Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 301 Earthquake

"The first battle between human civilization and alien species was on March 8, 411 in the restart calendar. A planet jointly developed by human civilization and dragon civilization was attacked by alien species. This war caused two different civilizations to... Two different types of battleship groups conducted joint operations for the first time..."

The instructor was explaining the joint combat theory of biological battleships and human steel battleships on the podium, and what appeared in front of the instructor was a holographic projection of that battle...

Most of the students here will go to various departments of the expedition fleet in the future. Knowledge of fleet operations is a compulsory course. If they perform well, they will become the captain of an entire fleet in the future, which will be a matter of honor for their ancestors.

Almost all the students listened extremely carefully, even those foreign students. After all, unlike Star Ember Academy, Star Ember Academy focuses on cultivating players' theoretical knowledge, while Expeditionary Fleet Academy focuses on all aspects of the fleet. Knowledge.

Luo Yikong didn't have much interest at all. He knew much more about the joint operations of the fleet than they did.

"However, in the first battle with the alien species, the dragon civilization's biological battleship Leviathan exposed a huge flaw, that is, it has slow maneuverability and cannot carry out pursuit missions with the fleet of human civilization. And in the defensive battle, Leviathan suffered heavy losses. It was precisely because of this battle that human civilization stopped developing biological warships."

The instructor was explaining and analyzing the performance of the biological battleship Leviathan. Long Li and the other dragonmen suddenly frowned as they listened to this explanation and analysis. Just as they were about to refute, they heard a cough. .

"Ahem! Instructor, you are wrong!" Luo Yikong suddenly raised his hand and said, and this move immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Oh, what's wrong? Tell me." The instructor became somewhat interested when he heard Luo Yikong refute him.

"I think biological warships are not so useless in large-scale fleet battles. Indeed, compared with the steel battleships of human civilization, biological warships have very obvious shortcomings. But I dare to ask you, aren't the shortcomings of human civilization's warships not obvious? Firstly, This is a large-scale war with alien species, and it is also the first time that human civilization cooperates with dragon civilization to fight. The two sides do not completely trust each other. They seem to be a large fleet, but in fact they fight each other as soon as the war begins. To set up the formation, the biological warship can be at the forefront, which is not only beneficial to close combat. Once the defensive shield is destroyed, the biological warship's strong recovery ability and hull defense can ensure that the fleet will not be severely damaged in the first time, and still There is an opportunity to counterattack. The human steel battleships have powerful firepower and the ability to strike at super long distances. If the two sides truly cooperate, they can learn from each other's strengths and not sacrifice so many people at all. They should also know this. This is the incompetence of the high-level officials on both sides.”


After listening to Luo Yikong's narration, the instructor yelled "OK". He had indeed arranged the arrangements according to Luo Yikong's narration. The losses in that battle would not have been that big at all.

The instructor did not feel unhappy about Luo Yikong's rebuttal to him. On the contrary, he was very satisfied. After all, Luo Yikong gave him the answer that satisfied him.

"Your name is Luo Yikong, right! You are worthy of being number one in the Sky Vault Star. It is indeed a pity to go to the Star Ember Academy." The instructor praised Luo Yikong without hesitation. He believed that if a person like Luo Yikong could go on an expedition fleet, and may make a good commander.

But the instructor did not expect that Luo Yikong would rebut him 13 times during the whole morning's lecture, and each time he spoke with reason and evidence, leaving him speechless. Obviously the instructor was the person who imparted knowledge, but for the first time in front of Luo Yikong, he felt the lack of knowledge about fleet operations. He even suspected that Luo Yikong had been following the fleet in battles since he was a child. .

This also caused the instructor to tremble when Luo Yikong coughed later, wondering if he had made a mistake again...

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"There was an earthquake? Strange? Why didn't the seismometer respond at all?"

The ground was shaking violently, but the people who felt the vibration were not panicked. The buildings of this era were completely able to withstand earthquake attacks. Such vibrations would only cause a few people to accidentally fall down.

"This earthquake is indeed a bit strange. It is not a certain area, but the entire Sky Dome Star. We should report it to our superiors!"

At the moment the earthquake occurred, Luo Yikong, who was at the Sky Expedition Fleet Academy, suddenly froze. At that moment, he seemed to feel something.

"What's wrong? It's just an earthquake." Xuanyuan Luoying couldn't help but say when she saw Luo Yikong suddenly froze.

"It's an earthquake, but it's not a natural earthquake." Luo Yikong himself is the world, and natural disasters are part of the rules of the world. Luo Yikong knows very well whether it is a naturally occurring earthquake.

"It can't be that your human civilization is doing some experiments on the sky star!"

"No, Tianqiong Star is just mining at most." Luo Yikong shook his head. Tianqiong Star is a habitable life planet. Experiments like the kind that can cause large-scale earthquakes are prohibited on this kind of living planet.

"Dragon God, is there a possibility that the planet under our feet has been occupied?" Luo Yikong asked the Dragon God. After all, he knows the Zerg best.

"Occupy the entire planet? Impossible...wait..."

The Dragon God suddenly thought that Luo Yikong ascended to godhood on the virus planet. The virus devoured the entire planet, thereby controlling the planet's rotation. Perhaps the Zerg can do this. If all this is true, then the entire Sky Star is 10,000 times larger than the virus planet. How powerful would the Zerg controlling the Sky Star be?

"What? Have you thought of anything?"

"Yes, maybe this is possible. If this is true, then the residents of the entire Sky Star must be evacuated."

"But this matter is of great importance. If it is not a war emergency, the evacuation of the residents of an entire planet must be approved by the majority of the senior officials of the Tripartite Council. And these are just our guesses, and we haven't investigated them clearly." Luo Yikong knew that evacuating an entire planet was a big deal. After all, it was very troublesome to resettle these people, provide them with safety and food, and appease their emotions.

"What are you going to do?"

"I, Jiuyan, can't go. Her biological weapon body is left on Yanhuang Star. If I go there in person, the other party may hide immediately, so I have to find an opportunity for the Tripartite Council to take action."

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