Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 333 Immortal Evolution

The place where the fleet of human civilization and dragon civilization meet is a planet called Black Mine Star. This planet is only one-fifth the size of Yanhuang Star, but there are many minerals. In addition, the planet looks black from the outside, so it is also called "Black Mine Star". However, the minerals on this planet were mined out by a space mining company a hundred years ago. Today, Black Mine Star has no value at all. After all, it is not suitable for the birth of life.

The fleets of the two civilizations, human civilization and dragon civilization, are now gathered around Black Mine Star. Among them, the Leviathan ships of Dragon Civilization are as high as 2,000. The mothership is Leviathan "Dark Parter", which is 20 times the size of the conventional Leviathan biological warship. It looks like a galactic behemoth that can devour planets. Human civilization dispatched 1,500 warships for this operation. Although the number is less than that of the Dragon Civilization, in terms of warship performance, human warships have surpassed the Dragon Civilization by a lot. The mothership of human civilization is called "Immortal Evolution", which is a star-class warship. It is said that it was just completed on Yanhuang Star a year ago and was towed here.

The engine of Immortal Evolution is the latest model of improved curvature engine, and the energy source is controlled nuclear fusion. The main gun is the latest modified model of Yanhuang Civilization Star Destroyer, which is more powerful than the conventional Star Destroyer. Luo Yikong once destroyed Tianqiong Star with a Star Destroyer, and the Star Destroyer on the Immortal Evolution is five times more powerful than that Star Destroyer. It can be said that the Immortal Evolution is almost equipped with the latest weapon systems of human civilization today.

The Immortal Evolution is ten kilometers long, five kilometers wide, six kilometers high, and has fifteen thousand regular internal personnel. In addition, there is a superhuman intelligence that assists humans and manages everything in the Immortal Evolution.

Luo Yikong followed Ji Xueer out of Leviathan, put on the protective suit for humans in space, and boarded the Black Mine Star.

When he stepped on the land of the Black Mine Star, everything he saw was charred black, and the temperature of the planet outside his protective suit had reached about 120 degrees Celsius.

Luo Yikong looked up at the sky, and the brilliance of the dazzling star was being blocked by a huge fleet. The fleet was arranged in a neat queue in the sky, and the super battleship in the queue that surpassed the conventional human battleships was the most eye-catching...

"That's the Immortal Evolution! Someone will come to pick us up later!"

As soon as Ji Xueer finished speaking, a ray of light accelerated and fell from the human mothership. It was a space carrier-based fighter, but it didn't seem to be attacking any target, but to welcome Luo Yikong and Ji Xueer.

The fighter plane quickly stopped in front of Luo Yikong and Ji Xueer, and the human pilot inside climbed out and saluted Luo Yikong and Ji Xueer.

"You two, please board the plane and follow me!"

Luo Yikong and Ji Xueer nodded, and then entered the fighter plane. As Luo Yikong and Ji Xueer entered, the pilot also drove the fighter plane and turned into a stream of light and rushed into the sky...


"Our fleet and the fleet of the dragon civilization will replenish energy on the surface of the star near the black mine star, and then go to the hunting star. This process may take half a day."

In the combat meeting room of the Immortal Evolution, a group of fleet leaders were discussing the issue of energy replenishment. After all, whether it is sailing in the universe or the upcoming war, energy is needed to replenish. Although the fleet has the technology of controlled nuclear fusion, they must ensure that there is sufficient energy to maintain the launch of the star destroyer, so they plan to collect the energy on the star and use it as a battery for the launch of the star destroyer. The energy generated by controlled nuclear fusion is used for conventional combat and navigation. After all, if the fight gets too intense, although controlled nuclear fusion technology can continuously generate energy, the small reactor size on the Immortal Evolution cannot support such high-intensity energy output if the star destroyer is continuously released.

It is for this reason that the fleet leaders plan to spend half a day collecting stellar energy and use it as a battery to release the star destroyer, so as to be prepared for any eventuality.

Just as the leaders nodded in agreement with this decision, the projection of the Immortal Evolution's artificial intelligence "Kama" appeared in front of the leaders. The image of this artificial intelligence "Kama" is a middle-aged pilot during the Genetic War, and looks kind and friendly.

"Captain, your teacher is here!"

"Kama, let him in!" The captain of this human fleet immediately stood up and said, and it can be seen that he was very excited and happy to hear the news.

Soon the door of the conference room opened, and Luo Yikong walked in under the guidance of two soldiers, while Ji Xueer followed behind Luo Yikong...


Fleet Captain Lin Kexing saluted Luo Yikong with a standard expeditionary fleet salute, and Shen Tian and others behind Lin Kexing also saluted...

Luo Yikong remembered his students. Among the more than 20 senior fleet figures in this conference room, one third were his former students at Xingjin Academy. Even if the rest were not Luo Yikong's students, they must have known Luo Yikong's information and did not dare to put on airs in front of Luo Yikong. They saluted and looked like juniors.

"I didn't expect you to become the captain of this human fleet with star-class warships." Luo Yikong glanced at Lin Kexing in front of him and nodded. Although he was not one of the better students among his students, he could now lead a large fleet on his own.

"Thanks to the teacher's cultivation at Xingjin Academy, but we haven't seen each other for two hundred years. The teacher is still so young, without any change, but we are all old." Lin Kexing said with a smile, but there was a bitter smile in that smile.

There is a freezing chamber technology in human civilization. In fact, as long as you choose to sleep in the freezing chamber, humans will stop the aging process, but people like Lin Kexing are not willing to sleep. Although human civilization has developed genetic drugs that can greatly increase lifespan, there is still a limit.

Luo Yikong saw Lin Kexing's current level. His current level is 523, which has surpassed most players. It also means that Lin Kexing's personal combat power is very strong, and these are gained through the accumulation of more than two hundred years. However, with the advancement of civilization, the impact of individual combat power on the world has become weaker and weaker, but the desire of every player to pursue strength has not changed.

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