"Lingling, you scared me to death!" Seeing the girl wake up, Chu Chu didn't care about the blood stains, so he immediately jumped up and hugged her.

Although the girl woke up, she was still very weak. She didn't seem to know what happened. She was held by Chu Chu and her consciousness gradually recovered. She looked at the surroundings and whispered, "Chu Chu, did I faint? ?"

"Yes!" Chu Chu was frightened just now, but because of the fear, he even forgot to cry. Now that the girl woke up, the tears fell, and he couldn't tell whether he was afraid or excited.

Seeing the girl wake up, Tang Feng stood up and walked back to the previous position silently. What happened before and after was only a minute or two.

The little girl was still eating ice cream. Seeing Tang Feng coming back, she curiously asked, "Dad, what happened just now?"

"Someone is sick, dad go and take a look." Tang Feng said lightly, smiling at the little girl, "It's nothing, you just eat your own food, don't worry about it."

The little girl said "Um", she hadn't planned to take care of it, what happened next to her did not affect her eating and drinking.

At this time, Chu Chu helped the girl to the table. The girl said to Tang Feng in a weak voice, "Sir, thank you. Just now Chu Chu said that you saved me. I don't know how to thank you."

"It's just a matter of hand, don't have to be so polite." Tang Feng said lightly.

Seeing Chu Chu, the little girl smiled immediately and waved to her: "Hi, sister Chu Chu."

Tang Feng had a black line. Chu Chu called Lin Mengjia his sister, and the little girl called Chu Chu his sister. I really don’t know how they were arranged in this generation, and Chu Chu, also called his uncle, and his own family, in front of Chu Chu, What a mess!

"Yaoyao, you are here too." Chu Chu also shook her hand at Yaoyao, but her smile was not as relaxed as the little girl. She had just experienced a thrilling shock, and she had not recovered.

The girl saw Tang Feng’s indifferent attitude and didn’t mean to let herself stay, but she didn’t leave. She sat down on the empty chair and continued to Tang Feng: “My name is Xu Qingling, I’m from Xiangjiang. I just came to Pingyang today. I didn’t expect to have a sudden illness. If I didn’t meet you, I’m afraid my life is gone now.”

Chu Chu also sat down and added: "Lingling is my classmate, who came to play during the holiday."

Yesterday Tang Feng heard Lin Mengjia say that Chu Chu’s father was from Xiangjiang, and she probably also went to school in Xiangjiang. Now she comes to live with Zhang Qingyu during the summer vacation and now invites her classmates to play. She didn't have much interest, she just glanced at Xu Qingling faintly, and said, "Your illness is not a sudden, but you have committed an old disease again, right?"

Xu Qingling's body trembled abruptly when she heard the words, with a shocked look all over her eyes. After a long while, she tremblingly said: "Mr. can see that I have a sickness. There must be a way to cure it, right?"

Chu Chu hurriedly said from the side: "Of course he can. Hasn't he already cured you? He is terrible! My grandfather is so sick, he can cure him, Lingling, don't worry, you are now. , It's okay!"

Xu Qingling looked at Tang Feng with imploring eyes, still trembling: "I have this disease since I was a child. When I was six years old, I committed it once. My mother said that I suddenly fainted. When I went to the hospital, no one could find out the cause of the disease, and no one could cure it. Everyone thought I was bound to die. Someone pointed me to my parents and asked them to take me to find a very effective monk."

"Presumably when the senior monk cured you, he told you that if you have committed this disease for the third time, there will be no medical treatment."

"Yes," Xu Qingling covered her heart with her hand, tears rolling in her eyes. "When I was twelve years old, I had another illness and it was still cured by the high monk. He told my parents that if I did it again. Don’t go to him if you are sick. He has nothing to do. He can only make my family look forward to my next illness. I will be able to live a few more years later.”

"Heh, this high monk can treat you twice, don't you know that this disease was onset every six years at the beginning? Why do you expect you to get onset later, but it is just to comfort your family." Tang Feng's voice was very serious. Plain, no emotions can be heard.

"Perhaps the eminent monk is not as knowledgeable as the uncle, you really don't know! Moreover, he also said that Lingling's third illness is incurable. Didn't you save her? I think your method is quite easy. Just making a small cut in the finger doesn't seem to be how difficult this disease is to treat." Chu Chu interjected, keeping her eyes on Tang Feng, her tension gradually eased, and a smile appeared on her face.

Tang Feng let out a cold "hum", and didn't bother to make sense of it at all.

At that moment, it seemed simple, but when he cut through Xu Qingling’s fingers, he had already transmitted mana into her body, so that the poison parasitic in her body could be discharged through the blood from her heart. Not everyone knows it.

If Xu Qingling hadn't met Tang Feng this time, there would be no way to survive.

Except for Tang Feng, for anyone else, they have no ability to force out the poison, and secondly, they can't find the location of the bloodletting. This location is not static in the place of the ring finger, but it must follow the blood flow. It was just a coincidence that I just cut my finger, and the most important point is that Xu Qingling's illness has not been cured at all.

However, Tang Feng had no idea to explain these things to Chu Chu.

Naturally, Xu Qingling understood this better than Chu Chu. She still had a pale face and said to Tang Feng: "Sir, can you cure my illness?"

Chu Chu seemed to understand something now, his gaze shifted to Xu Qingling's face, and he hesitated: "You, are you saying that your disease has not been cured? But, have you not already—"

"Her illness was only temporarily suppressed. As I said, the illness was initially once every six years. After three times, it was once in three years. After three times, it was once a year." Tang Feng glanced at Chu Chu flatly.

Chu Chu couldn't help but "Ah", then paused for a few seconds before saying: "Then, uncle, how can Lingling's disease be cured? Do you still have to refine the elixir? Tell me what medicinal materials do you need, and I will prepare it right away. "

It can be seen that Chu Chu has a very good relationship with this Xu Qingling. She was in danger just now, and Chu Chu was panicked. When she woke up, she was ecstatic again. The two should be best friends.

Xu Qingling also looked at Tang Feng with an imploring look, waiting for his answer.

"There is no cure."Longevity Return: Becoming a Daddy, the latest chapter address: https://www.readwn.com /book/103189.htmlLongevity Returns to Be a Dad Full Text Reading Address: https://www.readwn.com/ read/103189/Longevity Return, Become a Dad txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/ 103189.htmlLongevity return to be a dad mobile phone reading: https://m.readwn.com/read/103189/ For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 094 Corpse Qi ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (www.readwn.com)

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