The former god of death was just an orphan of war, and the war in his hometown that killed millions of people was just a war between small countries, a chess piece in the hands of a big country, and a word could determine the fate of a country and thousands of people.

Since then, the god of death has understood that only the highest superiors in the pyramid can decide the life and death of everyone under the pyramid. Stopping evil people from doing evil can only make them more evil, killing to stop killing, and war to stop war.

At a young age, the god of death joined an armed organization secretly supported by a big country. Later, because of his excellent performance, he entered that big country and received special training. The name of the god of death has also become famous as he continues to deal with death.

Faced with too much killing, the god of death has become numb and even disgusted. He wants absolute power, absolute power to dominate everything, so that he can create his ideal world. A world without hypocrisy and conspiracy.

The god of death walked out of the experimental field and walked on the empty streets with a faint blue light. Although this city is dreamy and beautiful, it is so lonely. Whether inside or outside

The old world leaders who were originally planning to reawaken and rule this world have all been killed, resulting in the total number of people in Atlantis being less than 50,000. These 50,000 people are not the old world leaders, nor are they the leaders of the former Spark Base, but the people who followed him and truly shed blood for this world.

Outside the beautiful and dreamy city of Atlantis is the deep sea darkness, and Atlantis is like a prison, and everyone is a sinner in this prison.

Killing so many people and even creating monsters like the Nine Nightmares, is it evil? It is evil! But is it good? In the eyes of the God of Death, this is also good, because only war can stop war!

The history of mankind is a history of war. From the moment mankind was born, it has never stopped killing each other. If the world needs a villain, then he is a villain, and if it needs a savior, then he is the savior.

Death didn't know how long he had walked, and the confusion in his eyes seemed to have found the answer. He turned his head and looked at the road he had walked, but he didn't see anyone...

"This road... How long have I walked?"


Shenzhou City... Two players in charge of guarding the wall, a man and a woman, sat on the ground with their backs to each other, looking at the starry sky above their heads through the protective barrier of the shelter... Talking about the beautiful life after the war...

After the arrival of the City of God, all the players united and entered a state of war. No one knew how long this war would last, nor whether they could succeed... Whether they could survive...

In this rare moment of calm, the players looked at the same starry sky and recalled their lives before the war was about to come... People, only when facing life and death, will truly cherish everything around them...

After the space-time gate was closed, these players had no way out. The "Eye of God" of the City of God destroyed the Hurricane Shelter with one attack. The two million players were wiped out, and all of them knew about it. Are players afraid of death? If they are facing real death, they are naturally afraid.

But they knew that if the time-space gate was not closed, the City of God would go to their world. If they failed, disaster would also befall their world.

But thinking that the Fire Seed Base had persisted for twenty years and was still persisting even now, the number of players in this world was as high as billions, how could they flee in panic? Moreover, many players' family and friends were still in this world, and there were also things they cherished in another world, so they had to defend this line of defense facing the City of God.

A white-haired girl with a frosty face walked through the streets of Shenzhou City. The girl had an extraordinary temperament and a more heart-beating appearance, but the coldness revealed in her body made people dare not step forward...

Such a girl naturally attracted the attention of many people, and soon someone recognized the girl's identity. She was Luo Yiling, who was wanted together with Luo Yikong. However, at this time, no one thought about catching Luo Yiling. After all, facing the next war of the City of God, it was unknown whether he could survive. What's more, the level of Luo Yiling's head was 220, which directly crushed a large number of players.

Luo Yiling devoured a large number of creatures. At this moment, the strength of Luo Yiling's virus body even exceeded that of Luo Yikong who devoured Luo Lisi's blood, and he also awakened a lot of abilities.

Luo Yiling could no longer remember how many he had killed and devoured, until he was numb later...

"It should be soon..." Luo Yiling raised his head slightly and looked at the starry sky above his head...


30 minutes before the "water droplet strike"...

Spark Base...

"Report! There is movement in the God City!" The staff of the Spark Base immediately enlarged the projection screen and found that a dazzling light suddenly burst out from the launch port below the God City, and the energy data next to it was constantly exploding...

After continuous analysis, everyone saw that the energy of the entire God City was compressed to a point, and that point was only the size of a water drop...

"I know what that is?!" Xuanyuan Luoying in Luo Yikong's body suddenly shouted, and her voice was full of fear.

"What is that?" Luo Yikong could hear that Xuanyuan Luoying's voice was trembling a little.

"Water droplets! They are the weapons our civilization uses to attack lower civilizations! The power can be determined based on the energy delivered, and can even destroy a powerful civilization in an instant!"

"Destroy the entire civilization!!!" Luo Yikong was no longer calm at this moment. If the civilization of this world was destroyed, his authority would regress to zero, and he would die!

"The water droplets are actually a special substance and special weapon that we have researched. If used well, they can distort the entire galaxy space. Their water droplets are probably obtained from the debris that fell with me. Although they obtained the water droplets and how to use them, their use of energy is obviously not as sophisticated as ours. So in order to prevent the water droplets from getting out of control, they specially left themselves nearly a day of preparation time, intending to input the huge energy of the entire God City into the water droplets at one time, so that the water droplets will continue to react in a short period of time. Because slowly injecting energy will cause the water droplets to react continuously, it is very likely that if the expected amount of energy injected is not reached, it may get out of control and blow itself up. After all, the level of civilization in this world is not high, and it cannot be used as easily as our civilization."

"Is there a way to stop it?" Luo Yikong's expression was a little ugly. It seemed that the God City was planning to end the battle directly with a big move.

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