Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 366 The Ninth Expeditionary Fleet

"Luo Yikong, what do you want to do?! You are a dictator!" Zhang Ze looked at the drones around him and yelled at Luo Yikong.

"In the end times, you surrenderists are the easiest to cause trouble! Zero, take them away and keep them well. Tomorrow, in the Resurrection Square, execute them all in front of everyone!"

Hearing Luo Yikong's order, the drones immediately fired paralysis needles at those high-level surrenderists...

"Luo Yikong, you will make humanity extinct..." Zhang Ze was hit by several needles and fell to the ground and fell into a coma...

Luo Yikong's move shocked everyone, including the wavering neutral...

In the end times, a woman's kindness will only cause more people to die. When it is time to be decisive, you must be decisive. Now that human civilization has been severely damaged, it can no longer withstand any internal fighting, so all signs must be suppressed with an iron fist.

"Jiang Ling! The three-party council is still in your hands."

"But... Teacher, why not..." Jiang Ling was about to let Luo Yikong take charge, but was interrupted by Luo Yikong, after all, Luo Yikong had also commanded the battle of the City of God.

"Everything is up to you. Remember that you are the chairman of the three-party council, not the little girl you used to be. All your decisions are related to the future of mankind." Luo Yikong stared at Jiang Ling and preached. Luo Yikong did not care about anything, but the crisis of mankind should be dealt with by them in this way, so that they can grow up. Luo Yikong is just helping to deal with the most difficult part.

"I know, teacher."

"Shen Tian! Call Boss Mo and Ye Qing, as well as all the people above, immediately. And you, go to Blood God Star with me later." Luo Yikong looked at Mu Linqiu on the side, and at the same time sent the list of people to Shen Tian through the system.

"I know." Shen Tian nodded, and immediately turned around and left the temporary meeting room...

"I am still a step late..." Luo Yikong looked at Mu Linqiu and said, and the latter shook his head slightly.

"I reminded you too late. You have tried your best. At least Zero has left a little hope for this world." Mu Linqiu looked at Zero beside Luo Yikong, and Zero held all the hopes of human civilization in another world.


Shen Tian gathered all the more than 300 people on the list according to Luo Yikong's order. After signing the system confidentiality agreement and being bound by the system, Luo Yikong instantly opened a space crack, and the other side of the space crack led directly to the Blood God Star.

The more than 300 people were also experts in various artificial intelligence fields and warship comprehension. Seeing Luo Yikong open the space with ordinary flesh, each of them had an expression of seeing a ghost. In their hearts, they speculated that Luo Yikong was a special superpower. After all, superpowers were proven to exist in this world, but in this era of warship wars, the power of a single soldier was negligible, so superpowers did not attract much attention, but there was still a mysterious superpower special forces within the tripartite council.

Seeing Luo Yikong walk into the space crack, they did not dare to ask more questions, and all followed Luo Yikong in...

The distance was nearly five light years, and everyone arrived almost instantly, and the Blood God Star had received Zero's notice and was well prepared.

At this moment, the planetary defense of the Blood God Star had been activated. When the star defense array was destroyed, the Blood God Star's own energy defense shield could still play a certain defensive role.

There were three planetary warships on alert above the crowd, and the fully armed blood clan soldiers on the ground had been waiting for a long time. Although the equipment and uniforms on those soldiers looked similar to those of the three-party council, there were still some differences.

"Everyone! The facilities on Yanhuang Star have almost been destroyed, and it is difficult to recover in a short time, but the attack of artificial intelligence and Zerg will not stop. You are all top experts. There are complete facilities on this Blood God Star. Please continue to fight for mankind here!" Luo Yikong looked at the people behind him, and those people all had serious expressions. Many people nodded firmly after hesitating for a few seconds.

"Loris, settle them down! Take them to their work place!" Luo Yikong turned around and looked at the white-haired girl in the blood clan with her arms folded and a faint smile...

"Don't worry." Loris waved her hand, and the soldiers around her immediately took action and began to carry the luggage for the experts. At the same time, the warships in the sky began to slowly land...


Black Sun Black Hole... The Ninth Expedition Fleet...

The super fleet with more than 5,000 warships is now traveling through the black hole. Although it has made sufficient preparations before entering the black hole, many people have felt uneasy during the three hours of disconnection from human civilization...

Many people looked at the empty area in front of the accretion disk where even light could not escape, as if they were being stared at by the abyss. Although the fleet is huge, it is still too small for the black hole. They are constantly sliding into the black hole...

The highest commander of this fleet is named Covens. He has served in the expedition fleet for forty years and has made outstanding military achievements. He was rated as one of the top ten outstanding commanders of the expedition fleet and has rich combat command experience. He also volunteered for this journey through the black hole.

Although Covens knew that the speed of time in the black hole was different from that outside, and that by the time he got out, hundreds or thousands of years or even longer might have passed in the Daotian world, he did not regret it. Because he wanted to become a monument to human conquest of the universe, even if it was a failed monument, it was also a glory to prove human courage for him.

"Have you located the source of the signal?" Covens asked a soldier operating the instrument on the side.

"Report to the commander, the signal source comes from the deepest part of the black hole. If we go in directly, we will definitely be crushed into molecules." The soldier hesitated and replied to the commander. In fact, he did not want to go directly to the deepest part of the black hole to die.

With the current level of human technology, their warships cannot resist black holes at all. If they enter the depths of black holes, absolutely no one will survive.

"Commander! We have deciphered all the messages sent by the signal. What we thought were strange patterns at first were actually oracle bones from the Stone Age. Although they are very old, our artificial intelligence is still able to decipher them through human language logic. It took an hour to successfully translate them." A soldier ran over and displayed the translated content on the virtual screen in front of Covens...

"Follow me, this is the only chance."

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