Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 925: The final word

After listening to the two of them, Chu Chu couldn't help but look at Tang Feng, and then interjected: "Uncle likes painting and calligraphy? I also have a lot of them at home. Next time I come to Pingyang, I can bring him a few pictures."

Lin Mengjia couldn't laugh or cry.

Although she didn't have any business dealings with the Ye family, she had also heard that Chu Chu's father loved collecting, and there were a lot of collections in the family. He spent a lot of time and money collecting them from all over the world. Those things were all from him. If you know that your daughter is so generous, you will have to give away a few pictures with one mouth, I am afraid that you will vomit blood.

Thinking of Chu Chu's father, Lin Mengjia couldn't help showing a hint of curiosity, and said, "Chu Chu, why didn't your father come here?"

Chu Chu shrugged his shoulders and said, "He, he is a ten-thousand-year-old house. Such occasions are always unpleasant. Except for going out to find some collections, other times, he would rather wipe his vase at home. A hundred times, I don’t want to take a half step out of the house."

Kong Qinghua smiled and said: "If it is true, he should have come today. Tang Yin's horizontal axis of landscapes, such a big one, doesn't exist much in the world."

Chu Chu covered her mouth and smiled: "He definitely didn't know about it before. When he knew about it, I was afraid that he might hit the wall with his head in tears. For a year or so, he will be immersed in this grief."

Lin Mengjia couldn't help but laughed, and said, "That's what you girl said about her father? I didn't even think about it, so I helped him buy it."

Chu Chu spread his hands and said with an innocent look: "I don't have so much pocket money."

"You don't have such a lot of pocket money, but you are willing to give away such a valuable thing."

Lin Mengjia smiled and grabbed Chu Chu's sentence, raised her hand again, and bid once again.

When she raised her hand this time, the bid had reached 8.5 million yuan.

This price is still a certain distance from the market price, and soon, someone continues to bid.

Tang Feng returned his gaze and turned to Lin Mengjia. There seemed to be a bit of surprise in his eyes, not knowing why Lin Mengjia wanted to bid.

Lin Mengjia smiled at him, her lips curled up, her smile was a little sly.

Tang Feng immediately understood that she was staring at the painting intently when she saw him, and only then did she do this when she determined that he was interested in it.

Tang Feng laughed and couldn't help but shook his head gently.

There are many people here, so naturally he can't directly tell Lin Mengjia the reason for seeing the painting.

If before, he could use the sound transmission method, but today, he consumes too much spiritual power in order to take out the thousand silks from Aying's body. At this moment, it is inconvenient to use energy again. He just tells Lin Mengjia with his eyes that he does not need to buy it. As for the reason, I will explain it to her when I go home.

Lin Mengjia was a little surprised to see Tang Feng like this.

When the two of them looked at each other and exchanged for a short time, the price of the horizontal axis of the landscape had already broken 10 million.

However, the bidding did not stop, but became more intense.

None of these people at the scene cares about the ten to twenty million people, and on these occasions, getting attention is what they care about most.

Ruan Kangde stood beside the auctioneer with a smile on his face, and kept leaning slightly towards everyone to express his gratitude.

Kong Qinghua whispered: "Before I thought the price of this painting would double, so it seems that if it costs 30 million, it may not be able to stop it."

There was a gleam of surprise in Shangguan's eyes, and he said, "Is this painting worth so much money?"

She is not a child of an aristocratic family. She has grown up in the sect since she was a child. Although she has no worries about food and clothing, she is not as good as this rich family. She can really treat money as an improper thing. The price of tens of millions is already quite in her eyes It’s amazing, I really can’t understand how anyone spends so much money on just buying a painting.

Kong Qinghua smiled and said: "At this moment, they are not painting. These people are doing charity. How many of them do it really for charity?"

Lin Mengjia smiled noncommittal.

Chu Chu stuck out his tongue and said, "No matter what it is for, this money is spent with real money, and I feel so distressed when I listen to it."

Ji Ning looked at the stage, then at the people bidding, and then looked at Tang Feng.

Their Ji family's financial resources are also quite strong. If Tang Feng really likes this painting, it would be quite easy for him to take it and give it to him.

Tang Feng obviously guessed Ji Ning's intentions, he smiled at him faintly, and still shook his head gently.

"Mr. Tang," Shen Lao suddenly said to Tang Feng, with the approachable smile on his face, "Justice, I saw my husband carefully looking at the painting, and he seemed to have discovered something, can you please listen to it?"

Chen Jianfei also looked at Tang Feng, his expression a little nervous.

He was afraid that Tang Summit would say that this painting is a fake.

Although he also knew in his heart that, depending on Ruan Kangde's status and the identity of the people he invited today, it is absolutely impossible for him to make a fake to deceive everyone.

But Tang Feng's scrutiny gaze really made him feel a little hairy.

Moreover, he could see clearly that Lin Mengjia wanted to bid for the painting, but Tang Feng stopped it.

He didn't think that Tang Summit did not allow Lin Mengjia to bid because of the money, so there was a problem with the painting itself.

Tang Feng's gaze swept across Chen Jianfei's face, he could not help but feel a little funny when he saw his nervousness, and then he said to Shen Lao: "The first time I saw this painting, I looked twice more. , That's all, this painting is the work of everyone in calligraphy and painting, and I am not an expert in appreciation, so how can I find out?"

When Tang Feng said this, there was a casual smile on his face and his eyes were extremely calm. Both Shen Lao and Chen Jianfei could hear him. Obviously, what he said was not the truth.

But Chen Jianfei was obviously relieved.

At least, Tang Feng's words did not reveal that the painting was fake.

Just when Mr. Shen wanted to continue speaking, the auctioneer's voice on the stage suddenly increased: "The first time for fifty million, the second time for fifty million!"

Old Shen's attention was immediately attracted to him.

The hand of the auctioneer in between pointed to the rightmost table in the first row.

It's Kong Liangji.

If you buy a painting for a price of 50 million yuan, if you don't like it very much, then you are extremely rich.

Obviously, Kong Liangji belongs to the latter.

He had a faint smile on his face, knowing that the eyes of the audience were all focused on him at this moment, and the smile was still very calm.

He is very accustomed to such high-profile scenes.

"50 million, the third time, the deal!" The auctioneer's hammer fell on the table. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 925 is the final word), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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