Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 909: All kinds of gods

Kong Qinghua looked around behind him in a somewhat unclear way, and said with a little surprise: "How can this be a Hongmen Banquet?"

She didn't know what happened to Tang Feng and the others. In her opinion, the people sitting behind were all celebrities from all walks of life. How could there be any disadvantages hidden?

Among the crowd, she had seen Zhang Qingyu, Zheng Songru and others, as well as the old man Sun. These people are among the best in Pingyang, but at this moment, they are all sitting in the back position.

Kong Qinghua didn’t think much about this. Although she was a junior in front of these people, her identity as the daughter of the Confucian family was far higher than them. Even without Lin Mengjia or Tang Feng, she could still rely on it. This identity sits in the front row.

Based on politeness, Kong Qinghua leaned forward to several elders from a distance and smiled as a greeting.

When Lin Mengjia saw Kong Qinghua like this, she also looked over, and after seeing a few of them, she also nodded.

Sitting beside Zhang Qingyu, Chu Chu was dressed in dazzling glamour. Her eyes were searching everywhere. When she saw Lin Mengjia, she immediately showed a bright smile, raised her hand and waved vigorously at her. , Reached Zhang Qingyu's ear and whispered something.

Even if Lin Mengjia has good ears, the distance is far, and life is noisy, she can't hear clearly, but based on the expressions of the two, she can judge that Chu Chu is asking Zhang Qingyu to come to her side. Come.

As expected, Zhang Qingyu smiled slightly at Lin Mengjia, with a little helplessness in his smile, and a hint of inquiry.

Lin Mengjia smiled and nodded.

Zhang Qingyu nodded to Chu Chu and agreed.

Chu Chudeng was full of excitement at the time, and came over there hopping around.

Seeing Chu Chu coming from a distance, Tang Feng looked speechless and said, "What are you asking her to do?"

Lin Mengjia smiled and said, "There are more people."

Tang Feng was even more speechless.

lively? Don’t think it’s not lively enough now? Wait for the Kong family to arrive, I'm afraid it will be crowded here.

As she spoke, Chu Chu was already close. She smiled sweetly at Lin Mengjia and said, "Sister Mengjia, you are so beautiful today."

Lin Mengjia also smiled and said, "You are also very beautiful."

This girl is wearing a short white dress today. She seems to prefer white, and she usually likes to wear white dresses.

She applied a little pink and a light makeup, she is now the best time for a girl, young is her greatest capital, even if she does not make up, she is full of youthful vitality, she is already the most beautiful makeup.

Hearing Lin Mengjia complimenting herself, Chu Chu's face smiled even more happily.

Lin Mengjia introduced Kong Qinghua beside him to Chu Chu.

Although Chu Chu had never seen Kong Qinghua before, he knew about it, and greeted her quickly before sitting down in the empty seat on the side.

The round table is big enough, and the chairs placed around it can sit at least eight people. At this moment, it is more cuddly, and it doesn't appear to be crowded.

Chu Chu squeezed his eyes towards Tang Feng and said, "Uncle, I rarely see you wearing such a serious look, I can't recognize it anymore."

Lin Mengjia laughed out with a "pounce", someone who touched Tang Feng with her elbow, forced her laugh, and said, "Chu Chu said you are usually not serious."

Chu Chu and Kong Qinghua couldn't help laughing. Even Ji Ning and Shangguan twitched their mouths, trying to laugh, but they didn't dare to laugh.

Tang Feng couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Do you say that you are a man?

And, that girl Chu Chu didn't mean that, right?

He really didn't want to take up this topic, so he leaned back in his chair, sipping tea, and looked at these people who came without a trace.

Except for Zhang Qingyu and the others, most of the guests Tang Feng did not know. Some of them were slightly familiar. They had seen photos and videos in the media, but they were all six years ago. , Quite a long time ago, his impression is very vague.

Most people, he has never seen him before.

When Lin Mengjia saw this, she stopped joking, followed Tang Feng's gaze, and whispered to him who had come.

Most of the locals in Binh Duong are recognized by Lin Mengjia.

However, she didn't know about some foreigners. Kong Qinghua and Chu Chu occasionally knew one or two of them, and they also helped to identify them.

Most of these people are giants in the business world, just take one out, worth more than one billion or even tens of billions, and there are also some big family heads. Naturally, these big families also have a strong economy. Strength, even if some of these Patriarchs have not been involved in business for a long time, they are invisible rich people.

Among them, there is no lack of Wu Xiu who is not low.

Tang Feng had already seen a dozen people, sitting scattered among the crowd, talking and laughing. On the surface, they were no different from ordinary people.

Because Ruan Kangde's activity was not an official act, although the official officials paid more attention to it, no important people attended.

Listening to the names and identities of those people, Tang Feng couldn't help but show a meaningful smile.

This dinner is really a gathering of gods from all walks of life, so many extraordinary people, it seems that Ruan Kangde really has a lot of face.

However, do these people give Ruan Kangde's face or Xuanmen's face?

After recognizing the person for a long while, Lin Mengjia suddenly remembered something, and said to Chu Chu: "Your friend, that Miss Xu, why didn't you come over?"

Chu Chu was introducing the identity of a person to Tang Feng. Hearing Lin Mengjia's words, he pouted and said, "She went back to Xiangjiang, and said that there was something at home, and she didn't know what was going on. She was clearly cured. When it was a very happy thing, she didn’t seem to be too happy. I told her to come out to celebrate, but I refused. I called and told me to return to Xiangjiang, but also vaguely didn’t explain anything. Uncle, it’s because of her illness. , What's the new problem, right?"

When he said the last sentence, Chu Chu had already turned to Tang Feng's direction, blinked and looked at him with doubts on his face.

Tang Feng shrugged his shoulders and said faintly: "Didn't you see clearly, has her condition improved? What problems will there be?"

"That's what I said," Chu Chu frowned, looking very puzzled, "I don't know what the **** is she doing, as well as Uncle Xu's and Aunt Huang, who treated me very kindly. This time, I I asked them to visit my grandfather’s house, but they didn’t agree. It’s really weird."

Seeing Chu Chu's puzzled look, Tang Feng just smiled slightly, and then looked away. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 909 All Gods), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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