Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 465 The Last Star

"There is no life within 100 light years, not even a shining star."

An hour later, Zero's projection appeared in front of everyone to report, and everyone had no doubts about Dawn's exploration system. Under Zero's control, Dawn can even scan a tiny ant within 100 light-years, or even a parasite under a microscope.

"Don't waste your efforts... Most places in this world are already dead silent. This world is almost dead. There are no conditions for the birth of life anymore." Xuanyuan Luoying's voice came from her mind. In this world, there are still There are too few burning stars. Perhaps only near those stars that are still burning, the remaining weak civilizations are still lingering.

Luo Yikong looked at the dark starry sky and the universe. Those stars no longer shined...

"I have already told you the star map route to the Emperor Star Universe through the barrier world. There is nothing in this world worth studying or cherishing..."

"Okay! Zero... follow the route I set and make multiple space jumps!"


After hearing Luo Yikong's order, Zero immediately began to control the Dawn to perform multiple space jumps. The Dawn's hull began to glow with a faint white light, and then the next second the light flashed, the Dawn disappeared into the star field, and the star field returned to darkness.

For the Dawn, a battleship that concentrates the technological crystallization of the fourth-level human civilization, in just a blink of an eye, the battleship has already covered a distance of tens of thousands of light-years, and this distance is reached in an instant. If there was no star gate, For a third-level human civilization that relies solely on faster-than-light navigation, it is completely unimaginable. This also reflects that human civilization has entered the introductory stage of research on space technology.

"It's still dead silence here..." Long Yunxi looked at the cold planet in front of him that had split in half. Everything here seemed so desperate.

The parent star of this galaxy has stopped burning, leaving only a small star core that no longer shines and heats...

The entire universe has died, no light can be seen, no heat can be felt, giving Long Yunxi an indescribable sense of despair and oppression...

Even Ji Xueer's face no longer had the anticipation and smile for the unknown journey...

"Will our world be like this one day?" Ji Xueer asked Luo Yikong beside her, and the latter nodded.


"Zero, if one day we have to face all this, is there any way to save the world?" Ji Xueer tried to ask Zero, the artificial intelligence at the top of human civilization today, to find the answer.

Faced with Ji Xueer's question, Zero shook his head after analyzing and calculating...

"People cannot be resurrected after death, and the same is true for the universe. If one day our world also faces this situation, there is nothing we can do." Zero replied calmly. The history of human beings is still too short for the universe. In Zero's view, the universe The countdown to destruction is already an eternity for human civilization.

"You don't have to worry about these things. The history of human beings is too short, and the life of the universe is too long." No. 2 said with a carefree smile. In his opinion, human beings just think about superfluous things. Even those things It’s still a little too early for human civilization as a whole.

"Second jump coming soon!"

Zero's voice came, and the Dawn's hull began to glow with light, and then the light flashed and disappeared...

After each space jump of Dawn, it needs to wait for about thirty seconds before it can jump again. Dawn continued to make space jumps according to the predicted star map route. After crossing a distance of approximately 200,000 light-years, Dawn suddenly stopped.

" light!"

Ji Xueer pointed forward and shouted. Luo Yikong looked in the direction Ji Xueer pointed and saw a tiny point of light in the dark universe ahead...

"That is a star that is still burning, and there are many signals around the star... It is about 0.1 light-years away from us." Zero reported to Luo Yikong, and the signals around the star mean There is civilization out there.

"Zero, sail at the speed of light! Let's rush over!" Luo Yikong originally wanted to jump directly in space, but Xuanyuan Luoying said that this dying universe is filled with low-level civilizations that cannot leave, and space jumps are obvious It would make those civilizations wary, so Luo Yikong simply changed to faster-than-light sailing.

Dawn entered a state of acceleration, and the surrounding planets began to become blurred, while the light spot in front became larger and larger, and the light became stronger and stronger...

After traveling at faster than light speed for half an hour, the Dawn began to slow down and entered a gliding state. After all, although lower civilizations also possess the technology of traveling at faster than light speed, they are not as advanced as the Dawn. A little bit faster than the speed of light is also super-light speed, and a hundred times faster than the speed of light is also super-light speed.

While gliding, the Dawn gradually slowed down to twice the speed of light, then to sub-light speed...until it dropped to normal sailing speed...

Dazzling light shone from the front, and what Luo Yikong saw was a huge fireball with rolling flames, and in the middle orbit of the fireball, there was a huge man-made star ring...

Luo Yikong originally thought that the star ring was extracting the energy of the star, but after a closer look, the star ring seemed to be continuously releasing something into the star...

"That is a star that has entered its old age, and now it has become a red giant..." Ling said with a little regret. After all, it was not easy to find a star, and it was about to die...

Luo Yikong looked around the star ring and found that there were many spaceships and warships of various shapes around the star ring, some of which were large and some were small. The Dawn was equivalent to those spaceships and warships, and its size was only medium.

"The other party sent a signal..." Ling immediately decoded the received signal and played it in the human language of the Daotian world.

"New traveler, welcome to the last place in the world where residual heat exists. If you just want to replenish energy, we will provide you with energy. If you want to stay, then cast your share of energy to that star! It doesn't matter if there is no energy. After all, this world is about to end, isn't it?"

Luo Yikong was also stunned when he heard this voice broadcast. This was also the first time he faced such a friendly alien. However, this world was about to end, and there was no need to make a big move for development and resources. Isn't it a kind of despair revealed in that voice...

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