Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 177 Interception

"Report to the headquarters! The radar has found the target!"

"Now order your fighter formation to intercept the monster immediately!"


A fighter formation consisting of 52 aerospace fighters broke through the clouds, leaving a long trace on the sky, as if dividing the sky.

At the moment when Green Rot spread its wings and flew high from the God City, the Spark Base had already monitored the behemoth, so it intercepted the monster as soon as possible. After all, if the Spark Base did not take action, the God City would definitely be suspicious.

In Luo Yikong's view, this action should not be too small or too big. If it is too small, it will make the God City suspicious and will not give Luo Yikong the opportunity to eliminate that existence. After all, the control of Green Rot, the 10,000-level existence, is in the hands of the God City. If it is too big, the players in the surrounding God City's shelters will reduce the pressure on the God City, which will definitely make the God City risk counterattack, which is likely to cause a two-front battle and open a gap.

This time, Luo Yikong dispatched all the NPCs from the Spark Base. First, the NPCs from the Spark Base were more experienced in driving fighter planes, and second, it was too difficult for players to sacrifice themselves, unless the system forced them to do so. After all, this world was not the home of the players.

Luo Yikong knew that this group of people who intercepted the green rot would definitely die, but the members of the advance team who formed the death squad naturally knew that, after all, unlike the players, this world was their home, and they were ready to sacrifice themselves.

Luo Yikong knew that if there was an infinite resurrection, the players would be braver than anyone else, and if there was only one life, the players would cherish their lives more than anyone else. If there were no constraints from the system, the players would have been in chaos long ago, not to mention forming a coalition to blockade the city of gods, it would be good if they did not surrender to the enemy. A player with only one life can only play in a favorable situation in this world, and cannot play any unfavorable situation. Fortunately, although Luo Yikong's authority was offset, his management authority over players came from his own administrator authority system, not any rules of this world. This also led to Luo Yikong's management of players having no effect, otherwise, once the players were in chaos, they could not play at all.

Although players gained power through the system, the system also became a shackle that constrained everyone and controlled the power of life and death. Luo Yikong saw all this. So even if Luo Yikong had an administrator authority system, he would not blindly hide behind the scenes through the system and gain power through the system. Luo Yikong would not let the system become everything to him, let alone let it become his shackles, otherwise he would be a lamb to be slaughtered one day. Only those who see through all the temptations, traps and gentle shackles are qualified to reach the peak.

The three fighters leading the front of the fighter formation are the most advanced Xingyun 20 fighters at the Spark Base. Luo Yikong and Lao Hui were fortunate to have flown this kind of fighter together, but even at the Spark Base, there were not many. Behind the three Meteor 20s, there was a combat formation of 49 Meteor 10s, flying at full speed towards the target at a speed of Mach 12...

"That is..."


The thunder was deafening, but the thundercloud in front of the formation was not an ordinary thundercloud. The thundercloud was a strange dark green with flashes of lightning...

"Report to the headquarters! The poisonous cloud ahead has been found and has reached the target's activity location!"

"Hit the target!"


The fighter formation immediately split into three and rushed into the dark green poisonous cloud...

The rotten poison and rotten rain in the poisonous cloud can easily corrode steel, but the materials of the Meteor fighters are all special aerospace materials, which concentrate the essence of the surface technology in the past, and even the rotten poison is difficult to corrode.

However, once entering the poisonous cloud, the vision is extremely poor, and the pilots can only use radar to find the location of the behemoth in this area.

"BOOM!!! BOOM!!! BOOM!!! BOOM!!!"

The sound of explosions continued to echo in the sky that had been dyed green. There was fire in front of them, and a large amount of bullets were pouring down. From time to time, an energy laser passed by the fighter plane, making the pilot sweat coldly.


A flash of lightning tore through the sky, illuminating the world as bright as day. The leading pilot saw a huge monster with an estimated wingspan of ten kilometers, which was bearing the powerful firepower on the ground. However, the monster was too huge, and most of its body was covered by poisonous clouds. All they could see were the explosions coming from the poisonous clouds and the huge wings that were difficult to cover.

"No. 156! No. 156! No. 156!"

"I... I'm here!" Hearing the constant shouting from the communicator, the leading pilot came back to his senses from the figure of the behemoth...

"You must immediately cooperate with the ground to attack the 10,000-level biological weapon Green Rot!"



Cobra... Bat... Crocodile... Osprey... Even the dinosaur genes of ancient times... Green Rot is an existence that integrates these biological genes and transcends nature.

Even an existence as powerful as the God City in genetic technology, at its peak, there were only four 10,000-level biological weapons. During the human genetic war 20 years ago, the God City once dropped the 10,000-level biological weapon "Hydra".

That behemoth destroyed five first-tier cities in half a month, causing about 300 million casualties. It was also hit by 9 nuclear bombs in that half a month, but it still stood firm, truly standing at the peak of biology.

Until the behemoth met a mysterious man, who killed the biological weapon of 10,000 people with just one sword, and sought a glimmer of hope for the surface humans. However, although the Hydra was killed, the blood left made the entire city a dead city. In the end, the remains of the Hydra were secretly recovered and created into the "Nine Nightmares".

The green rot of 10,000 people was once the same level as the Hydra. During the genetic war 20 years ago, it ravaged the sky and corroded the earth with poisonous rain. To this day, half of the continent on the other side of the planet is still filled with rot all year round, and even zombies cannot survive. If a biological weapon of 10,000 people can have an impact on the ecology of the entire planet, this statement is not an exaggeration at all.

According to Xuanyuan Luoying, a 10,000-level existence is completely likely to destroy the existence of a first-level civilization. It is rare to see so many 10,000-level or even 100,000-level people in this world.

Luo Yikong looked at the battlefield through the projection screen. A 10,000-level existence, a world-destroying existence, is just a chess piece on the chessboard. This is just a move thrown by the city of gods. The intensity of competition in this world can be said to exceed that of many worlds of the same level.

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