Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 359: God-making Machine Attack

When the warship broke through the Zerg blockade and left Oro Star, the closed energy defense shield was reopened, and the Zerg and Zerg warships in the middle of the energy defense shield had no ability to resist at all. Just because they were in the middle of the energy defense shield, they were neatly cut by the energy defense shield that was opened instantly.

All the anti-aircraft guns on the surface of Oro Star were activated, and the Zerg that had already poured in from outside the energy defense shield were attacked by fire. The steel storm formed by countless lasers and artillery swept into the sky.

Outside Oro Star, the super-light-speed warship carrying the god-making machine was also approaching its limit because of constant collisions with the Zerg.

When this warship was transformed, Yanhuang Star took into account the possibility of collision with dense Zerg during the super-light process, so the front end of the warship had already been specially reinforced and transformed to ensure that the warship would not be destroyed and killed in the case of super-light collision. For this reason, the tripartite council even used a special space alloy with extremely low production to manufacture star-level warships.

But even so, at the moment of rushing out of Aoluo Star, the warship experienced tens of thousands of collisions at superluminal speed...

In that extremely short period of time, tens of thousands of superluminal collisions were carried out, and even the special alloy made by the crystallization of human civilization technology could not withstand it at all. You should know that this is not only because the body strength of most Zergs exceeds that of ordinary steel, and is even harder than some spacecraft, but also because during the flight at 30 times the speed of light, even if a bird hits it, it can cause huge damage to the warship. It is precisely because of this that when the fleet is sailing at superluminal speed, it is often necessary to ensure that there will be no obstacles on the route ahead, and superluminal flight is prohibited in dense meteorite belts to avoid ship destruction and death.

At this moment, the front area of ​​the warship where Luo Yikong is located has been severely damaged and partially disintegrated. The warship's engines have been directly scrapped because of the instantaneous burst of such a high speed.

The scrapping of the engine slowed down the speed of the warship a lot. It was originally expected to take about 12 seconds to reach the nearest mother star from Aoluo Star, but the warship took 20 seconds. However, it was actually not important to Luo Yikong and his men, because they had already broken out of the Zerg encirclement.

Zerg warships also used curvature engines to achieve superluminal speed, with a maximum speed of 10 times the speed of light. Although it was also incredibly fast, they could not intercept the warship where Luo Yikong was, and the Zerg did not even have a chance to react.

10 times the speed of light, this speed is often sustained by conventional warships for about 30 seconds, which is a bit too much to bear, and the three-party council recklessly transformed the speed of the warship to 30 times the speed of light, which is already the maximum speed that this second-level human civilization can reach at this stage, so they did not consider whether the warship can come back intact.

At the moment of breaking out of Oro Star, the warship was severely damaged, and several engines were scrapped, but under the powerful inertia and the thrust of the remaining engines that were still operating normally, the warship still rushed towards the huge white mother star like a very fast comet.

Twenty seconds later, the warship was damaged by more than 70% and could no longer sail, but the warship's purpose had been achieved...

The red alarm light flashed, and the warship continued to disintegrate as it fell toward the white star, just like a flower withering...

"Launch the God-making Machine!"

The captain pressed the button, and a golden metal sphere fell toward the star, and the outer periphery of the golden metal sphere was surrounded by circles of interlaced rings.

The moment the warship was put into the God-making Machine, the warship also completed its mission and completely disintegrated as it fell toward the star. The high temperature of nearly 10,000 degrees instantly vaporized everyone in the warship, and Luo Yikong was not hurt because he could control the rules of this world to a certain extent.

Although Luo Yikong's virus body was condensed from the essence of the entire virus planet and had the ability to continuously adapt and evolve to survive in the space environment, if Luo Yikong really faced that high temperature with his virus body, he would probably die at that moment.

Among all the creatures known to mankind today, none can resist the temperature of a star, even Luo Yikong cannot do it without the protection of rules.

The God-making machine that fell into the star was spinning wildly, constantly absorbing the energy from the star. It was not known whether it was Luo Yikong's illusion. During that process, the light of the star actually dimmed a little. However, no one would observe the sun closely without any protection like Luo Yikong, because normal people would go blind directly.


With a loud noise, Luo Yikong only saw a powerful energy burst out from the God-making machine in an instant, and the energy reached Aoluo Star in less than a second.

Just as the Dragon God Consciousness said, even if the fastest aircraft of mankind at this stage can fly at a speed of 30 times the speed of light, it is impossible to escape the attack of the God-making machine.

At the moment when the energy wave spread to Aoluo Star, Aoluo Star, which was originally in the midst of war, became quiet in an instant. Both humans and Zerg were instantly wiped out, and there was no chance to react. From the half-biological, half-mechanical Zerg warships to the microorganisms invisible to the naked eye, all were cleared away in an instant, and the only thing that survived was the artificial intelligence.

All the lives that were destroyed will be turned into fuel for the God-making Machine. After the energy wave has swept the surrounding ten-light-year area, it will return again, and the fuel will also be absorbed by the God-making Machine. The God-making Machine will retain and select all the absorbed biological genes, and with the huge and pure energy, it will cultivate a "pseudo-god" comparable to the supreme existence of a world.

During the time when the energy wave comes and goes, Luo Yikong will stay here to prevent the God-making Machine from being taken away. As all the foreign Zergs in this area are destroyed, Luo Yikong's control over this area is also fully restored.

Luo Yikong opened a space crack and planned to temporarily go to the Aoluo Star Port, which is relatively close to this star. If there is any situation, he can immediately detect it, and there, Luo Yikong can also better contact the outside of Yanhuang Star.

Luo Yikong took a look at his body. Although he could be unscathed under the protection of the world authority, his clothes were burned clean and emptied in an instant, and even the communicator was directly melted. It was just right to go to the star port to replenish.

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