Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 521 Arriving at the Canghuang World

"We will arrive at the Canghuang plane world in 10 seconds..."

A little light appeared at the end of the pitch-black passage ahead, and that light continued to expand until it occupied everyone's field of vision...


There was a slight vibration from the ship's hull, and then it entered a state of deceleration and exited the super-light speed navigation state...


Luo Yikong stared at the huge red star in front of him. The mass and size of that star were similar to the parent star of the Yanhuang Galaxy.

After the Hengling fleet arrived, the Hengling immediately began a large-scale scan centered on itself...


"What's wrong?" Luo Yikong looked at Ling's projection and saw that her expression was a little strange...

"Nothing... I just found multiple life planets nearby, and there may be civilizations on them... But something is strange. The free energy in this world is too abundant, causing some abnormalities in the normal life of this world." Zero explained. Dao, even though she had been prepared, the scanned data still surprised her artificial intelligence.

"It is recommended that you land outside the orbit of the planet. Don't get too close to the living planet. You will be discovered. Although they do not have a fleet as powerful as yours, they are still enough to pose a threat to you." Xuanyuan Luoying warned, in fact She asked Luo Yikong and the others to come to this transit world for another purpose, and that was to heal their wounds.

Xuanyuan Luoying's spiritual consciousness was severely damaged by the Dragon God, and it would take at least hundreds or thousands of years to recover. Xuanyuan Luoying could not wait that long. There is a special energy vein in this world, and the ore produced is full of the energy essence of this world, and the energy essence in this ore is very easy and gentle to absorb, and can be used to heal injuries. With the support of those ores, Xuanyuan Luoying can reduce the original recovery time of hundreds and thousands of years to about a few decades.

This world is located on the edge of the virtual world and is managed by the dream civilization of the virtual world. Every hundred years, the top management of this world will provide a large amount of energy ore to the seventh-level dream civilization, about 80% of the hundred-year production. Only 20% can they use themselves. If a weak civilization wants to survive, this is the price they must pay. Otherwise, how could a resource-rich world exist forever? Even the Emperor Star Civilization of Xuanyuan Luoying would not be able to watch it.

"Are you saying that the scope of civilized activities in this world is limited to a few planets in this galaxy?" Luo Yikong looked at Xuanyuan Luoying in disbelief, and the latter nodded.

According to what Xuanyuan Luoying said, those whose activities cannot be separated from this galaxy are basically a first-level civilization, or even lower. How could such a civilization pose a threat to their fleet? But even though he was doubtful, Luo Yikong decided to follow Xuanyuan Luoying's suggestion.

"Since their activities are limited to this galaxy, can't we just leave this galaxy and drain out a few stars and leave?"

"No, no, there is a seventh-level civilization watching here. This move of yours will undoubtedly pluck the tiger's hair, unless you want to be hunted down by another seventh-level civilization. The Dream Mirror Civilization has limited the world's technology with their technology. Development has caused the technology of this world to develop in an abnormal direction. On the other hand, outside this galaxy, they have spread a layer of mist. It is that mist that limits their vision and world, and can only be limited to Well. I won't let your fleet be exposed. On the one hand, I don't want you to attract the attention of that civilization. On the other hand, there are many freaks in this world. If you don't keep it together, there will really be freaks who can blow up your fourth-level civilization warship. "Xuanyuan Luoying said with a faint smile, but Luo Yikong was confused. It is impossible for even ordinary biological weapons to destroy a level 4 civilized warship with one punch. If humans want to reach this level, they must at least reach level 50,000. The above can be said to be god-level combat power in the lower world.

"But how do we replenish our energy? This time we have to replenish at least the energy of three Yanhuang parent stars. Can those tiny planets bear it?" Luo Yikong was a little confused. After all, such a huge energy replenishment, It cannot be solved by one or two planets.

"There is a kind of ore on that planet. That kind of ore is actually the compressed energy crystal of the previous civilization, which is enough for you to replenish the entire fleet. Although this world is very energy-rich, that crystal only exists on a few planets in the entire galaxy. Because of this, there are so many freaks in this place. Fortunately, civilization has developed abnormally. If there were no restrictions from the Dream Mirror Civilization, this world would have become one of the most powerful civilizations in the virtual world within a thousand years. "

"Aren't they afraid that their bodies won't be able to bear such a huge amount of energy when they enter their bodies?" Luo Yikong knows that the size of the bottle determines how much water it can hold, otherwise it will burst. Luo Yikong can accept the injection of huge energy. On the one hand, he is It is not a problem for the body of the virus to burst out and devour the entire planet. On the other hand, under the authority of the administrator system, Luo Yikong himself is the incarnation of the Daotian world. As the saying goes, the sea embraces all rivers, but Luo Yikong is a world.

"So their civilization has developed abnormally. The civilization of this world advocates personal force, rather than the rapid development of scientific and technological civilization, which leads to a weird feeling that the whole world looks very primitive, but very developed. Their technology is enough to maximize the potential of individuals, reaching a level that many creatures cannot reach or even imagine. You should know that the people of my Dixing civilization have extremely strong mental and telekinetic power! That's because the development of civilization has led to the transformation of the race. In that world, those with strong bodies can fight against the Zerg of the Dead Blood Civilization and the steel bodies of the Mechanical Civilization, and those with strong mental power can not only kill people with their minds, but also have various special abilities, similar to the few superpowers in your Daotian world whose brains have been developed to a certain extent. In view of their own strength, they have also created many combat skills to maximize their own strength."

"I see, I would like to see it." Luo Yikong couldn't help but feel a little moved. What would happen if this world was integrated into the Daotian world? The powerful development of science and technology plus the powerful combat power of individuals, as well as sufficient energy resources, would simply be like adding wings to a tiger. Unfortunately, there is a level seven civilization watching this world from behind. Although Luo Yikong now has Xuanyuan Luoying's Emperor Star Civilization, Xuanyuan Luoying will definitely not fight to the death with a level seven civilization for the sake of a Daotian world.

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