Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 182 Black Arrow Fighter

"Green Rot has lost contact with us!"

"Is it because of the transformation of Green Rot?"

"No! Even if it loses contact due to transformation, the rot brain in Green Rot should always monitor the life of Green Rot! Now Green Rot is completely disconnected from us!"

In the meeting room of the God City, the senior executives argued endlessly because Green Rot lost contact. After all, a biological weapon of 10,000 people is a killer weapon. It is not that it can be created just because it can be created.

"Where is our micro-monitoring satellite?"

"That area is blocked by something, which has affected our micro-monitoring satellite. We can't see the situation there at all, and our satellites of God's Eye covering the entire planet have been destroyed by the surface." A senior God-level frowned bitterly. Now that the God City has fallen, they have also lost the eyes covering the entire planet.

"Are there any actions of the players in the surrounding shelters?" The God King sitting on the throne said indifferently. A biological weapon of 10,000 people is insignificant to him.

"All the player shelters on the planet have been closed, and the players and the Spark Base have begun to narrow the encirclement of the God City."

"It seems that they are planning to attack us. The 10,000-level biological weapon Green Rot may have been destroyed." The God King had a calm face. He had already thought of this possibility. Now that the players and the Spark Base are approaching, it means that the players and the Spark Base have no worries.

"What?! Green Rot has been destroyed!"


"When did the Spark Base have the ability to destroy 10,000 people?"

Everyone didn't quite believe this possibility. After all, the most powerful weapon of the Spark Base is just a nuclear bomb. It is difficult to destroy 10,000 green rots with the power of nuclear bombs. They really couldn't imagine how 10,000 green rots were destroyed.

"But they actually withdrew the joint defense network of the shelter. Is it because of insufficient energy?" The God King frowned and began to think.

In the eyes of the God King, if it is insufficient energy, it is very unwise for the players and the Spark Base not to solve this problem at this time, but to narrow the encirclement and attempt to attack the God City. Unless they are not worried about the God City releasing thousands or tens of thousands of biological weapons to attack the shelter.

In fact, the God King does not know that the shelter removed the surface joint defense network because of insufficient energy. After all, the protection range of the energy defense shield is every shelter. Although the energy consumption is also taken from every shelter, the consumption is still huge and it is impossible to keep it open all the time. In order to support the next war, they can only save a little energy.

"Let's do this! Now send several thousand-man-level biological weapons to break through the players' blockade and conduct a tentative attack on the shelter. If it is really fragile and bluffing, then destroy the entire shelter! In addition, send a flight formation to the place where the green rot pupates to see what the situation is. If you find that the green rot is still alive, try your best to bring it back." The God King thought carefully and issued an order... The situation is not clear now, and this is also the most conservative approach...


No one objected to the God King's order, and the order was soon passed down...



In the center of Changluo City, people looked at the large mass of flesh and blood that beat like a heart, and they were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

The poisonous fog disappeared...the giant pupa disappeared...the life reaction of the green rot also disappeared, replaced by this large mass of unknown flesh and blood in front of them.

These changes happened in one day, and everyone watched it all with their own eyes, and according to the plan made by the commander before, surrounded and blocked this large mass of flesh and blood, and deployed a large amount of heavy firepower around it.

As for Luo Yikong, the commander, they also lost the influence of Luo Yikong, and most of them did not know that the meat mountain in front of them, beating like a heart, was Luo Yikong.

After swallowing the green rot, Luo Yikong also underwent a transformation, replacing the giant pupa in the center of the city...

"Is this the evolution of that monster?"

Everyone looked at the meat mountain, but no one dared to act rashly, on the one hand because it was an order from the Spark Base, and on the other hand because they were afraid of disturbing the monster inside.

"Report! A large number of UFOs are approaching us quickly! The speed has reached Mach 14!"

At this time, the soldier who had been staring at an instrument in the tent suddenly saw something, his face changed, and he quickly reported it, and at the same time, the piercing air defense alarm sounded.

"Prepare to meet the enemy! Meet the enemy!!!"

"Quick, quick, quick!!!"

"Everyone return to their battle positions immediately!"

Drizzle fell from the sky, and the ground was soaked by rain. Everyone stared at the dim sky, and could faintly see dense black spots growing larger...

"Fire! Fire!"

The speed of the black spots was very fast. When the black spots were seen, the ground air defense that had been arranged long ago also opened fire quickly at that moment, and a large number of lasers and shells poured towards the dense black spots on the horizon...

"Boom boom boom!!!"

For a moment, the flames shot up into the sky, and even the stones on the ground were shaken up. The dense firepower attack was like a torrential rain...

After the dense firepower approached the dense black spots, a violent explosion occurred immediately, and then the flames of the explosion formed a fire curtain, occupying the sky at the horizon...

Just when everyone thought that the powerful firepower that could flatten a mountain in an instant had destroyed the target, hundreds of black "sharp arrows" broke through the fire curtain with the piercing sound of breaking through the air. The distance of a thousand miles was just a blink of an eye for those "sharp arrows". Because the speed was too fast, people on the ground could not see the appearance of the aircraft clearly.

"That is the Black Arrow fighter of the City of God!" At this time, an old soldier looked at the blurred black shadow passing through the sky and immediately recognized the identity of the aircraft.

The reason why the Black Arrow fighter is called the Black Arrow fighter is that this fighter is painted in pure black, and the flying speed is extremely high. To ordinary people, it looks like a black arrow passing through the sky, blurry.

When seeing the Black Arrow fighter, many veterans who participated in the Gene War 20 years ago had some bad memories in their hearts. Mach 14 is not the fastest speed of the Black Arrow fighter. Once upon a time, the Black Arrow fighter from the City of God was the overlord of the sky, killing all sides in the genetic war. It is a black nightmare that many people cannot forget until now.

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