Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 16 Bai Shuoyue

The Spark Base is the same as the Heavenly Divine City. The way they identify enemies is to rely on the marks in the genes, and the marks on the genes cannot be changed or hidden.

Since the establishment of the Spark Base, the marks have been injected into everyone's genes, and this mark will be inherited forever. This genetic mark makes it almost impossible for the Spark Base and the Heavenly Divine City to have traitors and spies, because both sides can see it at a glance with just a little inspection, and the humans in the sky are extremely arrogant and will not give the underground humans a chance to survive.

The syringe with the genetic mark in Lao Hui's hand is the original Spark Mark, but Bai Shuoyue is responsible for managing these sealed Spark Mark personnel, and it is unknown what means Lao Hui used to steal the mark.

"The Fire Base black market is very powerful. I have just contacted them and arranged an identity for you on the Fire Base data network. The name is still yours, but you can't show your true face. After all, that girl and those people remember what you look like." Lao Hui took a sip of the white wine in his hand, and then reminded Luo Yikong behind him.

"Are you so powerful?" Luo Yikong frowned slightly. Is this guy who looks unreliable beside him really so powerful?

"Of course, I was one of the planners of the Fire Base Plan 20 years ago. Those guys still respect me." Lao Hui took another sip and said confidently.

"Then you will be beaten?" Luo Yikong really couldn't imagine, if Lao Hui really had such a skill, how could he be like this now? Luo Yikong still remembered the way Lao Hui was beaten by Bai Shuoyue that day.

"It's hard to explain... Everyone has a story, right?" Lao Hui smiled bitterly, with a look of pain on his face, as if he was extremely painful just thinking about the past.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

At this time, loud noises came from the sky above the Spark Base, breaking the silence of twenty years. Those who originally worked and lived in the Spark Base stopped their work in an instant, stood in place, and stared blankly at the rock wall above the Spark Base...

"What's that sound?" Luo Yikong looked at Lao Hui beside him. The pedestrians on the surrounding streets stopped like statues. This abnormal situation showed that the loud noises were definitely not simple.

Lao Hui did not answer Luo Yikong immediately, but raised the half-drunk white wine in his hand, and then poured the white wine on the ground...

"This is for all the victims who died 20 years ago..."

The wine was all gone, Lao Hui threw away the empty bottle in his hand, and then the serious expression on his face disappeared, and he returned to his useless appearance...

"The counterattack of us little ants has begun..." Lao Hui smiled, he knew that the shadow of the war in the Heavenly God City was about to come again, and everyone had no way out. The Spark Base planned to fight a decisive battle with the God City on the surface of the planet, but before that, they had to seize control of important areas on the surface.

"Counterattack? Do you want to go out?" Luo Yikong reacted, maybe for some reason, the current Spark Base did not intend to hide underground.

"Go out... Of course you have to go out. Who wants to stay underground all the time? But you are also lucky. You have the opportunity to work for me and buy wine. After all, this is a deal between us, and you can't refuse. Now the first step of the Fire Base is to control some defense facilities and important areas on the surface of the planet. It is also a time when people are needed. I will take you there now. They will definitely not refuse." In Lao Hui's eyes, he really couldn't find someone like Luo Yikong, who could earn contributions from the Fire Base for free and buy wine for him, and he only needed to pay a small price.

In this doomsday, food is extremely precious, not to mention wine, which is a luxury. Over the years, some of Lao Hui's contribution points have been exchanged for wine, but it is still not enough. Fortunately, Luo Yikong, the savior, came.

"Just right, she is here..."

Hearing Lao Hui's words, Luo Yikong looked along Lao Hui's gaze and saw a girl wearing a black soldier combat uniform with two grenades hanging around her waist. In order to fight better, the girl had tied up her long hair. Perhaps because she had really experienced fighting, the girl had a heroic temperament, but also revealed a hint of coldness that kept strangers away.

"How does she look?" Lao Hui rubbed Luo Yikong beside him and smiled with a sly look.

"She has an excellent temperament and looks pretty. Is she your daughter?" Even Luo Yikong had to admit that she was a heroic beauty, but appearance was only skin after all. It was impossible for Luo Yikong to be moved. Compared with appearance, Luo Yikong cared more about inner feelings. For that girl, Luo Yikong just admired her, just like admiring a beautiful flower.

"Not a daughter, but it's almost the same. You know her, she is Bai Shuoyue who escorted you that day." Lao Hui said calmly, not noticing that Luo Yikong's face suddenly changed, and the admiration in his eyes disappeared instantly.

Bai Shuoyue was wearing a gas mask that day, so Luo Yikong couldn't see her clearly. Now after hearing what Lao Hui said, he compared her figure and found that she was the hateful guy that day, the fierce and violent woman.

Bai Shuoyue also saw Lao Hui and Luo Yikong beside her at a glance. Seeing Bai Shuoyue walking towards him quickly, Luo Yikong's expression was a little unnatural, but he still forced himself to calm down.

"I've been looking for you everywhere. Where's your communicator?" Bai Shuoyue came to Lao Hui and saw that he was drunk. He frowned slightly and was a little angry...

"The communicator seems to be lost. Sorry..." Lao Hui scratched his head awkwardly. He also saw that Bai Shuoyue's face had become a little gloomy.

"You got rid of something so important? You..." Bai Shuoyue was about to say something, but she swallowed it back...

"Let's not talk about this for now. I have a brother here who is quite capable. How about letting him go out with your team? He can help out, after all, although it is safe in this base, the contribution points he gets are too little, which is not suitable for my brother." Lao Hui immediately changed the subject and pushed Luo Yikong in front of him...

"Recommend again, the guy you recommended last time, only had a box left when he came back. Our missions are all very dangerous, and ordinary people can't do it at all, and they may die at any time. Let me explain first." Bai Shuoyue looked up and down at Luo Yikong. For some reason, she always felt that the stranger was familiar...

"It's absolutely no problem this time, just take him to test! Besides, I have something else to do, so I'm leaving first!" Lao Hui ran away immediately, after all, he couldn't stand Bai Shuoyue's temper...

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