Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 190: The War is Over

"I thought I could take down the City of Gods in one fell swoop, but I didn't expect that Atlantis, which I temporarily ignored, would become the life-saving straw of the City of Gods. In this way, it will be difficult for me to deal with the City of Gods again, and there will never be such a good opportunity, not to mention that the former Spark Base forces and the City of Gods have joined forces." Luo Yikong looked at the battlefield where the battle had ended. Because the out-of-control biological weapons caused chaos inside the City of Gods, the losses of the players and the Spark Base were not very large.

The biological weapons controlled by Xuanyuan Luoying on the battlefield were also killed by the players. After all, Xuanyuan Luoying could not be summoned back, and the players also regarded those biological weapons as enemies. Xuanyuan Luoying could not control those biological weapons to attack those players, so they could only let the players slaughter them.

The biological weapons were all destroyed, and a lot of weapons and equipment of the City of Gods were seized. The biggest gain was a large circle of outer cities abandoned by the City of Gods, which contained many civilians of the City of Gods and slaves who were brought to the City of Gods in the surface war. However, even if they were civilians abandoned by the God City, they still considered themselves to be the people of heaven, and they showed a kind of arrogance to the humans on the surface, even if they failed this time.

The strong wind behind him came with sand and dust, blowing up Luo Yikong's black hair. Luo Yikong did not look back, but calmly looked at the players and the soldiers of the Spark Base who were cleaning the battlefield in front of him...

A transport plane stopped behind Luo Yikong, and in it were the current high-level officials of the Spark Base, except for Bai Fei who stayed behind in the Spark Base... Some of them were black market bosses, and some were experienced leaders of the advance team, but at this moment, they were all completely convinced by Luo Yikong without exception...

Although Luo Yikong had surrendered to them with absolute personal strength before, in fact, everyone was not convinced in their hearts. After all, Luo Yikong was too young. When Luo Yikong proposed such a risky plan, in many people's minds, Luo Yikong was simply going to die, and it might also cause unnecessary sacrifices in the Spark Base. But after this battle, almost all of the God City was destroyed, and the God City fled in embarrassment, and they were completely convinced. You know, the City of Gods has always been a shadow over the heads of each of them. They have never seen the City of Gods in such a mess, not even during the Genetic War 20 years ago.

Luo Yikong was completely convinced by the battle, and they no longer regarded Luo Yikong as a young child. At least this kind of self-sacrifice is something that ordinary commanders really can't do.

The senior executives stood quietly behind Luo Yikong, watching the battlefield with Luo Yikong calmly. No one dared to disturb Luo Yikong. A young man gave an invisible sense of oppression to a group of experienced old men behind him...

"What are the casualties?" After a long time, Luo Yikong broke the silence and asked.

"Commander, there are minor injuries, serious injuries, deaths, and player injuries in the Spark Base..."

A senior executive behind him looked at the data in his hand and reported to Luo Yikong with a serious expression. There will inevitably be casualties in war, and Luo Yikong has tried his best to minimize the casualties.

"The death toll of players and Spark Base added up to 200,000..." Luo Yikong frowned slightly as he looked at the battlefield. These were cold numbers, and each 1 represented a life.

"Commander, this time we estimate the death toll to be around one million, which is already very remarkable and can be recorded in history."

Under normal circumstances, if there was no internal trouble of biological weapons going out of control, players and Spark Base would not only have no chance to capture the city of God, but also might have paid the price of one million lives. It was precisely because of this that when Luo Yikong first proposed this plan, many people thought that Luo Yikong was crazy. If it were not for Luo Yikong's absolute personal strength, Lao Hui's arrangement and Bai Fei's help, this plan would probably never be successful.

"Recorded in history... hehe... such a false reputation is of no benefit to me..." Luo Yikong shook his head. He might have cared about fame in the past, and even been happy about it, but now that kind of thing is meaningless in Luo Yikong's eyes.

If other people heard Luo Yikong's words, they might think that Luo Yikong was pretending, but the senior executives of the Spark Base behind him didn't think so.

"Commander, there are a few players who want to meet you. They say they are senior executives of the Great Shu Empire in the player world. Look..." A senior executive of the Spark Base reported to Luo Yikong, and now these senior executives of the Spark Base don't know Luo Yikong's identity as a player.

"No..." Luo Yikong closed his eyes slightly, pondered for a moment, and answered calmly.


"You go back to your respective posts! There is no need to follow me. I'll just take a walk." Luo Yikong said calmly with his back to the senior executives, feeling the breeze.

"But Commander, this is a battlefield. Even if the battle is over, I must ensure your safety!" A senior executive wearing a Spark Base uniform stood up and said, and all the senior executives nodded...

"Hahahahaha!!!" Luo Yikong laughed after hearing this, and the senior executives just looked puzzled...

"Commander, you are..."

"In the entire Spark Base, even in the entire player, no one is my opponent, why do I need your protection?"

After saying that, Luo Yikong jumped down the cliff in front of him, which scared the senior executives of the Spark Base...


At this time, a strong wind rushed from the bottom of the cliff, and then everyone saw that familiar figure waving the wide blood wings behind him and rushed into the sky, flying to the battlefield ahead...

"I almost forgot... Commander, he is..."

The high-level people looked at each other in surprise. They all knew that Luo Yikong was the only one in the records who could perfectly integrate with the Genesis virus, possessing human consciousness and heart, and the powerful body of the virus mother...

The Luo Yikong's speed increased, it continued to grow stronger, and Xuanyuan Luoying's voice came at this time...

"It seems that Luo Hui and his guy tried to use your feelings for the Spark Base to bind you. I thought you would fall for it?"

"The sky is high and the birds fly freely! Whether it is the Great Shu Empire or the Spark Base, they will not become shackles that bind me! My goal is the scenery at the top, the scenery at the end of the long river of time, and it is absolutely impossible to stay in one place." Luo Yikong didn't understand it before, but now he understands that whether it is the Great Shu Empire or the Spark Base, it is just a small platform for him to rest when he climbs to a high place.

"Maybe you forgot something and became much purer... This may be because you lost the only shackle!"

"Forgot..." Luo Yikong couldn't help but think of that hazy figure in his mind. He wanted to see it, but couldn't see it clearly...


As if he heard that familiar voice calling him, Luo Yikong couldn't help but feel dazed...

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