Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 911: Shocked Kong Qinghua

Seeing Tang Feng like this, Chu Chu looked at Tang Feng inexplicably, blinking puzzledly.

She naturally didn't know that Tang Feng could hear her talking.

With a little confusion, Chu Chu said to Tang Feng: "Uncle, what's the matter with you?"

"The tea is a bit hot, don't worry about me, you guys go on."

Tang Feng's face was expressionless, as if there was no wave in his heart, but the twitching muscles on his face betrayed the crazy smile in his heart.

Ji Ning also coughed lightly, turned his head to the side, and pretended to say to Shangguan nonchalantly: "It's really hot in here."

Shangguan let out a sigh of relief and nodded in response, "Probably because of too many people."

Kong Qinghua turned his eyes on the faces of the two with extremely astonishment. He really didn't understand what they meant by what they said.

The air conditioner in the venue was turned on extremely well, and the temperature was adjusted just right, which made people feel very comfortable. Normally, the two of them are not picky about the environment. Why do they care about hot and cold today?

Moreover, Kong Qinghua looked at Tang Feng again. She felt that his performance tonight was also extremely abnormal.

Kong Qinghua didn't have much contact with Tang Feng, but he had always felt that he was an extremely cold person, with few words and a cold personality, and seemed to have no interest in anything except the little girl.

Kong Qinghua, who had long been accustomed to a high-cold face of Tang Feng, would inevitably murmur a bit when he suddenly saw his performance.

When Kong Qinghua was suspicious, she found that Lin Mengjia was looking in the direction behind her, with a complicated look in her eyes.

Kong Qinghua immediately noticed something and turned his head subconsciously.

Her face changed in an instant.

Behind her is the direction of the entrance.

At this moment, several people are coming from over there.

When passing through the passage, the guests sitting on both sides got up one after another and greeted these people.

The leader among these people is naturally Ruan Kangde, and the one he personally brought in and led them to their seats was Kong Liangji.

Presumably among the guests tonight, the most important person from China is Kong Liangji.

The other big families, Lin Mengjia already knows, is that her father did not come, and other families have roots in Yanjing, and usually do not have major issues, so they will definitely not leave easily.

Before, Kong Liangji also planned to send Kong Shuchou here, but this time he just stopped by because he was in Pingyang.

Behind Kong Liangji, there were three others, one man and two women. Tang Feng recognized at a glance. Those two women were the mother and daughter who came to seek medical treatment with Kong Liangji that day but were left out by Kong Boyao.

On that day, the two of them and Kong Boyao were at war with each other, and there was no demeanor to speak of, but at this moment, they were well-dressed, dressed in extremely gorgeous dresses, wearing precious jewelry, and all gestures were full of extravagance.

Even if you didn’t dress up that day, you could see that the mother and daughter looked quite good, especially the mother, who was very well maintained, both in appearance and figure, they looked like they were in their early forties. She looked like she couldn't see a woman with such an eldest daughter at all.

Presumably when she was young, she must have been a great beauty, and not only had her looks, but her mind was also good. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Kong Shuchou to abandon Kong Qinghua's mother who has a pretty good family background for her.

Tang Feng remembered Lin Mengjia mentioned that her name was Wu Qiu, and her daughter, also Kong Qinghua's sister, was named Kong Qingrong.

Ronghua, the names of these two sisters are quite straightforward.

Kong Qingrong inherited Wu Qiu's appearance, he was also beautiful, with a graceful figure, and his eyebrows were somewhat similar to those of Kong Qinghua, but they were more mature.

Tang Feng's gaze just swept across the two of them, and his attention fell on the man.

It was a tall middle-aged man.

Undoubtedly, this man is Kong Shuchou.

Tang Feng had seen Kong Boyao before, and Kong Shuchou was completely different from Kong Boyao.

Whether it's the appearance or the temperament that comes out of the body.

Kong Shuchou is not outstanding just by looking at his appearance.

But a man of this age can't look at his face naturally.

He maintained his figure very well and looked very tall and upright in a suit that was obviously tailor-made.

Some men start to indulge after middle-aged, with bulging stomachs and bald heads, more and more fat in the abdomen, but less and less hair, which makes people feel greasy at first sight.

But not only did Kong Shuchou keep his figure very good, he showed no signs of beer belly, and his hair was thick and jet-black, and his meticulous combing was a bonus.

From these two points, it can be seen that he pays great attention to his personal image, not just for this dinner, but has always maintained good habits.

From head to toe, there is no obvious LOGO exposed. It is very low-key, but from the workmanship of the clothing, it can be seen that the price is high. The discerning person can see the sense of luxury at first sight.

Kong Shuchou's behavior is very decent, although he only follows Kong Liangji's behind, but it has attracted the attention of most people around him.

Obviously, he was accustomed to such gazes, and there was nothing unusual. He just smiled politely, followed Kong Liangji, did not deliberately want to show his performance, and appeared extremely humble and restrained.

From his body, it seems that there are no shortcomings.

Kong Liangji walked with a smile on his face and exchanged greetings with Ruan Kangde. The topic of the two was nothing more than a compliment to each other's physical condition.

After a long time, Kong Qinghua closed his gaze back and looked at Lin Mengjia with a shocked expression on his face.

Lin Mengjia thought that she would be like this when she saw Kong Shuchou.

Unexpectedly, Kong Qinghua said to her with an incredible voice: "When did Grandpa's body become better?"

While speaking, her gaze turned to Tang Feng again.

Although she had heard Lin Mengjia talk about Kong Liangji's visit to Tang Feng for treatment, she was just thinking that Tang Feng could cure some of Kong Liangji's more obvious diseases, but what was the decline of the human body due to aging? No doctor can cure it.

But at this moment, Kong Liangji who appeared in front of her, the old man in her memory who had been in a wheelchair for more than ten years, was now full of vigor, not only walking by herself, but also walking fast, where could it be? Can you tell that this is a nearly 100-year-old old man?

If Tang Feng didn't notice Kong Qinghua's shock at all, he just had a plain face, pouring tea casually.

Is this man really a person?

For an instant, this thought flashed through Kong Qinghua's mind.

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