Chu's eyes, and then he said: "I heard that this class of dinner will invite many famous stars. I don't know who the guests will be this time. I knew it was. At this banquet, I asked Grandpa carefully."

Before, she had heard a few words about the dinner, but Quan thought it was the business banquet. What she was not interested in at all was that she had never cared about it.

Now that I heard that it was a charity dinner, I thought that there would be celebrities participating as guests. Even a girl of her age, even a wealthy daughter, would be a little excited about this.

The more she said, the more excited she became. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 870 about the dinner), and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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