Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 370 South Wind Star

Black Sun Black Hole, the Ninth Expeditionary Fleet...

"Commander! We found a spaceship of human civilization!"

Hearing the report from the soldiers around him, Fleet Commander Covens immediately called up the projection map of the Black Sun Black Hole. The projection map showed that not far from the fleet, a human spaceship was approaching the fleet at superluminal speed...

"Commander, should we shoot down the other party?" A soldier suggested. After all, all communication systems in the black hole were severely affected, and even fleets were difficult to communicate with each other. In this case, it was impossible to determine the enemy and friend.

"When the spaceship approaches, the warship will make a ship movement to contact the other party." In human civilization, if the communication system is scrapped and ineffective, the spaceship and the warship can make simple contact by making some movements.


The Ninth Fleet entered a full alert zone state, and when the spaceship approached, the fleet immediately took action to respond, and the spaceship also responded.

"Commander, swing the front 5 times, the rear 3 times, and the order is correct. This is the fleet code we made temporarily when we left Yanhuang Star. It is Yanhuang Star's S-level secret. The other party is from our Yanhuang Star."

"Slow down the fleet, turn on the energy defense shield, and bring the spaceship in!" Covens immediately issued an order. Yanhuang Star did not hesitate to send a spaceship to this black hole where there was no chance of survival. Something must have happened.

The fleet began to slow down the speed of passing through the black hole, and at the same time, the energy defense shield was released with the flagship as the center, covering the entire fleet and the spaceship.

"The hangar has been cleared!"

"Open the hangar!"


Although the contact in the black hole was a bit risky, fortunately there was no danger, and only a girl came out of the spacecraft...

"You... You are Lord Loris of the Blood God Star!"

When Loris was brought to the control center, Covens saw the girl with white hair and red eyes, and his eyes widened...

"It's me. It's really troublesome to find you. Fortunately, there is that guy's system positioning!" If it weren't for Luo Yikong's system positioning, even if Loris searched for a hundred years or a thousand years, it is estimated that she would not be able to find the Ninth Expedition Fleet in such a large black hole.

"Loris, why did you come here in person? Has human civilization already..." Covens saw Loris coming alone, and immediately realized that human civilization might encounter a disaster. After all, some high-level officials of the Tripartite Council knew what Loris's identity was and how special she was.

"Not yet, but it's almost there. How long have you been in the black hole?" Loris asked, she wanted to determine the current speed of time.

"It has been four hours since we entered the black hole." Covens answered truthfully.

"Four hours... Do you know that thirteen years have passed outside? The closer we get to the depths of the black hole, the faster time flows outside! We don't have time! But if we rashly go there, this fleet will be doomed." Loris knew that once a player died in the black hole area, he could not be resurrected, and if he went there, he didn't know how long time would pass outside.

"Lord Loris, what is the situation of human civilization now?" Covens has never been able to know the situation outside. In the eyes of everyone in the fleet, it was only four hours since they left, and the entire human civilization suddenly changed dramatically.

"At present, all artificial intelligence has rebelled and united with the Zerg to destroy the star defense array. The Zerg army has been unstoppable all the way. I am afraid that if we go out a few hours later, human civilization will be gone. What have you gained in this black hole?" Loris asked Covens. Since Luo Yikong asked her to find the Ninth Expedition Fleet, there must be a reason.

"We received a signal!" Covens said, and sent the decoded information to Loris through the system.

"There is no time! Then follow the information given by the signal and sail at the highest speed along that route!"


Covens immediately took action. Because the communication system was affected, they could only command the fleet's actions through the flagship's actions, and all warships soon received the order to sail at full speed.

The energy defense shield disappeared, the engine ran at maximum power, and all the warships followed the flagship, turning into countless streams of light and rushing towards the deepest part of the black hole...


The first star chain defense of human civilization... Nanfeng Star Xinya City...

"Quick, quick, quick!!!"

"Boys! Set up anti-aircraft guns quickly!!!"

"Shoot down that big bug for me!"

"Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!!"

The flames of the explosion continued to fill the sky, and the entire Xinya City had become a sea of ​​fire. Because Nanfeng Star was in the first defense star chain to defend against the Zerg attack, it suffered a fierce attack from the Zerg here.

At present, the space force and air force of Nanfeng Star have been almost completely destroyed. Although the energy defense shield of the entire planet has been activated, it cannot resist the Zerg for long. Moreover, many Zerg have already rushed to Nanfeng Star before the energy defense shield was activated, and engaged in a fierce battle with the planet's ground forces.

A giant centipede-like insect broke through the clouds in the sky. The huge monster that covered the sky and the sun was rampaging over the sky of Xinya City, smashing the buildings into pieces. It was a Zerg warship. Facing the huge monster, the anti-aircraft firepower of the ground forces was all poured on the Zerg warship. Most attacks could not even break the shell of the Zerg warship.


With a loud bang, a blue beam of light pierced through the horizon, and the Zerg warship that had just been raging in the city was also pierced. The soldiers on the ground looked in the direction of the beam of light and saw a planetary warship burning with flames. The warship was severely damaged because of its power system. It dived towards the city with flames and thick smoke. Before falling, it killed the Zerg warship with its main gun.

"BOOM!!! BOOM!!! BOOM!!! BOOM!!!"

The warship crashed into several buildings before it stopped, but the flames on the ship did not go out. Instead, they burned more and more vigorously. It was estimated that it would explode soon. The power of a planetary warship explosion was very terrifying. The soldiers on the ground also began to move away from the crash site of the warship.

"This is Nanfeng Star! Report to the headquarters! Nanfeng Star is about to fall!!! It is about to fall!!! Request support!!! Request support!!!"

"Nanfeng Star! My order! Hold on at all costs!"


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