Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 321 Changhe Star A

"The representatives of the Dragon Civilization and the Human Civilization issued a joint statement to jointly implement the Star Project..."

The scene of Long Yunxi and Jiang Ling, the representative of the human civilization, signing an agreement in the city holographic projection was reported in the language of the Dragon People, but Luo Yikong could still understand it. In addition to Luo Yikong, many Dragon People on the street stopped to witness the historic moment, not only on Longming Star, but also in the starry sky covered by the Dragon Civilization and the human civilization. They were witnessing this historic moment.

The two second-level civilizations entered a period of comprehensive cooperation at this moment, jointly establishing a star defense array to resist the upcoming Zerg crisis in the future. Facing the Zerg that has destroyed several civilizations, including the second-level civilization, the two civilizations can only work together to overcome the difficulties.

"You have created history..." The voice of the Dragon God consciousness suddenly came, and Luo Yikong shook his head.

"Their history is determined by their choices and created by them. I just pointed them to a path. Whether they take it or not depends on their will... Whether they can continue to walk on it also depends on their choices and determination..."

"Do you plan to spend the next 20 years on Longming Star?" The Dragon God Consciousness asked again, and Luo Yikong nodded.

"Twenty years went by very quickly..."

Luo Yikong turned and left, disappearing in the vast sea of ​​people...


In the 559th year of the Restart Calendar...a mysterious signal came from the black hole named "Black Sun", and Yanhuang Star formed a large fleet to go to "Black Sun", and then all the members disappeared...


In the 574th year of the Restart Calendar...twenty years after the destruction of Tianqiong Star...the border between the Dragon Civilization and the Human Civilization...Changhe A Star of the Luohe Galaxy...

Because this planet is located in the disputed area between the human civilization and the Dragon Civilization, there are different opinions about the ownership of this planet. At present, this planet belongs to humans and dragons jointly managed...

But three days ago, a huge mothership of unknown model crashed on this planet, which immediately attracted the attention of the border fleet and was reported to the highest level by both humans and dragons at the fastest speed. Both Yanhuang Star and Longming Star sent people to investigate as soon as possible.

Yanhuang Star sent experts from all aspects of the Yanhuang Star Science Department, and Longming Star also sent a large number of scientific and technological talents from Longling Tower...

At the Kano Fleet Base in the human-controlled area of ​​Changhe A Star, a large long-distance transport ship slowly landed, and on that long-distance transport ship were 3521 experts from various fields of Yanhuang Star. They may not have high player levels, but they occupy an extremely important position in human civilization.

A man wearing heavy protective clothing walked out of the long-distance transport ship. When he arrived at the planet, he did not immediately look at the surrounding environment, but looked up at the starry sky above his head. Many stars in the starry sky were disappearing bit by bit...

"It is estimated that the black hole will arrive in two hundred years and devour Changhe A Star. This period of time is enough for us to fully develop and utilize all the resources on this planet." A companion's voice came from the communicator. The man turned around and found a bearded man in protective clothing looking at him.

"Boss Mo, we are not here to mine resources this time." The man smiled and continued to walk into the base facilities in front of him...

It takes 405 days for Changhe A to orbit the main star. Although it is rich in resources, the environment of Changhe A is harsh and not suitable for life. The pressure here is ten times that of Yanhuang. The surface temperature is as high as 120 degrees Celsius during the day and minus 90 degrees Celsius at night. The temperature difference between day and night is huge. The daytime time of Changhe A is 18 hours and the nighttime time is 12 hours. Here, a day is 30 hours. Of course, the standard time of all team members is based on the time of Yanhuang. There is no water source on Changhe A. Most places are rocky deserts. There is not even a blade of grass, let alone native life.

If it weren't for the protective suits, they would have died the moment they landed on this planet...

Most of the surface work on Changhe A is done by robots controlled by artificial intelligence. In the past few years, the Dragon Civilization has also sent a large number of students to the human civilization universe to learn the technology of artificial intelligence. After all, the development path of each civilization is different. The artificial intelligence technology on the human side has been quite powerful over the years. As for the Dragon Civilization, it is mainly based on biotechnology, and their biotechnology technology also makes human civilization very jealous.

"Ye Qing, what are you so happy about?" The man named Mo Lao Da with a big beard asked the man in the co-pilot after getting on the carrier of the base. He could see that the man named Ye Qing was in a good mood.

"Nothing, I met a human living on Longming Star in the Dragon Civilization Universe on the Internet, a very interesting guy. Some time ago, I had a research project. Wasn't it studying human immortality? That person told me that the human body may not be able to achieve it, but consciousness can definitely." Ye Qing explained.

"That's nothing! There are only two ways to achieve immortality!"

"But that person said that it's better for humans not to achieve immortality. He said that if humans achieve physical immortality, they will lose their fear of death. As time goes by, people will become numb to everything and lose their emotions. Then immortality will be a torture. At that time, humans will become crazy and disorderly, because they will no longer be afraid of any constraints due to immortality, and they will commit crimes in pursuit of excitement."

"That's true." Boss Mo nodded, but even so, immortality is still what many humans pursue.

"The second kind of immortality is virtual consciousness immortality, which is constrained by virtual rules, but this also has extremely serious side effects. People will escape reality and go to the virtual utopia. By then, the development of real world civilization will stagnate, and there may even be no humans. Then is human civilization still human civilization? It should be a group of intelligent machine civilization managed by artificial intelligence!"

"That person does think a lot. Did he tell you all this? So do you still want to give up your project?" Boss Mo asked curiously.

"No, that person said that the progress of human civilization is a series of adventures. Just like an adventurer, he respects any choice of human beings. In the field of consciousness immortality, that person knows more than me, and many problems are solved by me by asking him. I heard that this time, he came with the investigation team of the dragon civilization, maybe I can meet him." Ye Qing was excited, and he couldn't wait to meet the mysterious guy.

"What a pity! Humans are obviously capable, so why would they go to the Dragon Civilization?" Boss Mo sighed and shook his head.

"Boss Mo, your idea is narrow-minded! Both the Dragon Civilization and the Human Civilization belong to the community of destiny of the Daotian World."

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