Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 485: The portal is broken

"So what can you do to help us now?" Luo Yikong frowned slightly and asked looking at Luo Yiling's projection.

"Do you still remember that before the Shenchuang Star expedition, our fleet once carried out a recombinant attack on a galaxy in your Daotian world? Those lives that were wiped out are our most effective helpers." Luo Yiling pretended to be mysterious. Said, and the power of reorganizing life is something that many people dare not imagine at all.

"What's the meaning?"

"You will know when the time comes. But now that woman is crazy. She has absorbed the spiritual bodies of all the Emperor Star people on the Shenchuang Star and used it to strengthen herself. In the final analysis, the entire Shenchuang Star is a huge amplifier. The woman's mental power and mental power are infinitely amplified. The result of this is that the powerful mental power can distort reality. See the huge black hole outside! A conventional black hole cannot cause harm to our fleet. In the final analysis, that black hole It’s not a black hole at all, but the center where that woman’s powerful mental and telekinetic power wreaks havoc.”

"How many times can a divine creation star amplify her mental power?" No. 2 couldn't help but ask. The mental power and telekinesis can distort reality and form a vortex center similar to a black hole. How powerful is this? It's not at all The point that living things can reach.

"How many times... This must be followed by a series of numbers that you can't even see the end of! This is also the reason why Shenchuang Star can sweep across the entire sixth-level civilized world. Even during the years when Xuanyuan Luoying was sleeping, the technology had just broken through to level seven. At the level 1 civilization stage, this Divine Creation Star is also a powerful weapon, and it also has a great restraint effect on the virtual race. Otherwise, with the Emperor Star Civilization that has just reached the level 7 civilization, my fleet can directly sweep over."

"Where is she? Lead the way!" Luo Yikong looked at Luo Yiling's projection and said directly. The current situation is that if either the Virtual God or the Emperor Star Civilization fails, the Daotian world will face being enslaved or destroyed. crisis. If time drags on any longer, once the virtual race fleet is completely destroyed, the Daotian world will inevitably become a barrier world for the Emperor Star civilization, or become its slave. Such a tragic ending is unacceptable to Luo Yikong.

"No problem, just follow me!"

Luo Yiling walked in front, and Geng followed behind Luo Yiling, heading towards the depths of the palace. Deep in the palace, the place behind the throne was replaced by a huge ring.

"what is that?"

"It's just a portal, but it has been closed." Luo Yiling explained. At the same time, she jumped onto the throne, stretched out her hand and knocked on the ring behind her. The ring looked like it was carved from stone. .

"So how do we activate this thing?"

Today's Divine Creation Star is completely controlled by Xuanyuan Luoying, so outsiders will not be allowed to enter easily. Only Xuanyuan Luoying can open this portal. But since Luo Yiling brought Luo Yikong here, there must be a solution.

"That woman has been parasitic on your body for a long time, which means that your spiritual body may also be able to open this portal."

"Why does this method sound a bit unreliable?" Luo Yikong cast a skeptical look. After all, for a high-tech product like the portal, the possibility of misjudgment is almost non-existent. Although Luo Yikong's mental body is different from the Xuanyuan Luoying is similar, but as long as it is not Xuanyuan Luoying, it cannot be successfully identified.

"With some of my methods, it is still possible to succeed." Luo Yiling's projection ran in front of Luo Yikong, which immediately aroused the vigilance of the people around him. Long Yunxi and Ji Xueer blocked Luo Yiling's front directly. , prohibiting her from getting closer to Luo Yikong.

"There is no need to be so nervous. After all, I am his sister. I have a closer relationship with him than any of you. No matter what happens, we are still allies, right?" Luo Yiling smiled slightly, but Long Yunxi and Ji Xueer Still has no intention of retreating. Now that most of Luo Yikong's power is restricted, it is too easy for Luo Yiling to kill Luo Yikong.

"Let her come over!"

Luo Yikong said coldly, and at the same time walked out of the protection of Long Yunxi and Ji Xueer...


"Luo Yikong!"

Luo Yiling grabbed Luo Yikong's hand, led Luo Yikong to jump in front of the portal, and pressed Luo Yikong's hand on the stone ring...


A dazzling light burst out from the portal. Just when everyone thought it was successful, the portal suddenly exploded and exploded into countless fragments that flew everywhere...

Although Luo Yiling is a projection, she also possesses a certain degree of fighting power. The moment the portal exploded, she waved her hand and smashed the rocks flying towards Luo Yikong, otherwise Luo Yikong would have been shot in the head by the stone... …

"That woman sensed that someone wanted to open the portal, so she destroyed the portal!" Luo Yiling's face suddenly turned gloomy, but fortunately, this palace was where Xuanyuan Luoying worked and rested, so there was no defense. system, otherwise the moment the portal explodes, everyone present will be hit by the defense system.

"Is there any other route?" No. 2 asked weakly.

"Unfortunately, not for the time being! But I also have a hand in reserve!" Luo Yiling turned around and looked at everyone. The moment the portal just opened and before it exploded, she released a micro-drone and entered the place in advance. They have explored the path in the space, and the virtual tribe has a technology, which is virtualization.

"Then what other methods do you have?"

"It depends on whether you are willing to accept this method. I can attack you through the recombiner, convert you into data, and then release you through the micro-drone I left inside." Luo Yiling explained, and after hearing Luo Yiling's explanation, No. 2 on the side immediately scanned Luo Yiling and found that there was a micro-drone 10 times smaller than a fly on Luo Yiling's head, and this projection of Luo Yiling was released by the micro-drone and had a physical body. Such technology is no longer a simple projection technology, and it has reached a level that No. 2 could not imagine.

No. 2 looked at Luo Yikong on the side. Even though Luo Yikong was now greatly suppressed, when Luo Yiling appeared, Luo Yikong still recognized it as a projection.

"A recombiner attack? What if we die?"

"That's right, even if we don't die, won't you be at your mercy?"

Hearing Luo Yiling's plan, Ji Xueer and Long Yunxi directly opposed it...

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