Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 264: A Great Victory

There are two necessary conditions for a person to ascend to the Gods. One is that he must be chosen by the world and the times, and the other is that he must go through many tests and hardships. Luo Yikong's situation is rather special, because the person originally chosen by that world was Ye Luofan, the God King of the God City, but he was intercepted by someone outside of Luo Yikong's world with a system. Although he rushed over with the God City in a threatening manner, he found that he could no longer take Luo Yikong.

The world has a certain consciousness. On the last virus planet, the world is naturally unwilling to fall into the hands of Luo Yikong, an outsider. So the world consciousness is distributed in the consciousness of those 1.6 billion people, and all of them flow into Luo Yikong's consciousness, wanting to completely defeat Luo Yikong. But even the world did not expect that Luo Yikong not only did not get lost and persisted, but also became the world itself.

These things were also known to Luo Yikong when he was completely freed from the lives of those 1.6 billion people.

Luo Yikong was not a person chosen by the world, but he just had a system that forcibly seized the power of the world. It is precisely because of this that the life experience of those 1.6 billion people has surpassed the suffering of any person who ascended to the Gods. Even Xuanyuan Luoying in Luo Yikong's body thought that if she were Luo Yikong, she would definitely not be able to hold on. Although she has been with Luo Yikong until all his lives are over, for Xuanyuan Luoying, those lives are just movies. She is just a bystander, and she only needs to remind Luo Yikong again and again at the critical moment. Luo Yikong is different. Luo Yikong is a witness of those lives and a person in the game.

"Since those lives, I have never really cried... laughed..."

Recalling the past, while mumbling to himself, Luo Yikong has walked outside the Triumph City, looking back at the overwhelming swarm of insects in the Triumph City, the endless ruins, and countless corpses whose specific appearances cannot be seen clearly, his face is calm... That scene has been seen many times in those lives...

"Are you still thinking about those things?" Xuanyuan Luoying asked softly, as if she could see through Luo Yikong's heart. She and Luo Yikong have experienced the lives of those people, and naturally know how much suffering Luo Yikong has experienced.

Luo Lisi and the others all thought that Luo Yikong was ruthless and cold as an ice cube, but Xuanyuan Luoying didn't think so. If he was ruthless, he should be ruthless, and if he was affectionate, he should be affectionate... No one was more ruthless than Luo Yikong, and no one was more affectionate than Luo Yikong. This was Xuanyuan Luoying's evaluation of Luo Yikong in her heart.

"It's just a trivial past. I just don't know how much my students will be able to play in the future." Luo Yikong looked at the direction where Dongfang Muqing and others left with his eyes dull and ruthless...

"Can't you deduce the future of the world? How long have you been deducing? What did you see?" Xuanyuan Luoying asked curiously. After all, she had seen everything Luo Yikong did after he woke up. Luo Yikong was planning for the future.

"Secret..." Luo Yikong answered expressionlessly. Even if he saw the future scenes, they were very limited. He could only plan according to those key scenes.

"Tsk! Forget it if you don't want to say it!" Xuanyuan Luoying pouted, even though she had asked Luo Yikong more than once.

Luo Yikong did not speak, but walked away...

"Great victory! Great victory!!!"

In a high tower in the center of a heavily guarded city in the Dragon Nether World, a burly dragon officer was running and shouting. The dragon soldiers working around him seemed to look at him, not understanding why the dragon was so excited.

After the Dragon Skeleton City became a ruin, the headquarters of the Dragon Order Tower in the Dragon Nether World was temporarily changed to the rear city of Keer City. Because this was a direct order from Long Xingtian, even the powerful elders of the Dragon Order Tower could not resist. After all, in the world of the gods, if the world did not give up the gods, the gods were the absolute existence of their own world, and no one dared to resist. The gods have the absolute power to establish order and break all order, just like Luo Yikong. As long as Luo Yikong is willing, he can completely destroy the human civilization of his own world in a single thought.

The shouting dragon officer was wearing the command uniform of a captain of the dragon fleet, but he was still so out of control. Just when everyone was confused, people got the news through the unique technological communication means of this world, biological brainwave remote transmission, and they won a great victory.

With the support of Long Xingtian, Long Wangfan led the fleet and biological weapons to open the space channel to raid the rear cities where human players were unprepared, recovering a total of 121 cities of all sizes and annihilating countless enemies. It also broke the deadlock and formed a two-sided attack on the front-line players.

After the sudden blow of the hymn festival, the morale of the Dragon Nether World dropped greatly. They needed this big victory too much. The news immediately spread throughout the Dragon Nether World in a very short time, and at the same time pushed Long Wangfan's identity as a commander to an unprecedented height.

"Long Wangfan, that junior, really won a big victory!" In a dim room, an old dragon man heard the news and was obviously not very happy. The old man was one of the elders of the Dragon Order Tower.

"Oh, if we had known earlier, we would have taken the lead! Now Lord Long Xingtian will definitely pay more attention to that kid Long Wangfan!" An old dragon man in a black robe on the other side sighed helplessly, somewhat unwillingly.

"In addition, Long Wangfan's sister Long Yunxi is the current chanting witch. It seems that our Dragon Order Tower has to give up another position." In addition, the old dragon man shook his head. When the world is facing a crisis, These high-ranking people are actually considering that one more person will make their cake smaller. If the god Long Xingtian were here, he would be laughed out of anger.

Whether they are dragons or humans, they are all the same. What is noble is not a certain race, but an individual. These elders are all powerful and greedy, but many of them are quite admirable.

"Damn it! It's a pity that even with the protection of Lord Long Xingtian, we can't take action! Moreover, that guy Milganos is also tied to Long Wangfan. It can be said that half of the power of the Dragon Order Tower is now standing on those Guy over there.”

"Damn! If it hadn't been for the sudden incident in Dragon Skeleton City, our old friends would have died there before they could leave in time. How could Miliganos and Long Wangfan be so proud in this place?!"

After yelling and scolding, the elders in the room were silent for a while, because Long Wangfan's rise was an inevitable trend, and they could not stop it at all...

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