Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 903: Random mandarin ducks

Tang Feng groaned: "With the processing methods at the time, I believe they knew what had happened. However, they probably didn't expect that Qiansi was convoluted, but after seeing no one, they thought it had already happened. Under control."

Lin Mengjia and Shangguan looked at each other.

Tang Feng's explanation also made sense.

Shangguan said again: "Mr. Tang, what do you plan to do with the other people? They are all caught with this Gu. We don't know who the Gu Master is or what purpose did these things. But even if I think about it, it may not be any kind of Ann."

Lin Mengjia got a little nervous, looked towards Tang Feng, and said hurriedly: "You take the gu worm from a person, and you become tired like this. If everyone takes care of it, wouldn't it be tired out? Is it sick? This can't work!"

Seeing Lin Mengjia's appearance, Tang Feng couldn't help laughing: "This situation is because I underestimated the Gu master's ability. If I were prepared, it wouldn't be the case."

"But—" Lin Mengjia looked hesitantly, looked at Tang Feng, and stopped talking.

She remembered that Tang Feng didn't like to be nosy.

At the beginning, saving Hu Yueer and treating Sun Qing were all because she helped intercede, while Zhang Qingyu, Zhou Zhengyang and others were treated because they were helpful to her. Today, she took out the gu worms for Ah Ying. , Also because she asked.

According to Tang Feng's temperament, he definitely wouldn't want to cause trouble to himself, looking for those irrelevant people, expending spiritual energy, and taking out the Gu worms for them.

But looking at him right now, it seemed to have this thought.

This made Lin Mengjia a little surprised.

Tang Feng smiled faintly and said, "Although the origin of this Gu Master is not yet clear, he is practicing Gu in Linji County, which is not far from Pingyang. What I am worried about is those who left Linji. Many people will come to Pingyang or around here, and once the Gu worms break out, it will cause people to feel uneasy."

The number of people who came out of Linji back then was definitely not a small number. This is a county town. Even if it had already declined at that time, there were tens of thousands of people.

Shangguan frowned and said, "What Aying said may not be all true. After so many years, many things may have been exaggerated. According to her description, the area was probably full of corpses at the time, even if it was blocked again. The news is unlikely to be completely unknown. I guess that most of the dead, that is, a dozen people, at most, 20 or 30 people, and their blood descendants, by now, will not exceed a hundred people."

"There are many things that need to be discussed about what she said," Tang Feng raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and nodded in agreement. "However, even if dozens of people in the middle gu attack at the same time, it is a trickier thing."

Lin Mengjia was a little puzzled: "Are you planning to find out these people one by one, and then get rid of the gu worms from them? I don't think this is easy, right?"

"I want to get rid of Gu worms on a large scale, I naturally have other methods." Tang Feng smiled at Lin Mengjia, "You can use the method of bathing in medicinal wine to paralyze the gu worms and remove them again. A lot easier."

He knew that the reason she was resisting this was because she was worried about his body.

Lin Mengjia said suspiciously: "Really?"

Tang Feng stretched out his hand, rubbed her hair gently, and said, "When did I lie to you?"

Lin Mengjia pouted her mouth with a bit of anger, and said: "The words are all spoken from your mouth. How do I know if you are telling the truth or the lie?"

"Don't you want me to swear?" Tang Feng's smile was full of doting, and his eyes were filled with infinite love.

Shangguan looked speechless.

Watching these two guys unscrupulously spread dog food in front of her single dog, she really felt like being abused.

What made her even more black line was that the two people looked at her together, and in their eyes, they seemed to be asking why she didn't leave.

Seeing this situation, Shangguan could only pursed his mouth and withdrew from the door with an aggrieved expression.

Seeing Shangguan leaving, Lin Mengjia couldn't help but laugh, and gently pushed Tang Feng, and said, "You are too bullying. Look at the way Shangguan was wronged just now."

Tang Feng looked innocent, blinked his eyes, and said, "I didn't do anything. Is it because she doesn't want to make a light bulb, okay?"

Lin Mengjia glanced at the door, held back a smile, and said, "Usually Shangguan always has her face up to the sky. Today, looking at her make-up look adds a bit of beauty. Shangguan's age is not too young. They are martial artists. , What are the special requirements for marriage?"

Tang Feng shook his head and said, "Don't mess with the mandarin duck tree. Shangguan has a sect. Many sects have different rules. If she doesn't want to leave the sect, she still has to follow the rules."

Lin Mengjia looked disappointed, sighed, and said: "I still think that she and Ji Ning are a good match. In that case, I can't say much."

Tang Feng said with an "um" and said, "Although I don't know much about her sect, but generally speaking, if the Shangguan has no parents or family members, marriage and other matters are decided by her master or sect master. of."

Lin Mengjia thought for a while, and said, "The Shangguan rarely talks about her own affairs, and never mentions her family. I never seem to mention her family. Like Zi Xuan, she was adopted by the sect since childhood. When I have a chance, I will ask my mother. She may know something about Shangguan."

"Aunt she and Shangguan's sect, what kind of relationship seems to be there?" Tang Feng's gaze was faintly inquiring.

Lin Mengjia nodded and said, "I don't know the specific situation. However, it seems that my mother has some friendship with someone who has status in the sect. This is strange. My mother is just an ordinary person. Know these people and still have a lot of friendship? Let the other party send a superior to protect me, I'm afraid it is not an ordinary friendship, can it be done?"

Tang Feng smiled and said, "How could Auntie be an ordinary person? Aside from her identity as Mrs. Lin, her natal family is not an ordinary family, right?"

"Grandma's house, there is still some prestige, but it has nothing to do with Wu Xiu." Lin Mengjia still shook her head inexplicably. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 903 Random Mandarin Duck) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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