Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 28 Type II Virus Crystallization

In this world, the probability of crystallizing the fused virus is too low. Once it fails, you will die and your body will be taken over by the virus and become a zombie. Because it is an aggregate of viruses, in order to find a host as quickly as possible, any creature that comes into direct contact with the virus crystals will be instantly invaded by the virus. In order to prevent virus crystals from creating some terrible virus organisms, except for a few that are used for research, most of the virus crystals will choose to use flames and high temperatures to destroy them.

Luo Yikong successfully absorbed the virus crystal for the first time, and his body has already become receptive to the virus crystal. This means that if Luo Yikong can fuse and absorb the more advanced green type II virus crystal for the second time, it will reach 100%. There can be no accident.

However, Luo Yikong will not directly absorb it in this world, because in this way he will not be able to bring the power he gained to the real world, so what he wants to do is to bring this green crystal to the real world, then he can use it between the two The world perfectly inherits the power within the crystallized virus.

The player's power only exists in this world, and Luo Yikong appears to be a player, but in fact he exists beyond the player. His power can exist in two worlds.

A soldier picked up the flamethrower and was about to destroy the green crystal. This scared Luo Yikong and rushed over...


"What kind of plane?! Get out of the way. If this thing is swallowed by an ordinary zombie, it will be enough for us to drink a pot." Seeing Luo Yikong rushing in front of him, the soldier was also a little puzzled, but thinking of Luo Yikong He only cursed Yikong for his brave performance just now. If he had been a newcomer who was a sluggish newcomer, he would have kicked him.

Everyone knows how dangerous this crystal is. Crystals with different colors represent different levels of virus evolution. The more advanced the crystal, the more dangerous it is. If a green virus crystal is absorbed by an ordinary zombie, that ordinary zombie will transform into an extremely terrifying evolved zombie in a very short period of time. So under normal circumstances, when they encounter such crystals, they will destroy them without mercy.

"Leave this place to me to destroy! It just so happens that I also want to play with this flamethrower..." Luo Yikong smiled awkwardly. He couldn't say that he came here just for this virus crystal! He didn't know it before, but now Luo Yikong knew that a guy like him who could absorb virus crystals with such a high probability would definitely be sliced ​​and studied.

"Nonsense! How can the battlefield be a place for fun?"

The soldier was obviously unhappy, Luo Yikong could hear it from his voice, but with the soldier watching, Luo Yikong had no choice but to put the crystal directly into his system backpack.

Most people are now cleaning up the remaining zombies. If we don't take this green virus crystal now, we will have no chance in the future.

"So annoying!" Luo Yikong wanted to punch the guy in front of him and knock him out, but doing so would definitely attract everyone's attention.



At this time, a zombie suddenly rushed towards the soldier with a bullet in his head. All this made Luo Yikong see an opportunity.

The soldier holding the flamethrower turned his head and saw a rotten face coming towards him. Taking advantage of the moment when everyone's attention was attracted, Luo Yikong quickly put the green crystal into the system backpack. Inside, he then pulled out an incendiary bomb and threw it into the remains of the corpse-burner behind him...


The soldier was knocked to the ground by the zombie. Luo Yikong raised his fist and punched the zombie's head. With just one punch, the zombie's head exploded like a watermelon...

"What a terrible power..."

"This punch..."

Everyone's eyes widened when they saw this scene. Although they couldn't see their expressions wearing combat helmets, there was no doubt that they were all frightened by Luo Yikong's punch. A normal person would get a concussion at most with one punch, but that guy's punch directly caused his head to explode. This was obviously not a normal person anymore.

In the eyes of everyone, there is no doubt that Luo Yikong is already a guy who has undergone special body modification. Such a guy should exist among the aces of the Fire Base. They don't understand why Luo Yikong is in their team.

"I don't want to box with this guy. If I don't control my strength, I will die directly." Chen Liren saw that scene and couldn't help but feel scared when he thought of his previous training with Luo Yikong at the base.

"Fortunately, I moved quickly enough, otherwise it would be bad if the zombie came over and swallowed the crystal..." Luo Yikong looked at the burning remains of the corpse-burner and said with some guilt. Now the remains have been burned to pieces. It was pitch dark, and they wouldn't notice that the crystal was gone.

"Yes! It's so dangerous!" The soldier holding the flamethrower climbed up from the ground. He had no doubts about Luo Yikong's words. After all, crystals are indeed attractive to zombies because the viruses in the zombies' bodies crave for them. evolution.

"Crisis averted!" Chen Liren took out the laser sword battery and threw it to Luo Yikong, then stretched out his hand to catch it.

Luo Yikong's laser sword "Ember" is very convenient to use. It can be powered by batteries or recharged. It can be adapted to fighting in any situation, except of course in water.

"The captain's position has been discontinued!"

"Okay! Everyone, let's go! Rescue the captain!"

Bai Shuoyue is usually very strict and rude, but he is still kind to the members of the team. Everyone is worried about Bai Shuoyue's safety, and they continue to move towards the position positioned by Bai Shuoyue's communicator without taking a rest.

After passing through a long passage, a huge hangar appeared in front of everyone, but the dome above was closed. This hangar, like the airport of the Spark Base, is deep underground. It is extremely difficult to build such a place.

In the hangar, Luo Yikong and others saw many mechas and tanks, as well as the wreckage of airplanes and human bones. Even though these people died, they still did not put down their weapons.

There was a fierce battle here, but the attackers were definitely not zombies, because ordinary zombies, even evolved zombies, would find it difficult to fight mechas and tanks with flesh and blood. Moreover, these people just died and did not become zombies, which means that the attackers were not zombies.

"It is impossible for zombies to capture an underground base with a complete defense system. Even if there is an internal outbreak, it is difficult to annihilate the entire army. The base can immediately block the infected area. It seems that these people are advanced humans who died 20 years ago. Only in this way can we explain why there are still biological weapons sleeping underneath." Chen Liren looked around at the miserable appearance and said calmly that the world-destroying disaster that occurred 20 years ago was much more miserable than what he saw before.

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