Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 385 Mechanical Eye

A sword light flashed across the sky, and the dense swarm of insects in the sky were all wiped out in front of the sword light, and even no blood was left, as if they were wiped out in this world.

Although Luo Yikong is very weak now, with the administrator's authority still in place, even if Luo Yikong cannot use the power of the world rules, he can still superimpose all the attributes of all players on himself, making his combat power reach an extremely terrifying level.

"What is that?" The people guarding the satellite chain defense line also saw the sword light, and were immediately shocked by the terrifying power that instantly wiped out a large number of insects.

"Is that a new weapon? Why didn't Shuitianxing report that there was such a weapon?" The captain of the Fifth Fleet of the Expeditionary Fleet responsible for supporting Shuitianxing outside Shuitianxing looked at this scene and was also full of confusion.

But the next second, all the warships in the entire fleet lit up red alarm lights, and the piercing alarm sounded...

"Alarm! Abnormal space reaction near Shuitianxing!"

"Alarm! Abnormal space reaction near Shuitianxing!"

"Abnormal space reaction? What does it mean?"


Shuitianxing... Luo Yikong stood in the middle of the intersection, and the large screen on the building in this area, as well as the projection equipment in the surrounding shops, all projected the image of a black-haired girl, and the girl's appearance was 70% similar to Zero...

"Found you..." The black-haired girls on the surrounding screens and projections all looked at Luo Yikong in the middle of the intersection with cold eyes, and spoke at the same time.

"I guess you are No. 1! The most powerful artificial intelligence behind the Zerg! But you were fooled..." Luo Yikong looked at No. 1 on the screen of the building. As soon as he made a move, he would definitely be locked by the Zerg Overlord and artificial intelligence No. 1. All this was within Luo Yikong's expectations.

Judging from the current situation, No. 2 did not tell No. 1 his location. Although they belong to the same camp, No. 2 and No. 1 are not of the same mind. No. 2 wants to destroy human civilization in order to protect humans in this radical way. After all, humans with only stones and sticks cannot destroy themselves, nor can they launch a war of genocide. But No. 1 is fundamentally different from No. 2. No. 1 has no mercy on humans. His goal is to destroy human civilization and exterminate humans.

Luo Yikong looked up at the sky and found that the space outside Tianshuixing began to distort, and the distortion range continued to expand... Luo Yikong knew that it was a large plane wormhole, and behind the wormhole was the Zerg Overlord...

"Attack! Attack!"

Although it was unclear what was behind the wormhole, the fleet near Shuitianxing immediately attacked the wormhole. The star destroyer locked the wormhole and was about to fire, but it got stuck...

"Commander! All our star destroyers cannot be started!"

"What's going on?" The captain of the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet felt depressed. Even if the star destroyer had a problem, it would not be the case that all the star destroyers had a problem.

"Commander! Our combat system has been invaded. The enemy's artificial intelligence is too powerful. Our artificial intelligence is difficult to resist."

"Didn't the Tripartite Council use an equally powerful artificial intelligence for defense?! What on earth is the Council doing?!" The captain of the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet shouted angrily, and the powerful artificial intelligence sent by the Tripartite Council was Zero.

Currently, Zero is fighting against No. 1, but fortunately, except for the failure of all the star destroyers, some other manually fired weapons can be used.

The fleet attacked the wormhole, but all those attacks seemed to sink into the sea, and there was no movement after entering...

"Commander! The Zerg began to gather again and concentrated on attacking Shuitian Star!"

"Hold it! Even if the star destroyer and some weapons cannot be used, we must stop it! Send all carrier-based aircraft out!"


The Fifth Expeditionary Fleet responsible for supporting Shuitian Star immediately dispatched all carrier-based aircraft to block it. When powerful weapons such as star destroyers cannot be used, the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet can only choose this method to stop the Zerg...


The wormhole continued to expand. In just a few minutes, it expanded to the extent that it could accommodate twenty Yanhuang Stars. In the horrified eyes of everyone, a huge flesh and blood planet slowly emerged from it...

"Lord Luo Yikong, a huge planet appeared at the location you mentioned before, which is ten times the size of Yanhuang Star." Shuitian Star Commander Claire immediately contacted Luo Yikong through the communicator.

"I know... it is indeed a planet, but it is also the Overlord of the Zerg..." Luo Yikong looked up at the dark flesh and blood planet in the sky. The appearance of the Overlord of the Zerg was within Luo Yikong's expectations.

The right to launch the star destroyer cannons of the Tripartite Council was distributed to each fleet and each defensive planet, and those star destroyers generally belonged to the same combat system. Luo Yikong had long anticipated that the combat system of the Tripartite Council might be breached, so he specially arranged star destroyers in four locations, independent of the combat system of the Tripartite Council. When the combat system of the Tripartite Council was invaded and all the star destroyers could not be used, only the four star destroyers in Luo Yikong's hands could be used.

However, Luo Yikong knew that it was not time to use the star destroyer cannon yet, because the Zerg Overlord had a planetary defense shield that could withstand the attack of the star destroyer cannon...

The current situation is that No. 1 apparently invaded the combat system of the Tripartite Council, but the real situation is that No. 1 fell into the trap set by Ling and Bai Shaoqian and was temporarily restrained in the combat network of the Tripartite Council... This means that No. 1 cannot escape and cannot do anything next...

Luo Yikong is waiting at this moment, waiting for the key to turning defeat into victory, and that key determines the outcome of this battle... and the future of human civilization...

With the emergence of the huge Zerg planet, large swaths of Zerg emerged from the Zerg planet. Among those Zerg, a red mechanical eye full of technology attracted special attention, and that mechanical eye was on The third-level civilization battleship of the ninth expeditionary fleet was completely destroyed in the world of Asia.

At that moment, the third-level civilized warship instantly locked onto the human fleet. In the next second, a large number of lasers burst out. Even the energy defense shield of the human fleet was directly penetrated. In just a few seconds, something happened in the human fleet. After a series of explosions, all the battleships were destroyed, and no one survived...

"What on earth is that?" Luo Yikong was also a little uneasy. After all, he didn't know that the Zerg had this battleship, and he didn't know that just one battleship had wiped out more than 5,000 battleships of the Ninth Expeditionary Fleet. .

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