Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 396 Return to Moon Star

"Brother Luo Wang! I was admitted to the Expedition Fleet Academy of Guiyue Star!"

In a retro library somewhere in the sea city of Guiyue Star, a black-haired boy was sweeping the dust on the bookshelf, and at this time a girl ran in hurriedly and reported the news to the boy...

"Very good. Work hard, but the situation of those academies is not as good as before. Study hard when you enter, and don't follow those people to parade. Don't do unnecessary things, it will cause trouble!" The boy turned and looked at the girl, saying expressionlessly, and the girl was obviously used to the boy's expressionless look.

The boy was Luo Yikong. He had lived in Guiyue Star for more than 80 years as Luo Wang, although every 20 years, Luo Yikong would change his place of life.

The girl in front of Luo Yikong was called Jiang Ruoli. She liked to come to Luo Yikong's library to play since she was a child. After all, for this world that has developed to the third-level civilization, books can almost only be seen in museums, let alone a library? This place naturally attracted Jiang Ruoli's curiosity, and Luo Yikong also told Jiang Ruoli about the history and knowledge of this world in the past during work, and they have been together for sixteen years.

This library is not Luo Yikong's, but an old man's. The other party does not want robots to maintain this library, so Luo Yikong was successfully hired.

"Brother Luo Wang, why are you the same as my mother? My mother said the same thing to me today!" Jiang Ruoli stuck out his tongue and couldn't help complaining.

"Your mother is right. Those students of the Expedition Academy are young and energetic, and they do many things without considering the consequences. Although players can be resurrected, the human Xingjin Council can deprive them of their system and make them lose their power as players. Although it is not a death sentence, the system has been taken away and records have been left. After death, the consciousness cannot enter the virtual network for eternal life. Your mother is also for your own good."

"But brother Luo Wang, the new chairman of the Xingjin Council did some things too much, such as launching an invasion war against lower planes. We also developed from lower civilizations and have been invaded, so we hate this kind of behavior." Jiang Ruoli said with puffed cheeks, and it was obvious that she was not happy with the decisions of the Xingjin Council over the years.

"This world is not black and white, and every aspect of it is very complicated. In short, listen to me, study hard, and don't get involved."

"I know!" Jiang Ruoli hugged Luo Yikong's arm, shaking and acting coquettishly.

"It's so late, why don't you go back? Won't your mother come to call you for dinner?" Luo Yikong glanced out the window and found that it was already pitch black.

"I just want to tell you this good news as soon as possible. Brother Luo Wang, this is for you!" Jiang Ruoli took out a letter and handed it to Luo Yikong. The envelope was pink and looked very girly.

"People still write letters these days..."

"Hate it! Brother Luo Wang, don't open it!"

Seeing that Luo Yikong was about to open it, Jiang Ruoli stopped him, causing Luo Yikong's movements to freeze...

"Then I..."

"Go back and open it! Don't look at it now!" Jiang Ruoli warned with a red face, and Luo Yikong had no choice but to nod.

"Okay then! You should go back early too..."

"See you tomorrow, Brother Luo Wang!" Jiang Ruoli said, and turned around and left the library like he was escaping...

"Oh! Another little girl..." Luo Yikong heard Xuanyuan Luoying's resentful voice in his mind. Luo Yikong had long been accustomed to Xuanyuan Luoying's resentful behavior.

"Maybe it's an invitation to dinner? Don't think too much, I just treat her as my sister."

"Yes, yes, yes... Lord Shengshen and I believe in you..." At this time, Long Shen Consciousness interrupted with a look of excitement.

Luo Yikong was too lazy to explain, and directly opened the letter. The first sentence in it was to invite Luo Yikong to have dinner at the Red Rose Restaurant tomorrow...

"See! Just dinner..."

"Yes... It's still the Red Rose Restaurant... The famous couple restaurant on the entire Guiyue Star..." Xuanyuan Luoying's resentful voice came again.

"Maybe it's just a meal? Don't think too much..."

"Tsk! You're six hundred years older than others, how shameless!"

"Wait, someone seems to be at least 100,000 years older than me! Even more shameless!"


Luo Yikong mocked without hesitation, and this made Xuanyuan Luoying a little angry. The powerful telekinesis was activated instantly, and all the books on the surrounding bookshelves flew towards Luo Yikong, burying Luo Yikong in them...


A day on Guiyue Star has 30 hours, 18 hours during the day and 12 hours at night, so people living on Guiyue Star generally have two times. One time is the unified Yanhuang Star time, and the other time is the Guiyue Star time.

Luo Yikong was busy in the library until late at night before returning to his residence. Because of Xuanyuan Luoying, Luo Yikong worked for two more hours. Because Luo Yikong has hidden his identity and lives as Luo Wang, Luo Yikong often avoids using abilities beyond the player.

"Ying, if someone sees you using your abilities so casually, I'll have to move to another place." Luo Yikong complained to Xuanyuan Luoying as they walked home on the street. The latter also became sulky and completely ignored Luo Yikong.

In this era, people's tools can float freely in the air. Because of artificial intelligence navigation, there will be no collision accidents. It is very fast and safe. However, compared to using the means of transportation, Luo Yikong prefers the feeling of being down-to-earth. In the eyes of many people, Luo Yikong is similar to those antiques who can't adapt to the rapid changes of the times, but in fact they don't know that as long as Luo Yikong is willing, he can reach any corner of this world in an instant.

Many people in this world drive the extremely fast means of transportation, just to save time and get from one place to another. There are even some places where the means of transportation are not used, and they can be reached instantly through the civilian space gate. Maybe for other people, wasting time on the road is meaningless, but for Luo Yikong, this is not a waste of time, but an experience of life. Luo Yikong's life is really too long, so long that there is almost no concept of wasting time in Luo Yikong's life. For the Daotian world, Luo Yikong's life is completely bound to this world, almost infinite.

Unlike many people, Luo Yikong is experiencing the world and landscape of that second every moment... But time is still so fast for Luo Yikong... Six hundred years seem to be just yesterday...

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