Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 199: Atlantis Raiders

Most of the deserted areas on Zhongtian Star have now been built into player shelters, even the islands on the sea that are relatively close to the mainland.

Compared with the shelters on the mainland, the island shelters are relatively safe and will not encounter large-scale zombie tides and attacks from some powerful land-based apocalyptic creatures.

In order to prevent Atlantis and the City of God from attacking the Spark Base, Luo Yikong evacuated the Spark Base personnel as soon as possible, and he also came to this top-secret shelter he chose to command.

Because Atlantis was once an old force of the Spark Base, considering the traitor, Luo Yikong shielded the signal of the entire island. The only people who could directly contact the outside were those in Luo Yikong's top-secret command center. However, Luo Yikong did not expect that during his surveillance, in this not-so-big room, the traitor still seized the opportunity.

At the moment when everyone was watching Atlantis fall and all their attention was attracted, that person sent the coordinates. Although it was only a moment, it was enough.

Atlantis fell on the island shelter. The force of the collision caused countless casualties in the Spark Base. The command of all combat units in the Spark Base was also interrupted at that moment.

Luo Yikong opened his eyes and found himself in a ruin, covered with dust, looking miserable.

Standing up from the ground, Luo Yikong looked at the sky and found that he could no longer see the sun, because everything around him was covered by dust...

"Bai Fei!"

"Sun Lao!"

"Liu Zhanyun!"

Luo Yikong shouted the names of each person, and these names all represented the bigwigs of the Spark Base...

Luo Yikong walked a few steps in the dusty ruins, and saw the body of a young Spark Base soldier.

"Roar, roar, roar!!!"

The roar of the nine-headed beast came, and the strong wind blew away the dust around. Luo Yikong looked around and saw ruins and corpses everywhere. There were only a few people struggling and wailing in the ruins...

Nine ferocious giant snake heads stared at Luo Yikong, each head was as big as a cargo ship. If ordinary people were stared at by such a beast, they would probably have been scared to death, but Luo Yikong's eyes were firm.

"Luo Yikong! This should be the first time we officially meet! But you have already lost!"

A voice came, and then the projection of the god of death appeared in front of Luo Yikong...

The command center was directly destroyed, and the head was almost chopped off during the battle. In the eyes of the god of death, this was a desperate comeback, a victory from defeat. In his life, he has lost count of how many times he has come back from desperate situations, and this time will only leave a simple stroke in his life.

Luo Yikong stared at the completely paralyzed Atlantis behind Jiuyan. At this moment, Luo Yikong's heart calmed down...

"You want to kill me? But I'm sure there is someone who wants to kill me more than anyone else!" Luo Yikong smiled faintly, and he was naturally referring to the God King.

"It seems that you have to take action." The Death God thought for a while, looked at the God King beside him, and the latter nodded, activated the armored flight system, and flew towards Luo Yikong... After all, this is one of the conditions for his cooperation with the Death God...

The tail flames from the legs of the armor allowed the God King to fly, but the flying speed was not fast. This is why the God King saw Luo Yikong flying away but did not chase him.

However, when the God King gradually flew towards Luo Yikong, a fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Death God...

"Jiuyan! Kill them all!"

After receiving the order, Jiuyan suddenly jumped up and pounced on Luo Yikong and the God King...

The Death God is also a shrewd person. Although he didn't know why the God King always wanted to kill Luo Yikong, he had been trying to get him to say something, but the God King was too tight-lipped. He had a hunch that if the God King killed Luo Yikong, he would definitely not have a good ending. Now that the Nine Nightmares were invincible and the inner city of the God City was in his hands, the God King was no longer useful.

Facing the Nine Nightmares that were biting him, Luo Yikong condensed blood wings behind him and rushed towards the God King. Now the chance to turn the tables was on the God King. As long as he killed him and gained absolute authority in this world, he could easily suppress the Nine Nightmares.

The God King also knew Luo Yikong's purpose and immediately turned on the energy defense shield system on the armor at maximum power, but Luo Yikong was too fast and was still a step late.

Luo Yikong rushed into the energy defense shield, and the God King was embarrassed to find that he and Luo Yikong were locked together... Both sides looked at each other for a while and were silent for two seconds...


The ground under their feet sank several meters, Luo Yikong and the God King staggered a few steps, stabilized their bodies, and the bloody mouth of the Nine Nightmares bit the energy defense shield tightly, and some cracks began to appear on it.

"So that's it! There is an energy compression crystal from the Emperor Star Civilization on the armor. No wonder it has so much energy to withstand the attacks of the Nine Nightmares. But with the maximum power turned on, I'm afraid it won't last long!" Xuanyuan Luoying saw the secret hidden in the armor, and it was not so strange that the armor could release an energy defense shield to block the attacks of the Nine Nightmares.

"It seems that we have to cooperate well now." Luo Yikong smiled helplessly.

"Of course." The God King answered Luo Yikong coldly, and at the same time he got out of the armor, because the armor had to maintain this energy defense shield and could not move at all.

At this time, Luo Yikong also saw the appearance of the God King clearly. He was a young man with blond hair, but his eyes were filled with coldness.

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The two sides looked at each other and turned around at the same time, but at that moment, both of them took out their weapons and rushed towards each other, and their weapons collided with each other...

From the moment they fought for the authority of this world and could kill each other and become the gods of this world, there was no possibility of cooperation between them...

On the other hand, in Atlantis, the player strategy team drove straight into Atlantis like a sharp knife. With the provision of high-quality equipment from the Fire Base, and all players were at least level 200 masters, the genetically modified soldiers of Atlantis could not resist at all.

This team of no more than 200 people killed 51 mechas and 563 modified soldiers, three hundred-man-level biological weapons, and killed their way to the core area of ​​Atlantis...

"MD! This shit system wants us to pass quickly!" A player ran desperately with the large army. Because of the optical stealth armor, they did not alarm many enemies along the way. Even if they were discovered, everyone cooperated and killed them in the shortest time. Everyone was very experienced in this aspect.

"Stop talking nonsense! Mission failure means annihilation! This system wants us to run for our lives! Now there is a countdown!" Another player couldn't help cursing. They were originally planning well, but suddenly a 10-minute countdown popped up, forcing them to speed up.

"Alas... If you can survive, the reward is still quite generous. Speaking of which, thanks to this armor, we have not suffered any casualties so far." A player behind sighed thankfully. In fact, everyone knows that without the stealth function of this armor, they may have suffered heavy losses long ago.

In fact, these players don't know that these 10 minutes are not only the time Luo Yikong leaves for the players, but also the time he leaves for himself, because the energy defense shield can only resist the Nine Nightmares for 10 minutes at most. Luo Yikong can only continue to oppress the players in this way, and only when it comes to life and death can they burst out their potential.

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