Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 875: Liberation Tiger Mountain

When Tang Feng said this, the three Wu Xiu's faces changed drastically.

Ben still barely maintained his composure, but at this time, his face was all defeated.

They didn't do anything or say anything, but in that gaze, there was already a sense of despair.

However, in spite of this, the three people still clenched their teeth.

No one begged Tang Feng for mercy, and no one spoke.

Looking at the three people in front of him, reluctantly suppressing the fear in his heart, Tang Feng's lips showed a faint smile, and said slowly: "Let's go."

While speaking, he had already turned sideways to the side, letting out the position of the door of the room, enough for a person to pass.

"Huh?" The faces of the three people showed obvious stunned expressions. They didn't expect Tang Summit to say so.

Tang Feng remained silent.

"You let us go?"

"You, won't you kill us?"

"What do you want to do?"

The three voices rang almost at the same time.

Just when Tang Feng said that it was useless to keep them, all three of them thought that he wanted to kill them.

After all, for those masters who are completely incomprehensible, it would take no more effort to kill them than to crush an ant.

For them, Zi Xuan is already an extremely terrifying existence, able to easily capture the three of them at the same time by relying on her own power, and this man, compared to Zi Xuan, is more than tens of millions. Times, it made them frightened.

Every move of him can make their hearts chill.

The meaning revealed in that sentence is as if they have already been sentenced to death.

However, he said, let them go.

They almost doubted whether they had heard it wrong.

Tang Feng said indifferently, "What did you do to kill you? If I kill you, I can't get what I want. Is it necessary?"

"You, what is your conspiracy?" One of them had doubts in his eyes.

"The door is here. You can go or not. If you think there is a conspiracy, you can stay here for a lifetime."

The three of them looked at Tang Feng's face with a faint smile, but they still couldn't judge whether his words were true or false.

Moreover, even though Tang Feng had given up the position of the door, he was still standing beside him, and no one had the courage to just walk past Tang Feng.

Tang Feng saw their thoughts and smiled indifferently. He turned around first, left the room and exited the door. He did not stop, but walked towards the outside of the yard.

The window above this room was already in tatters. Through the broken place, the three people could clearly see that Tang Feng had left the yard.

The three of them still stood in the same place, looking at each other, with suspicious expressions in their eyes.

They were detained for several days, and they had been prepared to be wiped out long ago, but at this moment Tang Feng asked them to leave.

In their opinion, Tang Feng's behavior was nothing more than letting a tiger go back to the mountain. It was too stupid. They always felt that there seemed to be some conspiracy.

After a long while, a talent lowered his voice and said: "He wants to kill us, he does it directly, there is no need to play tricks."

"Will he follow us?" The other person also whispered.

The other person frowned and said, "After we leave, we will split up and find a place to stay for three to five months. I don't believe it, he will always follow."

After reaching an agreement, one of them tentatively walked out the door.

When they went out before, they would always be blocked by an invisible force.

The power can't be seen or touched, but they can't break through at all.

At this moment, there is no obstruction.

The man went straight out the door, and then out the door.

He stood at the door and made a gesture to the two people inside.

The two men no longer hesitated, and immediately flew out.

They left the village, stood at the entrance of the village, exchanged their eyes again, nodded to each other, and then left quickly in three directions.

On the road not far from the entrance of the village, Tang Feng, who was sitting in the car, watched the three people disappear, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Naturally, he would not simply let them go.

However, he naturally does not use simple means such as tracking.

He marked them all.

That is his mark, even if they go to the ends of the world, as long as he wants to find them, he can find them at any time, even in the past few decades, as long as he does not erase the mark, the mark will always exist.

These three guys are clever, thinking that they can get rid of Tang Feng's eyeliner by wandering outside for a while.

Tang Feng drove the car and did not go home, but went straight to Lin Mengjia's company.

He parked the car under the Mengtang Group building and dialed Lin Mengjia's cell phone.

After only two rings, the phone was picked up. Lin Mengjia came over with a smiling voice, and said, "Why do you have time to call me? Anything?"

"Not only do I only have time to call you, I also have time to ask you to have a meal."

Tang Feng was also smiling.

Hearing Lin Mengjia's voice, he felt a happy feeling in his heart.

"You, have you come to the company?" Lin Mengjia's voice suddenly became very pleasantly surprised.

Tang Feng smiled and said, "I'm downstairs."

"I'll be down right away!"

From Lin Mengjia's sudden increase in her voice, Tang Feng could imagine how she was jumping for joy.

Not long after, everyone on the first floor of this building saw the cold female president of Mengtang Group flying out of the elevator like a little swallow, with an unconcealable smile on her face, like a gust of wind. Go out.

All the people present had surprised expressions on their faces, craned their necks, and looked outside.

Then, I saw Lin Mengjia get into a black Mercedes-Benz SUV.

Lin Mengjia got into the car, fastened her seat belt, and smiled and said to Tang Feng, "Why do you have time to come over today?"

Tang Feng stretched out his hand and gathered Lin Mengjia's hair that was a bit messy just because of running, and said with a smile: "I miss you, so I will come to see you."

Lin Mengjia's face blushed slightly, and she said with an anguish: "Old husband and wife, I don't believe it if they still say this kind of love story!"

"You don't believe it, why are you blushing?" Tang Feng started the car with a smile.

Lin Mengjia touched her hot face with her hand, and said to him, "Qinghua is still holding a meeting for them. I'm sneaking like this. Isn't it a bad idea?"

The "they" in her mouth naturally refers to the senior managers of the Mengtang Group.

Tang Feng smiled slightly and said: "I think it's very good." Longevity Return: Becoming a Dad, the latest chapter address: is back to be a dad full text reading address: https :// return to be a dad txt download address: https:/ / returns to be a dad mobile phone reading: https://m the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below Record the reading record of this time (Chapter 875 Putting the Tiger to the Mountain), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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