Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 932: 赠 picture

When Chen Jianfei heard Kong Shuchou say this, he knew that his guess was not wrong.

Although he knew Tang Feng's abilities a long time ago, he was able to turn a dying old man into such a vigorous life in just a few days. It seemed that he was almost dozens of years younger than his real age. It looks incredible.

After hearing Kong Shuchou's words, Old Shen also showed a look of surprise on his face, and subconsciously looked towards Tang Feng.

Tang Feng was drinking tea, facing Shen Lao's gaze, he just smiled.

Kong Shuchou looked at Tang Feng with a respectful attitude: "Mr. Tang, my father asked me to give this painting to my husband, and I hope he can like it."

Tang Feng naturally knew Kong Liangji's thoughts.

He saw that Lin Mengjia raised her hand to bid for this painting several times, and knew that she had no interest in painting and calligraphy, so he guessed that she participated in the bidding because of Tang Feng.

Kong Shuchou held the wooden box with both hands and handed it over respectfully.

Tang Feng didn't answer, instead, he looked at Kong Liangji's table with a smile.

Although Lin Mengjia was separated by a few people, Tang Feng could still see Kong Liangji looking towards him. Seeing him looking at him, he immediately stood up, smiled and nodded at him.

Old Shen also saw Kong Liangji's behavior, and a surprised light flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but glance at Chen Jianfei.

As the Patriarch of the Kong family, who is very important in China, he was so respectful and polite to a young man, which really surprised everyone.

Chen Jianfei was not surprised.

These high-ranking people have supreme rights and wealth, but no one can hold them for a long time. The lifespan of these people is limited. Even if they can use money to extend their lives like Kong Liangji, they will never escape death in the end.

The more people who have got everything, the more afraid of losing them.

These high-powered people are more afraid of death than ordinary people.

In their eyes, people who can ensure their health and even extend their lives are like gods.

And Tang Feng is such a person.

Chen Jianfei personally experienced Tang Feng’s few pointers to heal his old wounds and healed Zhang Qingyu’s decades of stubborn illness. Coupled with Kong Liangji’s rejuvenation, he fully believes that in this world, there is probably no Tang Feng who can’t cure it. Good sickness.

Whether it is Zhang Qingyu, Kong Liangji, or all beings, they are all equal in the face of life and death, and the only one who can break this equality is Tang Feng.

What they respect is not only Tang Feng, but his abilities.

Even Chen Jianfei himself is actually the same.

Kong Shuchou still kept the posture of standing there holding the painting in both hands, with a respectful smile on his face.

Tang Feng retracted his gaze and said casually, "Just put it here."

This is a painting that has just sold for a sky-high price of 50 million yuan, but Tang Feng's tone is such an understatement, it seems that Kong Shuchou's hand is just an extremely ordinary object.

In fact, his attention to this painting is not due to the painting itself, nor is it necessary to get it, but if someone sends it to the door, it is considered predestined, and naturally it is accepted.

For anyone, no matter how high his status is, Tang Feng will always be so careless.

Looking at Tang Feng, the surprised expression on Old Shen's face turned into a smile.

He seemed to admire Tang Feng very much.

Although Kong Shuchou is not the patriarch of the Confucian family, as the young master of the Confucian family, he is also the most important son of the patriarch. He is very likely to become the future patriarch. In the circle, anyone who sees it will be extremely respectful, I am afraid that he has never When people talked to him, they didn't even give him straight eyes, and when he handed things over, he directly ordered him to put it aside.

However, Kong Shuchou didn't show any unpleasant expression on his face. He still obeyed like that. Following Tang Feng's words, he put the wooden box on the table.

Although Ruan Kangde was sitting at Lin Mengjia's table, he could clearly see the situation here. He said "disaccompany" to Lin Mengjia and the others, and got up and came here.

Upon seeing this, Kong Shuchou hurriedly nodded to say hello to him.

Ruan Kangde responded with a smile and invited him to sit down and speak.

Kong Shuchou shook his head lightly, smiling, and said: "The show prepared by Sir Kant is very exciting. I saw you all watched it intently, so I didn't bother to disturb it, so I retired first."

Ruan Kangde looked rather regretful, and said: "Well, after the performance is over, we will talk again after the banquet."

Old Shen looked at Kong Shuchou and said with a smile: "Suchou, where are you and Kong, where are you staying?"

"Returning to Mr. Shen, let's live in Zhang's house." Kong Shuchou said respectfully to Mr. Shen again.

Chen Jianfei leaned toward Shen Lao and said, "That's Shou Ting."

Old Shen smiled "Oh", nodded, and said, "If you are not in a hurry, tomorrow, I will go to his house to see your father and reminisce with him."

"Yes, I will tell my father."

Kong Shuchou responded. Seeing that Shen Lao had no other instructions, he turned and left.

When I went back this time, after passing by Kong Qinghua's side, he whispered to her: "Your grandfather has something to say to you, come with me."

When speaking, his footsteps did not slow down at all, as the voice fell, the person had already left.

His voice was very small. When he left, he turned his back to Tang Feng. Naturally, Ruan Kangde would not hear it. Even if he was aware of it, he would not take care of the Kong family's housework. The upper wooden box smiled towards Tang Feng and said, "If you knew that Mr. Tang was interested in this painting, I would give it to Mr. directly below."

Tang Feng said lightly: "It's okay, the results are the same."

For Tang Feng, in the end this painting belonged to him. As for who gave it, it doesn't matter at all.

But for Ruan Kangde, it is completely different.

He looked a little embarrassed on his face, rubbing his hands, and then said: "In my house, there is another Tang Yin calligraphy, but it is not a landscape, but a lady. If the husband likes it, I can send it immediately. "

Tang Feng looked at Ruan Kangde, with a smile on his face, but he didn't speak.

Ruan Kangde was a little puzzled, and was stunned for a few seconds before he tentatively said, "Does Mr. only like landscapes?"

Tang Feng picked up the corner of his mouth slightly, and said faintly, "Did you get this painting at auction?"

"Yes." Ruan Kangde still looked puzzled and nodded.

"Could it be," Tang Feng had a hint of playfulness on his face, "After you got this painting, nothing strange happened?" The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: address of the full text of Longevity Return: Becoming a Daddy: Return Dad txt download address: is back as a mobile phone for Dad Reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click below "Favorite" records the reading record of this time (Chapter 932 Gift Painting), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Daddy", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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