Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 201 Night Falls

In front of Luo Yikong, the appearance of the God King changed greatly. A young black-haired boy with half of his face severely burned appeared in front of Luo Yikong. Luo Yikong knew that might be the true appearance of the God King. The virus made him have no trace of time.

"Xuanyuan Luoying, you didn't tell me that." Luo Yikong immediately reacted. Xuanyuan Luoying might have known that the other party was the mother of the virus. After all, no one could sense the blood of God better than her.

Recalling the large number of zombies gathering on the coast at the beginning, Luo Yikong realized that it might be the means by which the God King controlled the zombies. The other party was not a human, but a zombie mother.

"Luo Yikong, didn't your system spy on it at the beginning? You still don't understand! You and he are both competitors in this world. His secrets are hidden by the world. Even your system can't see through it, let alone me." Xuanyuan Luoying said unhappily. The God King suddenly revealed this secret, and Xuanyuan Luoying was also shocked.

Matrix No. 0——Ye Luofan (Personal BOSS)

Race: Biological Weapon (Virus Matrix)

Level: 230

Life: /

Physical Strength: /

Strength: 561

Spirit: 235

Agility: 510

Resistance: 311

Skills: Thousands of Changes, Blood Bone Blade, Thousand Bone Transformation, Flesh and Blood Devouring, Matrix Explosion, Variant...

Talents: Planet Devouring, Breath Hiding, Gene Fusion, Virus Furnace, Virus Privilege, Last Monarch...

Introduction: "Born in the most prosperous period of the world, will he be destroyed at the end of the world? He is full of joy for his birth, and can't wait to experience and enjoy a good life, meet more friends, and let the world experience the greatness of the creator behind him, but he doesn't know that his birth is to bring disaster."

"You are the original virus matrix!" Luo Yikong was stunned. With the God King, it shouldn't be Ye Luofan's showdown, and his information also appeared completely in front of Luo Yikong. Although the system marks it as a personal BOSS, its attributes have surpassed the hundred-man level, and even faintly reach the thousand-man level.

Luo Yikong knew that this was not Ye Luofan's true strength, just like some bosses have a second form or a third form. Ye Luofan is the person with authority other than Luo Yikong, and Luo Yikong's greatest enemy in this world. The most conservative strength is 10,000 people.

"That's right! I once yearned to become a human, but there is always prejudice and discrimination among humans, even for their compatriots, let alone a monster like me who is not human? I have eaten many people and have many people's memories. Gradually, I am becoming more and more like a human... Unfortunately, if it weren't for you, I really don't want to be exposed." Ye Luofan smiled bitterly and looked at Luo Yikong in front of him. He didn't understand why Luo Yikong in front of him was accepted by humans even though he was the same as him and exposed the ability of his virus?

"Why do you want to become a god?" Luo Yikong looked at Ye Luofan in front of him. For a while, the two sides were not so tense, but rather sympathized with each other.

"I don't know... but this is my goal. I want to make those people understand that I am a human being... a higher level person than them..."

"What a coincidence, then we are destined to be different. Because what I want is a world without high and low, where everyone is equal!" Luo Yikong put away the laser sword in his hand, which had run out of energy.

"Hmph! Superficial! Even a beggar on the street wouldn't have the same idea as you. Classes have existed since the moment humans were born, and they must exist with the development of civilization. Although the distinction between people is not obvious, it is deeply rooted in everyone's heart, just like beggars and rich people, although they are both human beings, they are worlds apart. The power of God can change the world easily, but it is difficult to change life. If everyone is equal and fair, then what about you who become God? You are the most unequal existence!" Ye Luofan sneered at Luo Yikong's idea, and even thought it was a waste, a waste of God's authority...

"If you want to achieve equality, you must have unequal existence, destroy the original rules, and break the mountains of oppression. I will give everyone a chance to break the shackles of inequality on their bodies, and that is the player." Luo Yikong smiled faintly. Ye Luofan naturally didn't understand his own ideas, because that was Luo Yikong's plan for the future virtual world.

"After all, Luo Yikong, you are also a virus creature! The same existence as me... To tell you the truth, if you die here, it may be a salvation for the creatures on the surface. Because you don't know what true despair is!"

"No point in talking! Come on!" Luo Yikong knew that Ye Luofan began to fight desperately, and at the same time Luo Yikong began to sense the fragment in his body...

The fate of all living things is locked, and the fate is broken! The sword of destiny!

All things have a beginning, and the origin of all things will eventually return to one! The sword of origin!

Buzz! ! !

With a sound of swords, two phantoms of swords appeared in Luo Yikong's hands. However, the phantoms became clearer than before. Although they were still phantoms, they were clearly visible and had distinct colors... One was pure black, exuding a sharp aura that could cut through everything... The other was like a blue ice crystal, deep and mysterious...

"Me! Luo Yikong, you bastard! How could you use the power of this fragment?!" Xuanyuan Luoying was shocked. She thought she and Luo Yikong were inseparable and knew everything about Luo Yikong, but she didn't expect Luo Yikong to have such a hidden card.

Time goes back to the eve of the arrival of the City of God... the Spark Base...

Luo Yikong held two wooden swords, looking at the opponent in front of him with a serious expression... a human traverser of advanced civilization... the strongest human in this world... Luo Hui!

"Boy! This is our first sword competition, so let's do our best! How about a sword to decide the outcome?" Lao Hui held the wooden sword, looking casual...

"Okay!" Luo Yikong nodded.

"Then you go first." Lao Hui picked his ears, looking nonchalant...

A dream!

Luo Yikong used his own skill when he came up. Facing Luo Yikong's move, Lao Hui smiled... Behind Luo Yikong, he seemed to see countless figures, all of whom were Luo Yikong's figures dying in the sword monument space...

"From birth to death, for a lifetime! Good! Well done! Then my sword will be the sword of regret!" Lao Hui gently waved the sword in his hand. At that moment, Luo Yikong felt that his body movements became extremely slow, as if he was stuck in a quagmire, until he completely stopped...

Luo Yikong's eyes widened. He saw the flies around Lao Hui floating in the air motionless...

"Space? No! This is time! His sword stopped time..."

The sword that stopped time, Luo Yikong was full of shock. Can this really be swung out of thin air by humans? Even the blood god Loris can't do it!

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